Sentences with phrase «like radio carbon»

Techniques like radio carbon dating and soil analysis let you determine how old the fossils you dig up are.

Not exact matches

All the theists, who work for Walmart but like to post on the Inter-webs, will now call into question the validity of radio carbon testing.
Good vibrations bring true nanotunes Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, announced this week that they have built by far the smallest fully functioning radio receiver, made from a single carbon nanotube, a long chicken wire — like molecule.
Fortunately, astronomers have been able to use longer radio wavelengths that are not absorbed by the obscuring dust and radiowave - emitting molecules like carbon monoxide (which are concentrated in the spiral arms) to trace the spiral disk's structure.
These groups gladly accept Exxon's support, which enables them to keep churning out misleading reports, to flood newspaper op - ed pages with bizarre arguments against action to curb rampant carbon emissions, and to appear on right - wing TV and radio where they're invited by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck to tick off blatant distortions of climate science without challenge by actual climate experts.
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