Sentences with phrase «like powerful reporting»

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Espresso Business Startup Report (2017 - 2018 Edition), composed from reliable sources like the Specialty Coffee Association of America, contains powerful techniques revealing the secrets and strategies to success.
The Sun have cited a report from Le Sport which states that the Belgian has his eyes on a move to the Parc des Princes to join the likes of Neymar and Edison Cavani at one of the most powerful teams in world football.
That's why it's so troubling that the Food and Drug Administration is expected to approve a powerful cattle antibiotic to treat a common pneumonia - like illness, according to a recent report in the Washington Post.
«Perhaps it is time for parliament to look at the rules for selection of these powerful roles in order to make sure that when the public turn on to watch them, newspapers and broadcasters report on them and visitors come to see them, that our parliament looks more like the people we represent.»
Extensive human clinical trials have shown medicinal mushrooms like shiitake, maitake and coriolus to have potent and powerful immune stimulating properties and many people report much lower rates of illness when they are used regularly.
As a way of saying «thank you» for reading this blog post, Roy Biancalana would like to give you a powerful short report called, «The 7 Self - Sabotaging Behaviors That Keep You Single.»
The need for non-white men, and women of all backgrounds, to go to the movies on a Friday night and see people who look like them taking center stage on the screen is a powerful one, and one that might finally be making some progress, at least according to a recent CNN Money report.
I think of that line as I survey the bulging portfolio of reports alleging that powerful Hollywood men like Harvey Weinstein, James Toback, and Brett Ratner — all of whom have denied the accusations — have used their positions as a springboard for the serial abuse of young women.
They report to Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis, motion capture master), who sits on what looks like the Lincoln Memorial and barks at them like Oz, the great and powerful.
Even more powerful than the research methods that produced this report, she says, are randomized studies: true apples - to - apples comparisons, like one she and a colleague did with Chicago schools, that examine charter school students and those who would have liked to attend a charter school but are in a traditional school.
Like any powerful corporation, the credit reporting agencies own their own squad of lobbyists, or special interest groups.
The portfolio, Mr. Bradley reports, became like a too - tightly compressed spring; when the rebound occurred, it was incredibly powerful.
Some of the reports claim that it will be a superior and more powerful console with 4K gaming while some analysts think that it is nothing like what we think.
Starting today, the Washington Examiner is running a special report on «Big Green»: the alliance of progressive activists, environmental groups like the Sierra Club, and the Democratic Party that has become perhaps the most powerful single lobby in Washington today.
As Wired reports of Arizona's storm last week, «The storm resulted from thunderstorm - cooled air plummeting into the ground like mist pouring from an open freezer, only exponentially more powerful.
A series of scientific reports have linked the burning of fossil fuels with rising sea levels and more powerful typhoons, like those that have battered the island nation.
Because of this, more firms are investing in powerful cost recovery systems, like Expert Expense Management, to quickly and accurately capture expenses, streamline cost recovery and simplify the creation, management and approval of employee expense reports.
Besides offering things like extensive reporting capabilities and convenient document automation, Smokeball also provides innovative and powerful ways to organize your case files.
This new report confirms once more how powerful Chinese tech brands are becoming, like Huawei, Lenovo, but even newcomers like Xiaomi.
Investopedia is reporting that Goldman Sachs is now acknowledging the powerful gains made by cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum this year.
Much like its name suggests, the Mi MIX 2S is rumored to be a revised version of the Mi MIX 2, with recent reports indicating the smartphone will replace the Snapdragon 835 chip found inside its predecessor with the newer and more powerful Snapdragon 845 while retaining 8 GB of RAM and a 5.99 - inch display panel with an FHD + resolution of 2,160 by 1,080 pixels amounting to an elongated aspect ratio of 18:9 (2:1).
When you have a powerful billionaire like Elon Musk equating negative press reports about autonomous vehicles to murder, its clear that the debate over self - driving cars has gotten a little hysterical.
It is this combination of top - quality leads that are further along in the homebuying process through ConnectionSM for Co-Brokerage, innovative systems like FiveStreet that automatically respond to incoming leads within 5 minutes, and powerful lead nurture and management platforms like Top Producer ® that allow our customers to report conversion rates in excess of 5 %.
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