Sentences with phrase «like sandwich»

Well it sounds a lot like a sandwich lease option..
The thing about innovation is, it doesn't happen in a vacuum, nor can you just order it like a sandwich in a diner.
It's a flatbread that is stuffed with a variety of ingredients and eaten like a sandwich.
The car is a design study based on the original Carrera 4 and is built using all sorts of space - age materials and funky techniques, like sandwich - type construction on the car's outer skin.One of the most unique parts of the car is the tires.
There's also an entire subplot dedicated to the budding friendship between kindred spirits Jenko and Zook that has some really funny bits (like their sandwich and Q - tip derived «meet cute»), but it's played to death over the course of the film's unnecessarily long 112 - minute runtime.
Not only is The Essential Gluten - Free Cookie Guide full of amazingly tempting traditional cookies, there are also special additions like sandwich cookies and twisted drops, delicious brownies and blondies, and a section full of frostings!
I really like this sandwich, it looks great (and I think that it was delicious;)-RRB-, personally I like sandwiches with ham and vegatables or with Nutella;)
I saw something interesting the other day, when making cupcakes and after icing, cut the cupcake in half take the bottom and put on top to eat like a sandwich!!
Then I made the ribs and took out the bones but that was more like a sandwich (see below) and not a burger.
So they are more like sandwich thinks than buns.
But this is not looking like the sandwich bread I was hoping to find.
Fortunately, there are fantastic grain free and healthy recipes for items like sandwich rounds that can be paired with -LSB-...]
Press your palms evenly into each edge like a sandwich.
Have plenty of packing materials on hand like sandwich bags, plastic wrap, foil, and glass or plastic containers (if reheating is necessary, transfer food from the plastic container to a plate).
Translation: one damn good, indulgent - like sandwich.
Spread a layer of nut butter between two slices and put together like a sandwich.
We do have 2 bread recipes on our site that are fluffy and taste like sandwich bread that also toasts up nicely.
Unlike many other pillows, Proper Pillow is designed a bit like a sandwich with a plush quilted outer layer and soft memory foam insert.
«A conventional surface layer looks like a sandwich, with layer upon layer.
«One was under the female and the other was trying to mount her — like a sandwich,» she said.
They used a layered structure, like a sandwich, with phosphorus doped diamond as the bread, and enclosed a 10?
Like conventional LCD displays, the display is structured like a sandwich, with a liquid crystal filling between two plates.
There's a recipe of sliced apples with peanut butter and granola in the middle, like a sandwich.
Which ever position you choose to hold the baby in, (cross cradle, football, etc) make sure you «ridge» the breast like a sandwich.
You then compress your breast like a sandwich or a taco to make it easier for baby to latch onto.
Say, «That was so nice of you to tell your sister she looks pretty,» or «Thank you so much for saying you like the sandwich I made for you.»
Jenna: I haven't seen Ed's article but I have had feedback from Wilma and others that kids don't like the sandwich / lunch box type lunch.
I really like those sandwich cutters and I have wanted to pick up some stainless steel food storage containers for a long time.
If it seems like that sandwich you packed in the morning makes a soggy return uneaten in the afternoon, swap in Pepperidge Farm Goldfish — shaped bread.
If you lay baby on his side to nurse, cup your breast from underneath to ensure your compressed areola will fit inside his mouth like a sandwich.
To ensure as much of your areola is placed inside his mouth, compress your breast into a C or U shape (like a sandwich) before latching him on.
If your baby will be laying on his side to nurse, hold your breast from underneath so that your compressed areola will fit into his mouth like a sandwich.
I'll start packing a cloth napkin instead of grabbing a paper towel at lunch time, and I'll skip disposables like sandwich bags in favor of reusable containers!
Two are held together like a sandwich with a cream or jelly filling in the middle.
I definitely feel like I'm at a better place, but of course there's still voices in my head when I eat something like a sandwich, or vegan ice cream with friends, or anything like that.
Finally, a sandwich bread that tastes like a sandwich!
Easter eggs should be admired, enjoyed, and ultimately thrown out - they are a novelty / luxury decoration, and those who can afford to make them in the first place can afford to chuck them and boil up some fresh - cooked eggs if they'd like a sandwich.
Plus, this garlic bread is arranged like a sandwich!
i like a sandwich i can hold w / 2 hands.
GIRL, this looks like the sandwich of my dreams!!
I want to add that Guar Gum is an acceptable substitute on some recipes... but for recipes like my sandwich bread or recipes with a high rise — you may not always get the same elastic result or texture.
They aren't bulky like a sandwich, bruisable like an apple, and highly perishable like yogurt.
But this is not looking like the sandwich bread I was hoping to find.
It made the burrito into kind of a panini that can be eaten like a sandwich.
Sandwich bread that tastes like sandwich bread.
I make them when I feel like a sandwich wrap.
Make your baked goods — like sandwich bread — healthier without changing thir texture or flavor.
The traditional Whoppie Pie is not a pie at all, but a cake like sandwich cookie with a luscious cream filling.
Once you have your circles or squares and ready to serve scoop your favorite vegan ice - cream into the middle and close like a sandwich!
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