Sentences with phrase «like press releases»

No, to my surprise, I saw what read like a press release for the site on the cover of my school's paper.
Then proceed with recent news like press releases or annual reports.
In the foundational phase the only link building we do is around easily executed and scalable activities like press release optimization or partner link optimization.
The governor's policy says that emails are only «records» if they are formal documents like press releases and nominations.
Many vanity presses are notorious for over billing self - published authors for services like press releases and file conversion but a virtual assistant is way more cheaper.
For example a marketing specialist could highlight marketing strategy formulation, preparation of marketing literature like press releases and customer information analytics as his core skills.
They get you agreed to sign up, and then sell additional things like a press release to announce your inclusion, more robust listings and the like.
Responsible for generating communication materials like press releases, media alerts and fact sheets
If you craft your pitch to sound like a press release, don't expect a response.
As a new parent, I trusted fellow parents» opinions about baby care and parenting issues much more so than most «experts», and I found most family travel pieces online read more like press releases, or else they were clearly not written for families with babies and toddlers in mind.
Polly Toynbee will hate me for saying this but parts of her column in today's Guardian read like a press release from the TaxPayers» Alliance: «No one in the public sector should get more than # 150,000,» she writes, «In the present mood, all wise public bodies should rapidly cut their own top pay.»
Luis pointed out what looks like a press release on a random news site called Nation Multimedia.
Up for a third term and issuing what seems like a press release a day, Sheriff Paul VanBlarcum has resisted all inquiries on information surrounding one of his deputies shooting a young motorist (twice) after a high - speed chase that started in Marbletown and ended in Hurley on Route 28 a month ago.
Written like a press release from New York State United Teachers, the bill pushes for a three - year moratorium on using student scores on Common Core - aligned exams for «high stakes» decisions — principally, teacher evaluations.
It's a little bit more two - way than something just like a press release, where you send it out and hope people do it.»
Like the press release of Schmoetzer's recent solo show, A rare bird in Estonia at Kunstihoone in Tallinn, the accompanying text for Bird of the Year 2022 points to his use of narrative and metaphor to weave together and describe small and ungraspable moments.
And exactly like a press release: Always presume your offering will be scanned, and never read.
This account sounds very close to the Amazon Alexa experience elsewhere and surprisingly like a press release.
Provided writing and editorial support for various communication related projects like press releases, newsletters, brochure, video scripts and web sites
Even as recent as the early 2000s, the need for real estate agents and other professionals to leverage external media professionals to build brand awareness through tactics like press releases and interviews was high.
Because high traffic times for news articles like a press release for real estate investors tend to be 1:00 pm — 7:00 pm, don't set yours to publish right at 1:00, 2:00 and so on.
His New York Times statement reads like a press release for a movie: «This is the team I've assembled.»
Responsible for preparing corporate communication materials like press releases, annual reports, and board meeting papers
Likewise, if you're not widely reading poems, sagas and pastoral novels your criticism will sound like press releases.
The ANN article reads more like a press release, what with the quote from the director of the Seventh - Day Adventist Church's public affairs department and all.
When one insisted on a post that read like a press release, said Paul Sundue, who heads Gawker's native ad studio, «the comments were incendiary.»
Whether internal marketing (like point of sale materials, posters, customer incentives, presentations to staff, web content, and draft letters for staff / customers) or public outreach (like press releases), should you wish to promote your commitment to health and sustainability, we're here to help.
Overall, a system should be easy enough to use that other campaign hires like comms directors can post their own content (like press releases), etc..
Like press releases and article writing, you get an incoming link to your site.
Her latest show at Aran Cravey is accompanied by a fiction - like press release, telling the story of a man named Grisha and his talking bird companion:
We like a press release that identifies an idea and sets out to get to the heart of it through the event.
Following the map included in the playlist - like press release, I turn to the left.
The UN's Nobel - winning, allegedly gold - standard climate bible bases factual assertions on dodgy source material like press releases.
Assigned the tasks of developing communication materials like press releases, trade show collaterals and product manuals
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