Sentences with phrase «like sea turtles»

We sort of thought they looked like sea turtles, which is fun because they remind us of our time on Tybee.
Only 6 hours, and yet ecosystems are now mutilated for generations and endangered species like sea turtles risk complete extinction.
Plastic trash chokes and kills animals like sea turtles, whales, and sea birds, as animals think that the plastics are food.
This reef was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its enormous size and the habitat it provides for endangered animals like sea turtles, manatees, and crocodiles.
The world's second largest barrier reef is located there, and you can even get to enjoy from friendly companions like sea turtles or dolphins in the wild along the sea.
Both are home to swarms of fish with brilliant colors, fascinating sea creatures like sea turtles, lemon sharks, and even manatees, and other amazing aquatic life.
Researchers found that the longest - lived animals, like sea turtles, contain large amounts of SOD, while shorter - lived animals, such as mice, contain only small amounts.
Returning to breeding sites, much like sea turtles do, requires homing abilities, including well - developed navigation skills and an aptitude for keeping track of your position.
And finally I have been encountering a lot of greenies who respond to issues like sea turtle conservation with a shrug and «But until we tackle climate change anything we do to save sea turtles is a waste because climate change will just kill them all off anyway.»

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All Nippon Airways (ANA)(MORE: ANA now flying passengers in planes painted like Star Wars droids ANA will paint Airbus A380 like a giant sea turtle)
For non-Americans like me who, upon hearing the word «turtle», think not of confectionary but the creature upon which Discworld rests, Christopher Elbow describes this treat as «perfectly roasted pecans and soft caramel encased in premium dark chocolate... [topped] off with Grey Sea Salt from France.
Some gamesome wights will tell you that they have to plant weeds there, they don't grow naturally; that they import Canada thistles; that they have to send beyond seas for a spile to stop a leak in an oil cask; that pieces of wood in Nantucket are carried about like bits of the true cross in Rome; that people there plant toadstools before their houses, to get under the shade in summertime; that one blade of grass makes an oasis, three blades in a day's walk a prairie; that they wear quicksand shoes, something like Laplander snowshoes; that they are so shut up, belted about, every way inclosed, surrounded, and made an utter island of by the ocean, that to their very chairs and tables small clams will sometimes be found adhering, as to the backs of sea turtles.
We were off to the aquarium, and along the way we passed a beautiful beach on top of a cliff (complete with hammocks), the biggest sea turtles I'd ever seen (right under my feet) and several tanks of baby turtles dashing about like Squirt from Finding Nemo, a large lagoon full of snorkelers, and a little man - made beach off the lagoon where tiny tots paddled about.
The creatures include the leatherback, loggerhead, hawksbill, green and Kemp's ridley sea turtles, as well as birds like the piping plover, red knot, and northern aplomado falcon.
Eventually, Mansfield would like to have enough data to make comparisons between sea turtle species.
Seagrass beds, like coral reefs, form a highly productive and diverse ecosystem, acting as the nursery for many kinds of fish as well as a home to sea turtles, manatees, birds, and a host of other sea creatures.
Like some migratory birds and sea turtles, spiny lobsters possess an ability known as true navigation, the ability to determine one's position relative to a destination without reference to landmarks or cues gathered en route.
Elizabeth Griffin Wilson, a marine scientist with the international conservation group Oceana, points out that the new paper does not specifically investigate the effects of factors like fishing bycatch or habitat destruction, so she urges caution in comparing the human and natural toll on sea turtles.
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Like other reptiles, sea turtles breathe air, and females lay eggs.
They look like a tasty jellyfish to an unsuspecting sea turtle who can die trying to consume the plastic bag.
The whale tale forms the center of the story but, for me, it was the bit players that stole the show - the rays wallowing in the warm water under the pier, the sun fish snoozling close to the legs of the oil rig, the green sea turtles «carrying their homes along with them like aquatic RVs» and the herd of dolphins vying with each other to perform the most dare - devilish tricks (I thought the collective noun for dolphins was pod, but Lynne refers to them as a herd, and I'm not the landlubber to question her!)
