Sentences with phrase «like oracle»

Sorry for sounding like the oracle.
They speak like the oracle of Delphi — their formulations are intentionally vague.
Like the oracle itself, the exhibition presents a series of coded messages that address a future that is both hard to discern and right under our feet, like a road.
In its present form this passage has been linked up rather awkwardly in a general series of events presaging the end of the world, but it may well once have been an independent oracle on the approaching doom of Jerusalem like that oracle which, Eusebius (H.E. III 5,3.)

Not exact matches

One of the things Buffett likes to remind audiences of is that when he was growing up — long before Dad became America's economic oracle, adviser to Presidents and writer of op - eds reassuring a depressed nation that all is not lost — his father was a supremely successful but largely anonymous investor.
Like everyone else, we look to Google Analytics as an oracle, but there's only so much divination you can pull out of a dashboard.
The Fed's efforts to communicate more openly with the public should be lauded, and it is only natural that there would be some growing pains in the transition from the Greenspanian days of oracle - like policymaking.
While there are decentralized oracle services in development like ChainLink and Augur, if you want a tested and working solution, you are currently limited to the centralized ones like Oraclize.
Rather than trusting the scriptural oracles of God (which, in Paul's view, point to Christ and the church), they have slid away into unfaithfulness just like the gentiles.
They are immediately followed by a divine oracle uttered by Hosea in which Israel is rebuked by God for the superficial character of her penitence and for her belated profession of cupboard - love loyalty which could be displayed when it suited Israel, but which could also vanish quickly «like the morning mist».
I want vardy badly... need a «unpredictable» cf who defenders will be afraid of not «Mr hold - up play» all that twitter whatever is bs... I'm pretty sure, we wld have been on his case for a long tym b4 any silly newspaper / reliable source wld know... Wenger likes his business done privately and will only give out wat he wants out... remember Sanchez, elneny, even xhaka... their photo - ops were done in London but no 1 will knw they r in london... it would have been a surprise when we announced xhaka if not for his wife and I'm pretty sure Wenger was pissed... even xhaka said he had to keep it quiet... Im still waiting for d supposed «oracle» in bbc... he's been unreliable this past few days... that tells u how secretive arsenal is... y have Leicester not said anything????
He said (quote): we missed something.Team played 5 games in two weeks time -LSB-...] I can give you the link for the video because clearly you didn't listened to it and take whatever retards like leo say as the oracle of EPL.
And when he was judged by the Delphic oracle to be the wisest man in Greece, this must have needled the ignoramuses in Athens a lot — I mean the people who liked displaying what they took to be their intelligence.
If this makes you think that the mighty oracle of Google can be easily manipulated, keep in mind that Googlebombs are vastly more effective with unusual search phrases, like «miserable failure.»
I usually like to cozy up with my journal, light a candle, pick an oracle or tarot card for the next cycle, and do a small burning ceremony, but your ritual might look completely different.
This powerful reading is like a trusted friend, guidance counselor, and oracle all in one.
Who knows, they might suprise us like Capcom did with Oracles and Minish Cap.
If they want girls there are many others like the kinght from twilight princess or the witch from oracle of seasons
In the portfolio, the actors assembled on the cover are set free to pose as themselves: screwball triple threat Emma Stone gave what Diehl terms «Annie Hall realness»; Elle Fanning in Valentino was at her Boticelli best; this year's breakout red carpet oracle Ruth Negga wears a dress by zany - brainy Celine; Greta Gerwig like a windswept Truffaut ingénue in «that fabulous The Row coat with some brogues on,» Diehl said; and actor's actor Amy Adams in a marabou - trimmed Prada, like a rosier Sunset Boulevard, among others.
Although included in Richard Posner's recent list of six hundred prominent public intellectuals, Illich has lost almost all of the stature that once led the New York Review of Books, and even some mainstream publications like the Saturday Review, to treat him as a modern - day oracle.
It's almost like a religion: General Motors held aloft the oracle of OnStar and wandered in the Tech - Before - Its - Time desert for decades, preaching the gospel of automatic crash notification — all while the company ran through OnStar leaders who grew disgruntled, left, and wrote tell - all books.
The Curse of Deadman's Forest is the second book in the Oracles of Delphi Keep — a series with all the timeless charm of classics like the Chronicles of Narnia and all the action - packed adventure of a modern middle - grade blockbuster.
Oracles you may be less familiar with; they're tools used for divination, like... Read more →
From the oracles of ancient Rome to modern shows like Doomsday Preppers, history is littered with failed predictions about The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI, in prepper parlance).
On the surface, it might seem like a gross oversimplification of his work, but there's actually much to learn from «the oracle» and those two simple but not easy rules.
Moosh, one of Links animal friends from the Oracles games, looks like your standard, friendly grizzly, but he has two tiny wings on his back.
That includes games like the colorful, hyper - kinetic Slam City Oracles, the one - on - one struggle for a deadly weapon Nothing Good Can Come Of This, and Star Versus, a new space - battle game that debuted on a homemade Nintendo cartridge before being ported over to an arcade cabinet.
For her contribution to the show, she has created a series of performative environments where aides clad in fantastical pagan costumes enlist visitors in performing strange rites under the auspices of a green papier - mâché «oracle» (it looks like a cross between a plant and a dead bunny) that supposedly reveals the future.
In The Riddle (2017)-- a rift on Jean - Auguste - Dominique Ingres's Oedipus and Sphinx (1808 — 27)-- she queries the winged oracle while holding a lance - like brush.
In The Riddle (2017)-- a riff on Jean - Auguste - Dominique Ingres's Oedipus and Sphinx (1808 — 27)-- she queries the winged oracle while holding a lance - like brush.
LONDON — The whistle - blower Christopher Wylie held a roomful of British lawmakers rapt for three and a half hours on Tuesday, like a pink - haired, nose - ringed oracle sent from the future to explain data.
SmartContract has plans to use another oracle to pull data from credit ratings agencies like Standard & Poor.
If the math checks out like he thinks it does, these could effectively realize trustless oracle systems, arguably offering a superior (being simpler) alternative to the bulk of advanced smart contracts.
In other words, knowing what the oracle's potential signatures will «look like,» Alice and Bob can construct their payment channels such that the two different potential signatures can be used to validate two different channel states: one where Alice gets two bitcoins and one where Bob gets them.
PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: * Around thirteen years of experience in Database Administration operations on Oracle 12c, oracle 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i on various platforms like HP - UX, SUN SOLARIS, AIX, Red Hat Linux, Windows NT and VMware.
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