Sentences with phrase «like passenger pigeons»

Band - tailed pigeons nest in trees like passenger pigeons did, but do not nest in tight communities.
Band - tailed pigeons nest in trees like passenger pigeons did, but do not nest in tight communities.
Like the passenger pigeon, it once darkened the skies with huge flocks but now is only seen occasionally, he laments.
Novel cell technologies could bring endangered animals back from the brink — and maybe even revive long gone species like the passenger pigeon
Although the bird above doesn't look exactly like a passenger pigeon, it is de-extinction success.
The premise of the film is in the future, smart people have vanished like the passenger pigeon or the great auk.
Could this emerging science bring back species that have gone extinct like the passenger pigeon?
Although the bird above doesn't look exactly like a passenger pigeon, it is de-extinction success.

Not exact matches

It consisted of 10 - foot - tall steel pieces commemorating birds that are now extinct, like the dodo and the passenger pigeon.
Regardless, the genetic sleuthing in the case of the missing passenger pigeon gives hope that waiting in museum drawers lies a rich repository of genetic information about species both extinct and living, and all of it accessible from small samples like a toe pad.
This mismatch between these numbers and 1880 estimates of at least three billion suggests that the passenger pigeon may have been what is known to ecologists as an «outbreak» species, like locusts, that boom and bust with changes in conditions, rather than a species that experiences a singular population explosion, as Homo sapiens has in the last 200 years.
Find samples, like the mummified passenger pigeon discovered recently in a museum desk drawer, and collect its DNA.
A passenger pigeon that hits that forest again is going to be like a middle - aged guy who really wants to go back to high school and then he gets back there and he's like, «Whoa I don't fit in anymore.
Our team would like to be able to research passenger pigeon genes for de-extinction while primordial germ cell cultures are developed, and an Australian team has developed an effective way of bypassing cell cultures for engineering birds by going directly to the primordial germ cells in the embryo.
The goal is that the hybrid genome produces a bird that not only carries the genetic legacy of an extinct species, but looks and behaves like extinct passenger pigeons.
And I'm also an avid pigeon lover like the dodo or the passenger pigeon.
The mission of Revive and Restore: preserve and conserve endemic and endangered species, like the American black footed ferret, but also to try to revive the some extinct breeds such as the passenger pigeon, the woolly mammoth, or even our Dodo using new biotechnologies.
The passenger pigeons were like fire — good for the woods.
An epic of life and death on a scale of billions... The world has never seen anything like the abundance and crash of the passenger pigeon.
Across the great American prairie, the skies were nearly black with Passenger Pigeons whose disappearance, like the buffalo's, was thought to be inconceivable.
When the passenger pigeon became extinct the excuse was «there were so many of them that we didn't think they could all be killed» or something like that and that was about 1904.
The passenger pigeons were like fire — good for the woods.
And out of those eggs will emerge passenger pigeons — or at least birds that are a lot like the way passenger pigeons used to be.
Once the scientists have created a passenger pigeon - like genome, they will insert this altered DNA into reproductive cells in band - tailed pigeon embryos.
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