Sentences with phrase «like tummy aches»

No one likes a tummy ache nor the heartburn or indigestion that can accompany it.

Not exact matches

After you have a baby, you are left with a softly pooched out tummy and aching nether - regions, sore breasts and your entire heart now laying beside you making noises like a kitten.
I've been buying real ginger gingerale for our family's tummy aches, and putting fresh ginger in nearly every recipe... But this sounds like an easy, low sugar and less expensive way of getting those ginger benefits!
I have never eaten so much yogurt in one sitting and NEVER had the same tummy ache the next day like that night!
Hammy is gluten intolerant, which means that she gets a bad tummy ache if she eats anything with wheat in it, like bread, cakes and biscuits.
Things like soy, peanuts, and shellfish can upset your baby's stomach but spices won't cause tummy aches.
if your baby still has an appetite despite the tummy ache, allow him to eat small amounts of plain food like pasta, toast, yogurt, oatmeal, applesauce and rice.
Infections like flu and the common cold can make your baby suffer from tummy aches.
Children often get tummy aches, bloating and gas — just like adults.
Additionally, many people don't realize that DAIRY may be causing GUT ISSUES, from occasional gasses, constipation (or loose stools), tummy aches, or even skin issues like acne, eczema or rosacea.
The trillions of bacteria in your gut play a large role in: weight management and avoiding obesity; preventing diseases like diabetes, arthritis, MS, even cancer; balancing neurotransmitters (affecting our mood, stress, depression, etc.); boosting immunity (to avoid getting colds / flu / infections); supporting digestive health (pooping regularly and properly, avoiding tummy aches, bloating, gas), and more!
But like too much apple pie, the newest entry in the American Pie «saga,» American Wedding, may leave even fans with a tummy ache.
Just in a, «I like everything and trying to decide gives me a tummy ache» sort of way.
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