Sentences with phrase «like symphonies»

He is a master conductor who plays scenes like symphonies of feelings, continuing long past the narrative point has been established to express the emotional intensity of the characters and situations, and to add moments of pure grace to the mighty drama.
The new leader, Drucker maintains, will be like a symphony conductor, coordinating employees grouped around tasks, rather than a general passing down orders to personnel arranged within strict hierarchies.
From the chords of one man's heart every sound and sight and scent on an autumn day will draw music like a symphony.
There lies the center of the long perspective; there lies the focus — in the heavenly places, and in the future — like a dramatic scene whose center is off - stage, as in the Agamemnon of Aeschylus; like a symphony whose climax is still to come; (A view which I have tried to set forth in an article, «Eschatology and Reunion,» Religion in Life, 10:83 - 91.)
It's like a symphony of flavor playing a solo concert just for you.
You're like a symphony, synthesizing medical, physical, psycho - emotional factors into your wise assessments, which are solidly anchored in the NOW.
The brain is not like a computer, researchers are coming to believe — it's more like a symphony.
«But creating a microprocessor chip with a billion operating devices integrated together to work like a symphony — that you can carry in your pocket!
The study concluded that a pleasing sensation is created by the activation of various nerve fibers at different rates and intervals, like a symphony of instruments.
«The genome works like a symphony, not like a soloist,» he says.
«An analogy would be: None of the instruments in the philharmonic sounds like the symphony
They blend together like a symphony.
Wilder and co-writer Raymond Chandler's screenplay plays like a symphony: Fred MacMurray, as a fast - talking insurance agent, and Barbara Stanwyck, as a seductively amoral housewife looking to off her husband, bring out the sharp rhythms in every line.
Del Toro conducts it like a symphony, and his work is touching and compassionate in ways that will surprise viewers.
Each of these books are like a symphony of Instructional Design professionals coming together to create something that is lasting and unique.
Great digital learning design is like a symphony with all of its sections — storylines, user experience design (UX), user interface design (UI), visual / sensory design, interaction design, etc..
Great digital learning design is like a symphony with all of its sections — storylines, user experience design (UX), user interface design (UI), visual / sensory design, interaction design, etc. — each contributing a unique element to engage the audience, tell a story, and impart a lasting message.
Over the several times I have been in Ms. Vaughn's class, I was amazed not simply with her deep and sincere love for the children, which a lot of teachers have, but more so with how she conducted her class like a symphony.
LIKE A SYMPHONY TO MY EARS Almost 2 - weeks ago, FCA pulled the wraps off the Mopar «16 Ram Rebel and late last week I was fortunate enough to get behind the wheel of one.
It's like a symphony... if there's an off - note, it's just a part of the overall symphony.
«But then on the flip side, when I got back to this shitty - ass hammock, 5 dudes are fucking snoring like a symphony
They'll fine tune your tour schedule like a symphony conductor making sure every instrument is pitch perfect.
It is a truly thrilling experience and the game environment and visual elements work like a symphony with the gameplay.
The British variant seemed depressingly scaled - down, like a symphony played on spoons.
But knowing the aggregate result means you can play it like a symphony; I can tether the Court along like a fish on line.
After looking through your home, I lit my candle, turned on some classical tunes (I like the symphony, reminds me of Williamsburg), and started a pot of soup!

Not exact matches

For example, numerous retailers rely on a partnership with third - party delivery service ShopRunner for two - day delivery — and a shot at competing with Amazon Prime; Starbucks sticks cafes in Barnes & Noble; convention bureaus in places like Vegas and Orlando try to conduct a symphony of airlines, airport authorities, hotels, restaurants, and local transport providers.
Like Einstein said: «It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure.»
Asking whether citizens should be permitted to rely on religious convictions in addressing moral issues will seem to the devout a bit like asking whether horses should be allowed to run in the Kentucky Derby, or whether participation in symphony orchestras should be open to musicians.
A deadly, impossible music that catches Him in mid-air, a symphony that wraps Him round though he saw at it frantically With his violin until it silence him — Until he hangs, a note like the others In this universal score I have composed,
For this reason, he advises that we read the Dogmatics with Mozart's melodies playing in our ear: «It is in this way that one should read, for example, those pieces that seem like the powerful finale of a symphony: the end of Barth's doctrine of election..
One might try to imagine patterns of probability waves filling the space around the nucleus like some three - dimensional symphony of musical tones of incredible complexity, but the analogy would not help us much.
The lectionary splits the prayer into three parts for the three - year cycle — which is somewhat like hearing one movement of a symphony.)
Great libraries, symphony orchestras, universities, factories, hospitals, even wonderful things like professional football teams, require an urban base.
In order to indicate this passage of time, the orchestra is occasionally made to play a symphony or the like, foreshortening the time by filling it with music.
But a lot of times the mainstream worship music just doesn't connect with my soul like a Mahler symphony might.
Multidialogical activity may, like a jazz symphony, communicate some of its most important messages in what the harmony - driven conventional ear hears as discord, as disruption of the harmony in both the black American and white American social, political, and religious status quo.
But as it turned out, they were like the oboe in a delicious symphony — sounds sort of icky on its own, but in fact is an integral component of the dish's lovely harmonies.
A punk rock inspired, three piece band of sauces — each instrument with a unique sound — kind of like a Gibson and an Ibanez, but when connected with a Marshall stack, they come together as a finely tuned symphony of flavor, spice, and heat.
Rocky road is, like, the best thing ever, thanks to its symphony of textures.
When I was putting this salad together I really wanted it to be a symphony of flavors, I wanted it to represent Middle Eastern way of eating, at least my vision of what Middle Eastern salads are like, which is why hummus was an integral addition to this salad.
It's been two decades since he's had a perfect storm quite like this, and it will be fascinating to watch him conduct this particular offseason symphony.
Winnipeggers have ballet and symphony and repertory theater — they think of themselves as the cultural midriff of Canada — and the public library has a marquee just like a movie house.
«I feel like I get to play with flavors in a way like it's a symphony
Like the conductor of a symphony, ovarian hormones act on genes within the brain and body to trigger physical changes in the body.
A sequence of various types of electromagnetic radiation followed that gravitational trill, like musical instruments taking turns in a symphony.
What critics like English linguist Geoffrey Sampson, author of Educating Eve: The «Language Instinct» Debate, seem to find most irksome is Pinker's wholehearted promotion of a linguistic model that views the human capacity for learning language as distinct from other abilities, such as building bridges or writing symphonies.
The pacemaker is like «a conductor of a symphony,» says Mehdi Razavi of the Texas Heart Institute and Baylor, who helped to create the device.
Take crickets: Nothing says summer like a nighttime symphony of these insects.
Artificial hormones suppress your body's natural hormonal symphony and keep you from addressing real issues that can affect fertility, like PCOS.
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