Sentences with phrase «like rocket science»

Did they make their topic sound like rocket science?
Trying to figure out how much your baby should eat in the first year can sometimes feel like rocket science.
And, by the way, nutrition science is just like rocket science yet even more complicated.
This doesn't seem like rocket science, and yet we're on the third generation device and navigating huge collections is still a ridiculous hassle.
It might feel like rocket science, but scientists need to get better at explaining things to people outside academia.
(December 19, 2016) Whitmire writes in this article that AppleTree treats early childhood education like rocket science.
I really liked the rocket science link that brought me here from Briggs.
To all people who are planning to lose weight and are doing that by reading tremendous amounts of conflicting advice about it on the Internet — it all might seem like rocket science at first.
There are those contemplating such leadership for whom the challenges of change, new learning, and heightened accountability will prove to be just too difficult, and I encourage them to pursue a different field like rocket science.
«It doesn't sound like rocket science but it has a profound impact on the way farmers manage their paddocks,» says David Lamb, Leader of the Precision Agriculture Research Group at the University of New England.
That's oxaloacetate (from the Kreb cycle) and neuropeptide Y (a brain chemical) working with your hyperinsulinemia (feel like rocket science yet?).
In this article, Whitmire writes that AppleTree treats early childhood education like rocket science.
Starting a successful eCommerce business might seem like rocket science but it's not.
-- In may not seem like rocket science, but unders have been historically profitable when the closing total is high and overs have performed well when the total is low.
Postpartum haze can make even the simplest tasks seem like rocket science — add a wiggling infant to the equation and it could be a deal breaker.
Strength training seems like the rocket science to you?
Strength training seems like rocket science to you?
Doesn't really seem like rocket science.
Like rocket science.
I've heard that the teaching of reading is like rocket science.
It wouldn't seem like rocket science.
The CIS will help you to understand what your new phone service is really going to cost you and what you'll actually be getting for your money - and it's written in a way that doesn't make it sound like rocket science!
Getting your truck driving career underway doesn't seem like rocket science, and it certainly isn't.
And really... You being a genius, and all, it's not like rocket science, nor even computer science, nor complex math algorithms, to understand human children do not need your service to be in contact with human adults.
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