Sentences with phrase «like urbanization»

JC: They rely on readings from surface thermometers, but those have often been affected by developments like urbanization and deforestation, so they are not a precise proxy for what's going on in the atmosphere, where greenhouse gases are supposed to have their largest effect.
The land records contain artifacts due to things like urbanization or tree growth around station locations, buildings or air conditioners being installed near stations, etc., but laborious data screening, correction procedures, and a-posteriori tests have convinced nearly all researchers that the reported land warming trend must be largely correct.
Understanding how climate change might influence flooding has been a tricky endeavor because so many other factors, like urbanization, deforestation or the dredging of rivers, also impact how often floods occur and how big they are, muddying the picture.

Not exact matches

With the emergence of new concern in our own century for the people caught in problems of urbanization, racial discrimination, industrialization, and the like, the churches moved first — through the so - called social gospel movement — to correct the previous emphasis on soul - saving as dealing only with individual persons.
«This work makes us think that increasing urbanization and rising temperatures associated with global climate change could lead to increases in scale insect populations, which could have correspondingly negative effects on trees like the red maple,» Dale says.
And they examined data from sources like the U.S. Census Bureau and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to look at various socio - ecological factors that have been posited as contributors to individualism, including prevalence of infectious disease and disasters, rates of urbanization, changes in secularism, and trends in occupational status.
«The concept of planetary health offers a new way of thinking about the health of our planet and its resilience in the face of pressures like climate change, urbanization and globalization, to name just a few,» said Helen Clark, administrator of the U.N. Development Programme, by video statement.
While the exact cause is not known, experts point to urbanization, an increase in public transit use and new technologies like teleconferencing as the source of the decline.
«We tend to measure the impact of human activity based on the area it affects on a map, but mountaintop mining is penetrating much more deeply into the earth than other land use in the region like forestry, agriculture or urbanization,» said Emily Bernhardt, a professor of biology at Duke and co-author on the study.
Like many cities in the developing world, Indore's water infrastructure and institutions face the mounting pressures of population and growth and urbanization.
But Los Angeles is making an attempt at urbanization, at feeling like a much denser city, and rapid gentrification has followed.
A lack of functional government and enough income to build systems for handling waste of all kinds, combined with the world's accelerating urbanization, is creating astounding situations, like children being swallowed up in a soup of trash and storm water.
If you want to see what a lost public - health opportunity looks like and don't mind experiencing a wave of frustration, please read «Dengue, Urbanization and Globalization: The Unholy Trinity of the 21st Century,» a chilling 2011 paper by Duane J. Gubler, professor and founding director of the emerging infectious disease program at the Duke - NUS Medical School in Singapore.
Increased urbanization just might help our energy / climate problems as much or more than hybrid automobiles and the like.
Some of what he says I disagree with (e.g., the potential future impact of increases in greenhouse gases), but in some areas he is very much correct... like the impact of urbanization and poor sensor siting.
Just like the expanding urbanization and the replacement of ground stations a major hick up in historic temperature data.
When climate scientists first began homogenizing temperature data, the PDO had yet to be named, so I would like to suggest instead of a deliberate climate science conspiracy, it was their ignorance of the PDO coupled with overwhelming urbanization effects that caused the unwarranted adjustments by causing «natural change points» that climate scientists had yet to comprehend.
Pile on to that things like increased urbanization, doing stupid stuff like placing the instrument next to the hot outlet of an air cooling system, etc., ad infinitum, ad naseum.
I have had several inquiries into what the remaining warming would look like if I incorporated the potential effect of non-climatic warming influences (e.g., urbanization, other landscape changes, instrument changes, network quality, etc.).
In a future post I will address the pairwise homogenization algorithm, which attempts to correct for factors like the MMTS transition and the impact of urbanization on temperature trends.
The reality that's played out, it's more like a cluster bomb, in the sense that there are little pockets of both high fertility and urbanization,» with more localized vulnerabilities to natural disasters and other crises.
Especially since 2002 is the warmest (at least globally with the GHCN - ERSST data) I prefer to look at 1880 -LRB--.2) to 2006 (+.3) off global mean for the period and it's clear to see the trend globally going from -.4 to +.3 The only questions then left are what is the meaning (and / or import) of the sudden changes since 1980, what changing a total of.005 C a year during the period means, what impact does increasing urbanization globally and additional industrialization in places like India and China contribute, why the drop from +.6 to +.3, and why not a constant increase from year to year, given the elevated CO2 levels.
Areas of dense urbanization, like in eastern China, show higher levels of air pollution.
A simple comparison like this does not say whether the bias is arising from microsite issues or more general urbanization.
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