Sentences with phrase «like ticket stubs»

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Sifting through these boxes of decay, I put aside a few items I care about — the program and ticket stubs from when Lyn and I tried to get married at the Shavers fight; a few posters and magazines; a copy of the classic 1970 Ken Regan head shot in which jeweled planets of sweat ride Ali's countenance like cold water poured on a hot copper frying - pan sky.
This DIY kit lets her create an inspiration board for her state — she can include mementos like stickers and ticket stubs from her favorite day trips.
I'm talking about all the constant reminders of them you have laying around - photos, gifts, ticket stubs from the first concert you went to together, the sweatshirt that smells like him.
I actually used to have a page in my notebook for writing them down, but I quit making it when it started to get too weird to read: when besides the normal things like the toilet backed up again, or they called to say they were turning off the electricity, there were things like she lost the ticket stub from some hippie concert twenty years ago where she met the guy she should have married but never saw again, or the color of the dryer lint made her remember a sweater she once had when she was an exchange student in Belgium, back when she thought she would become an archaeologist when she grew up, but now she was only someone who worked in a deli and sometimes did catering and couldn't even say one sentence in Flemish anymore.
Keep free mementos like museum tickets or transit stubs.
I would like to put forward my blog for the list which is based on travel in China — Luggage tags and ticket stubs.
His work explores consumer culture and how we repurpose the material world, both natural and artificial, via sculptures and collages created with found objects and the detritus of his everyday life — shopping receipts, ticket stubs, stray plastic bags, leftover hotel shampoo bottles as well as natural elements he finds outdoors, like marble and stones.
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