Sentences with phrase «like pesto»

I would never have believed it if I hadn't tried it myself, but pesto without cheese tastes almost exactly like pesto with cheese.
For a thicker sauce that's more like pesto, use less liquid.
Can be enjoyed with tortilla chips or used like pesto in a sandwich.
Spinach works for the arugula too if he'd like the pesto even more mild.
Some people like their pesto a little coarse but since my family like it smooth I made a smooth pesto.
I was intrigued by this recipe although I had difficulty imagining how it would taste anything like a pesto sauce.
If something like pesto is frozen in a thin enough layer, you can just snap it off and fold it into your bowl of pasta.
I don't care what people say, tilapia is one of my favorite kinds of finned fish, and it takes to strong flavors like pesto SO well.
Eating dishes like her pesto pasta spirals, sugar free desserts and flavourful quinoa salad ensure that your body avoids acidity, which causes various diseases, including cancer.
Add your favorite garnishes like pesto on each serving!
Heat the soup on the stove until ready to eat and add your favorite garnishes like pesto, nuts and a drizzle of olive oil!
I usually use quinoa in savory dishes like pesto quinoa stuffed tomatoes, cilantro lime quinoa, or southwestern quinoa bowls, and this sweeter summery version is just as delicious!
I recommend making chimichurri, a South American condiment like pesto, that is made with parsley, garlic, oil and vinegar, which is terrific with steak.
Mazzah This traditional Afgahn sauce looks like pesto and tastes like a chutney.
Sort of like a smooth rigatoni with slightly thinner walls, paccheri works well with a light sauce like pesto, or one made from flaked tuna, capers, and tomato.
Some previous faves have been basil pesto (obvs because are you even a student if you don't like pesto??)
i added minced crystalized ginger chopped mango, pineapple and red pepper... no blender step as that purees everything like a pesto... just tossed and served at room temp... note the coconut toasts quickly Great side dish for crowd in summer!
If you're going to be blending yummy things like pesto often, I'd highly recommend you invest in an awesome Vitamix, a Blendtec, or a great food processor.
I also like pesto made with spinach, fava bean tendrils, or broccoli rabe.
I don't normally like pesto (I hated it growing up and have only recently come around since I discovered it can be made raw and dairy free with nuts), but it looked good and so I just went with it.
When I serve them as the main entree I usually pair it with a starch like pesto pasta or some sort of potato.
Don't get me wrong, I love cilantro pesto but I feel like this pesto is more neutral and will complement anything else you might make for a get - together.
Yogurt provides tang, creaminess, and protein — a few spoonfuls plus some savory additions like pesto, toasted seeds, or chili flakes make a meal.
And in the Springtime, there is nothing like a pesto pizza smothered with arugula and sun dried tomatoes!
If anyone else really likes the pesto cavatappi, simply substitute pesto for marinara and omit the crushed red pepper.
Liked this pesto chicken pasta and looking for more 30 minute weeknight pasta recipes?
With zucchini and summer squash only in season for a few short weeks, make the most of them with meals like this Pesto Summer Squash Bruschetta with Poached Eggs from Naturally Ella.
This genius idea from The Mom 100 groups great green munchies like pesto pasta, broccoli, and grapes (Psst!
I would like some pesto on that bruschetta though.
I'm lucky, because the green farmers market I go to has many fresh, raw condiments like pesto, salsa, mustard, horseradish, tapenade etc..
This looks like pesto but it's kale puréed with good evoo & garlic.
Orzo works well in light pasta salads, while small shapes like trofie, strozzapreti and fusilli are great with light sauces like pesto.
Can you suggest anything else for the chickpeas (like a pesto?)
Blend until smooth (or as smooth as you like your pesto; I like mine with a bit texture) then add the salt and stir that in.
If you like your pesto on the thicker side add less oil, and on the thinner side add more.
Depending on how oily you like your pesto, add more / less oil, but i usually do a half cup.
You can use more in this recipe if you like, I like my pesto very garlicky.
And growing your own will pay huge dividends at checkout if you like pesto as much as we do.
Hmm, I liked the pesto and I definitely added mozzarella.
The sauce can also be used as a sandwich spread or stirred, like pesto, into hot pasta.
Like a pesto or a chutney.
I like the pesto idea from the previous cook, will try next time.
Also see this Spinach and pea pesto from the blogger Tinned Tomatoes — if you like pesto, you'll like this one.
I like pesto, but i never do it with hemp seed hulled!
Hummus is like pesto.
I like my pesto nice and garlicky, so I used about four cloves of garlic.
Sauces, Dips, Spreads, Dressings — like pesto, miso tahini, avocado green sauce (something like avocado, mixed greens, herbs and spices, lemon juice, olive oil)
I like my pestos hardy and thick, but if you wish to thin it out, add an additional tablespoon of olive oil or more.
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