Sentences with phrase «like omnipotence»

Having four people playing a Super Mario game, with a fifth intervening with a sort of god - like omnipotence, was amazingly chaotic, but also immensely hilarious.
Well, it may provide some of us with a feeling of God - like omnipotence to feed the birds in winter, but the face of God that is reflected in Jesus» teaching from the mountain is not that of a kindly Feeder of Birds.
Like omnipotence, immortality is a theological mistake.

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if the Christian god had all the omnipotence his followers proclaimed, he would have designed our brains more like sheep or lemmings, rather than giving us smart inquisitive minds that look for proof... and then not give us any proof.
However, our discussion and defense of Plantinga has shown that, when worked out coherently, the classical theist must affirm a notion of omnipotence practically identical to that of the process theist — i.e., our discussion demonstrates that the classical theist must, like the process theist, acknowledge that human freedom places necessary limits upon God's power in both the moral and natural realms.
15 With all these caveats against unqualified omnipotence being laid down like stepping stones to a new horizon of view, Origen finally arrived at a provocative conclusion: «we must maintain that even the power of God is finite, and we must not, under pretext of praising him, lose sight of his limitations.»
Certainly the Christian life which the Church has to mediate is not a ghetto - like idyll carefully safeguarded and cultivated in the margin of the rest of life, solely in the gentle inwardness of conscience or in the respectable Sunday churchgoing of a family seen as the last oasis in the omnipotence of a pitiless new age.
Free will taken in context with everything else espoused by Christianity, including the omniscience and omnipotence of God, really feels like every person is a pre-written program.
So long as there are those who identify God with some one - sided abstraction like infinity; absoluteness, or worst of all omnipotence (not even a self - consistent abstraction), we shall need the help both of more balanced theists and of nontheists to counteract these more subtle and intellectual forms of idolatry.
Doesn't seem like a loving holy wonderful plan to me considering the omnipotence of their god.
The Muslim philosophers do not omit the Quranic attributes of God such as omnipotence, omniscience, justice, generosity, and the like, but they interpret them philosophically or explain them away.
Given these strong objections, process theologians, more that most others, are motivated to test the widespread assumption that whether one likes it or not, one must recognize omnipotence as a characteristic of the biblical God.
We seek an omnipotence that is like the powers of the world, raised to an ultimate degree, but in Jesus Christ God's power is made perfect in weakness.
God is one entity, which is manifested as omniscience, omnipotence, power, will, and the like.
Like Ockham, Luther emphasises God's omnipotence and freedom as being in opposition to man and rejected a universal human nature.
And it is the omnipotence of the love which is so resolved that it is able to accomplish its purpose... This is the God as he stands upon the earth, like unto the humblest by the power of his omnipotent love.15
We can not identify him by referring to some formal characteristic like righteousness or love (for everything depends upon the particular concrete meaning of such a term: other «Gods» have been thought of as loving and righteous, not to mention omnipotence, omniscience, and the rest).
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