Sentences with phrase «like sweet potato muffins»

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I love any thing made with sweet potato and I have eaten sweet muffins and made them myself before that were very much like your bread recipe.
Instead, I go for porridge with various toppings, baked oats, big smoothies, pancakes, waffles, chia puddings, overnight oats, sweet potatoes with nut butter and homemade treats like muffins, scones or breakfast cookies!
Things like stashing sweet potatoes in muffins, not to name names [Jessica Seinfeld], but I'm generally not a proponent of this method.
I actually stick with white rice, and mainly eat things like sweet potatoes, winter squash, and even occasional homemade muffins or bread with honey.
I fill that in with a couple snacks like home made pumpkin protein muffins or an easy to make trail mix, a couple staple sides I would want on hand daily like a big mixed greens salad and some rice, quinoa or pre-made easy to grab sweet potato chunks - and make my list and pick my recipes around that.
For some morning fuel and fun for an energy - burning fire sign, we recommend make - ahead muffins, like these grain - free turmeric sweet potato ones or this apple version.
Muffins offer an excellent way to sneak in veggies like shredded zucchini or carrot and sweet potatoes or even beets.
I really hope you like these muffins; the base recipe is versatile and you could substitute the grated carrot for grated sweet potato or pumpkin, and you can swap the feta cheese to goats cheese or small chunks of haloumi.
I know that «paleofying» things is a no - no on the Whole30, but I don't really see these as muffins, they're just like small sweet potato casseroles.
(you might like this one too) What makes these Sweet potato salsa egg muffins so yummy is the bed of crispy sweet potato on the bottom of each muffin.
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