Sentences with phrase «like time wasting»

These distractions also help to fund your numerous combat upgrades, so it rarely feels like time wasting.
This may sound like a time wasting exercise but this simple comparison chart can save hundreds of dollars by allowing you to closely compare all the facets of each offer and choose the one most beneficial to you.
Exhausting all of Dawnguard's goodies took the best part of a day, and it certainly didn't seem like time wasted.
Or as a consumer that doesn't like my time wasted, should I just get an older version because it doesn't waste said time?

Not exact matches

«And honestly, I was bored out of my mind, like I didn't want to waste my time.
If a subscriber feels tricked when they open an email, they feel like their time is wasted and they will immediately unsubscribe (or worse, mark your email as spam).
When you waste time, you have less of it on things like growing your side hustle.
The result: something like half of new hires fail within 18 months, costing companies boatloads of wasted time and money.
While I for one am absolutely thrilled about a reduction in time spent doing laundry (as it continues to feel like a treadmill of tedium today, I can only imagine the hours our grandparents wasted on the task), you could be excused for asking, who really cares?
«Like most people in the business, my wife thought I was crazy, wasting time and money on domains,» says Hoffman, who lives in Palo Alto, California, and also runs, a review site for domain parking services.
To many, our prank may seem like a waste of time and effort, as there is no immediate commercial benefit, but I have always felt a sense of humour and the ability not to take oneself too seriously are important attributes for any company.
Obsessing over how many followers and likes you get, and how high your Klout score is, are all time - and effort - wasting mistakes businesses make, Poston says.
The increase in average student debt, moreover, comes on the heels of news that college students don't really learn anything and the opinions of pundits like James Altucher that college is just a huge waste of time and money.
I keep a notebook full of my favorite book passages / adages / quotes and interesting theories in my backpack or purse so that I never have to feel like I'm wasting time.
And you can educate people on what it takes to create sustainable demand, which is why books like Slywotzky's — not to mention business schools — aren't a waste of time.
Klein prefers what he calls real - time transformation: Rather than waste precious time studying what's wrong with an organization, proceed directly to envisioning what it should look like and «start knocking off the list of impediments that are keeping you from getting there,» he says.
The success of legendary dropouts cited (satirically) on Silicon Valley — and of other self - made titans, like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Richard Branson — suggests that formal education may, in fact, be a waste of time for those naturally predisposed to empire building.
Obviously, nobody likes to waste time.
Well, it's a money - losing website made up of very short messages (like this one) where your kids (and C - list celebrities) waste time.
However, I realized when acting like that, I'm wasting a lot of time and lessening my chances of actually succeeding with my goal.
Instead of praising a child for solving a puzzle or accomplishing an easy goal, Dweck suggests saying something like, «I'm sorry I wasted your time.
I try everything in my power to get a good night's sleep and to make sure I don't waste time on silly things like TV.
Small - business owners waste their time on what I call $ 10 an hour work, like running to get office supplies.
Research shows that fewer meetings can boost employee and organizational productivity, and many other leaders have methods like Bezos» for reigning in what they see as time - wasting gatherings.
As a busy professional, it can seem like setting time aside to do nothing is a waste.
If you've never been through a structured process, this exercise can be daunting, and frankly, feel like a big waste of time.
Don't waste your time if: You don't like being dogged by a long shopping list.
Don't waste your time if: You're looking for lots of testimonials from folks just like you.
Both Fertik and Zammuto advise that you don't waste time responding to excessively negative or attacking comments on review sites like Yelp.
There's also a cautionary tale in the form of Munchery, a California startup that, like Maple, also runs the «full stack,» but has reportedly suffered from food waste and other issues despite raising more than three times the amount in Maple's coffers.
If something feels like a waste of time, it may very well be.
«Musk hated it — telling the team, according to two sources, that they were wasting his time with this «piece of s --» — but he liked the underlying concept,» the Fast Company report said.
To see how you're spending your time (and where you're wasting it), you have tools like Toggl to help.
If there is no mold of what an entrepreneur is supposed to look like, then we don't need to waste our time trying to fit into a mold.
Like pretty much all of us, Yelp co-founder Jeremy Stoppelman dreads time - wasting meetings.
Teams like the New England Patriots are wasting no time making blockbuster moves to secure additional picks.
«I sat in investor meetings in October of 2014 where investors would say like, «This is a waste of time, this will never happen, you'll never be able to do this,»» Josh Giegel, Virgin Hyperloop One's chief engineer and a former employee of Virgin Galactic, told Fortune Wednesday in New York City.
According to The Telegraph, Brits like to cut through the rigmarole and meet in person much sooner so as to not waste anyone's time with potentially misleading communication and emoji - deciphering.
Because you don't want this gathering of your team to be a total waste of time, end the current conversation as quickly (but sensitively) as possible, and then ask your team members to take a couple of minutes to think about those pressing things they would like to discuss further.
Everyone has access to this service either through their insurance company or with telehealth providers like American Well, so why waste money and time on an in - person doctor visit when you can improve your health at a lower cost in the comfort of your own home?
I'd like to apply for SBA loan but don't want to waste time applying if my score isn't good enough.
While this might sound like it wastes more time, it actually ends up focusing people by putting them into a positive frame of mind to tackle issues and talk metrics without turning into an unproductive, repetitious «round robin of complaints.»
Patiently waiting for your pocket to develop may seem like a waste of precious time that's already in short supply.
b) We have a do - nothing, fractured Congress that won't address key issues like immigration or tax reform, but has wasted time and taxpayer money 65 + times in a futile effort to repeal Obamacare.
I find that sites like Doba are a complete waste of time.
Whether you want to save time doing marketing tasks or simply cut time wasted doing those daily tasks like saving emails and files to spreadsheets, having a tool that makes your life easier and saves you time is ideal.
Instead of wasting tons of time on inaccurate tools like the Google Keyword Planner, I do the same thing every time I get a new site:
According to Bloomberg Businessweek, Burger King wasted no time in slashing extravagances like the corporate jet and a lavish annual party in Europe, and has even gone so far as to require office employees use Skype for long - distance phone calls.
Rick Wion (@rdublife) didn't waste any time jumping in and telling the audience how tricky brand management can be for a large corporation like McDonald's.
If all the hard work on your blog seems like wasted time, check out this article for how to drive massive traffic to your blog.
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