Sentences with phrase «like plague»

Sugar daddy dating can bring you in contact with gentlemen who all ladies should avoid like the plague.
Avoid such suggestions like a plague.
Message me to find out more about me... I know the type of people I want to surround myself with and avoid negativity like the plague.
I have been avoiding Civil War II and its countless tie - ins like the plague so I almost overlooked this one.
Sleeveless I avoid like the plague, because they do the opposite: slim my shoulders and make me look like a very out - of - balance triangle.
It has been stated above that you should be avoiding a brush like the plague and only using a comb.
Of course as a strawberry blond I have avoided warm reds and oranges like the plague!
I tend to avoid them like the plague.
I used to stay away from them like the plague, but the right shade or finish can look so pretty, not pink eyed.
Luckily I was able to avoid Facebook and Twitter like the plague after the season 3 finale aired.
Every spring we see a deluge of purple makeup hit counters, and every year women avoid those pretty shadows, liners, and lip colors like the plague.
Ever since I found out I needed contacts I avoided glasses like the plague.
I avoid baggy jeans, shoulder pads, and kitten heels like the plague, and will opt for a pointed - toe heel over a round - toe any day.
My hips and thighs usually lead me to avoid ruffled skirts like the plague, but I really like this one.
I've always hated horror movies, avoid haunted houses like the plague, and derive no pleasure from being scared out of my whits.
I wish I knew, cause I would avoid it like the plague!
Did avoiding the mall like the plague make me a changed woman?
I've been avoiding one of the biggest trends this fall, «the boyfriend jean» like the plague.
But then you avoid that piece like the plague because you're unsure how to mix it with what you own.
Also, I avoid ankle straps, mary janes and t straps like the plague.
I used to avoid fish nets like the plague but in different colours I think they're ace.
Do you know suffer through them or avoid them like a plague?
i would probably forgo the hat too, but, i have a big head and tend to avoid hats like the plague!
Thus, unless you want to look like the cute funny granny, and there is nothing wrong with doing this for the amusement of the own grand kids, you should avoid them like the plague.
i avoid tights like the plague (unless i'm going to get frostbite) so after adding the cape and slipping on the leopard loafers, i was ready to take on the most perfect of all fall days.
The in - house Anthropologie I once avoided like the plague due to fit issues seems to have discovered the keys to flattering a curvy shape.
They typically do nothing but make me feel blah and I've avoided them like the plague.
I've been avoiding that store like the plague lately because it's just so dang overwhelming in there.
I've been enamoured with the midi trend but being on Team Shortie I've avoided it like the plague!
If you have acne, it doesn't mean you should avoid moisturizer like the plague.
I love... love... LOVE pancakes but avoid them like the plague!
I avoid toeposts in sandals like the plague.
The modern 40 + woman avoids ensembles, real suits and everything matchy - match like the plague.
When wearing the shirts you don't have massive amounts of excess — I call that the parachute look and avoid it like the plague.
With a real stigma attached to them, it's no wonder why so many people avoid them like the plague, but when you see them in person, try them on and style them out a little bit, it's understandable why people choose to sport them during the summer.
Avoid plastic like the plague; there is a reason women who wear shoes from Primark have smelly feet and you don't want to join that club.
Everyday wear as a kid; worn like a badge in middle school; avoided like the plague in high school; obsessed over as a statement in college; shoved in storage in my early 20s and now I am once again falling back in love.
Otherwise, I've got ta pull up my hair, re-apply deodorant twice a day and avoid waistbands like the plague, and ain't nobody got time for that.
I keep telling my family to avoid wheat like the plague, but it doesn't help when wheat is marketed to be so good for you!
I used to avoid core work like the plague and now I teach core classes but I feel like my knowledge in the subject is not very deep.
Not too long ago, many health - conscious eaters were intent on avoiding dietary fat like the plague.
Avoid all of these and foods that contain these like the plague!
Saturated and Trans fat are the once you want to avoid like a plague.
So eat your saturated fats, monounsaturated fats and Omega - 3s... but avoid trans fats and processed vegetable oils like the plague.
But orange juice is not acne friendly at all and should be avoided like the plague.
Avoid these people like the plague.
You?re downing almonds by the bushel, guzzling fish oil, and avoiding grains like the plague, but what are you feeding Fido?
As for artificial sweeteners, I avoid them like the plague.
Take - home: Avoid pre-or post workout antioxidant supplements like the plague to ensure prompt recovery from the most damaging workouts.
Even though you're avoiding failure like the plague, four - plus days of working the same muscles is taxing, especially on your joints, and even something as innocuous as curls could lead to elbow or shoulder pain.
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