Sentences with phrase «like parvovirus»

The health of these pups is likely to suffer as not only can they get skin conditions and terrible diseases like parvovirus as a result of the awful conditions, but to save money puppy farmers will not health test their dogs.
Young puppies, just like any young mammals, are less equipped to fight off a strong and invasive virus like the parvovirus simply because their immune systems are less developed and not as strong.
Diseases like parvovirus can be present on cement or dirt where other dogs have walked.
â $ œClinically it looks like parvovirus so they send it to us.
There is no mention of a confirmatory test being performed, and there are other diseases that can look very much like parvovirus: cryptosporidium is one such parasite that can cause similar signs.
Plasma contains antibodies, which makes it useful in treating infectious diseases like parvovirus.
Some of the most common in the past were parasites, allergies, viruses like parvovirus, bacterial infection, poisons, and the ingestion of garbage and trash.
It's evolved to be able to react to pathogens in such a way that most dogs in a population survive even dangerous, deadly diseases like parvovirus.
Differences in microbiomes help explain why some dogs exposed to diseases like parvovirus, distemper, leptospirosis, Lyme disease, canine flu, heartworm, or kennel cough get sick while others remain symptom - free.
Under - vaccination puts the puppies at risk of controllable diseases like parvovirus or distemper.
Addition of an unnecessary antigen to the vaccination protocol will result in a lesser immunity to the important diseases like parvovirus and distemper, and increase the risk of adverse reactions.
Answer: Lots of things actually: kidney disease is probably at the top of the list, but cancer, diabetes, severe intestinal parasites (worms), gastrointestinal virus (like parvovirus - puppies usually), hyperthyroidism (cats), Addison's disease, etc etc..
Eric Goebelbecker interviewed founder Ariana Kincaid who has wisely put together a program where local businesses, experienced dog trainers, and families with puppies can work together to provide safe environments for puppy socialization and also help lessen the natural fears pet parents have of diseases like parvovirus.
Except puppies are not exposed to measles and mumps, they are exposed to viruses like parvovirus and distemper virus.
3) Make sure your dog's vaccinations are current to reduce the likelihood of contracting or spreading diseases like parvovirus, leptospirosis, kennel cough and more.
Specifically, the settlement requires Barkworks to disclose that its puppies may become sick with diseases like parvovirus and heart disease, and that it does not inspect the breeding facilities where the puppies originate.
Intestinal parasites, contagious diseases like parvovirus, bacterial infection, diarrhea, vomiting and intestinal blockage can cause a puppy to be too thin.
Designated infectious disease zones to treat animals with highly infectious diseases like parvovirus and panleukopenia.
Critical health issues such as severe dehydration, broken bones, or canine diseases like parvovirus may require extensive diagnostics, fluid therapy, or overnight stays.
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