You might choose sea turtles, dinosaurs, horses or a scientist like Darwin, Einstein or Koch to learn about together.
We liked to watch the turtles in the sea in front of the house.
The beautiful Hawaiian green Sea Turtles like to hang out at popular swimming beaches, so you can make it a simple goal to see a turtle on your trip.
More than 3,000 species of sea creatures have been observed in the warm tropical waters around the island: When you're diving at Sipadan it's not a question of whether you'll see large pelagic species like manta rays, sea turtles, barracuda and sharks, but how many.
Like many dives on the Great Barrier Reef, it is possible to see a host of marine life here including turtles, rays, sea snakes and groupers.
Shark Airport is a wide plateau like shelf is home to hawksbill and green sea turtles as well as white tip sharks who cruise along the drop - off edges.
Through an acrylic window, visitors get to marvel at the world's largest aquarium tank, home to thousands of luminescent underwater vertebrates like manta rays and sea turtles, plus the king of all fish: the whale shark.
sea turtles, coral species and even rare species of birds which have recently been reintroduced to area, like magnificent Scarlet Macaws.
Places in Kona like Kahaluu Beach Park allow you to step off the beach into waters teaming with fish and sea turtles.
Like I said, Apo Island is mostly known for its sea turtle activity, but I find that the snorkeling experience it offers is just as equally amazing.
The reserve is home to a variety of fish species, sea turtles, dolphins, patch reefs and mound - like formations.
The sea turtles seem to like our little Cove as much as our guests love to stay here.
Shark Airport - This wide plateau like shelf is home to hawksbill and green sea turtles as well as white tip sharks who cruise along the drop - off edges.
Chances are, it was something truly special, like swimming under a waterfall, or paragliding off a cliff, or snorkeling with rays, or watching sea turtles lay their eggs.
You might also see other wildlife like flamingos, sea turtles, lobsters and young sea horses and rays, all visible through Bonaire's famously clear water.
Whether you're looking for black sand beaches, red sand beaches, or beaches where Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles like to rest, you're in luck because they can all be found on Maui!
The park is home to a butterfly pavilion, a coral reef aquarium, a wildlife breeding farm specializing in the conservation of birds like macaws, parrots, flamingos, and toucans, an orchid greenhouse, a mushroom farm, a sea turtle conservation center and nursery, and mammal habitats for jaguars, spider - monkeys, deer, manatees, dolphins, and tapirs.
It is the perfect place to take first - time divers not only for all the marine life (sea turtle, yellow tails, snappers, trumpet fish, sting rays, cow fish and a wild variety of crustaceans like lobsters and shrimps) that lives on the coral reef, but also for the safety and protection that the reef and the island bring to the divers — especially to first - time divers.
One of our PADI professionals will give you an introduction to scuba in the pool and if you like it, you can then come out to the sea and have swim with the famous turtles that live off our Gili Islands.
Honus are Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles, and they like to hang out here.
From sea turtles to manta rays and bright tropical fish, you'll feel like you're in an aquarium!
There are many different spots around the country to see whales and you'll probably be able to see other animals like dolphins, manta rays and sea turtles as well.
You may find sea turtle colonies, underwater caves and forest - like coral reefs teeming with vibrant marine life.
KONA HONU DIVERS offers a number of boat tours along the pristine Pacific Ocean, like their Morning 2 Tank Dive Charter that takes guests on a morning boat ride to see tropical fish, green sea turtles and dolphins before jumping in the ocean for a scuba diving session in Kona.
Nim's Island Wallpaper Downloads Download desktop wallpaper for your computer of Nim's ocean friends, like Selkie the sea lion, Chica the sea turtle, and Galileo the pelican.
Our patients include include pinnipeds like California sea lions, northern elephant seals and harbor seals, as well as sea otters, whales, dolphins, porpoises, and even sea turtles.
Go swimming in the crystal - clear water, or rent snorkeling equipment if you'd like to check out Deadman's Reef, one of Grand Bahama's top off - shore reefs, home to marine life like colorful fish, sea turtles and even dolphins on occasion.
Discover a variety of sea life like rays, sea turtles, tropical fish & so much more!
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