Sentences with phrase «like valerian»

Previously, the only real way to earn money off these games was indirectly through branding, as with titles like Valerian Space Run, Wonder Woman and Lego Batman Bat Climb that promote movies.
Matricalm contains herbs like chamomile and lemon balm, which do wonders to for nervous disorders, excitability, and anxiety; and herbs like valerian, which help strengthen the heart.
Q: My anxious 11 - month - old rescue dog goes through rounds of panic and alert barking, and my trainer suggested giving it calming natural remedies like valerian root, Bach flower remedies and catnip extract.
It ultimately comes down to the artist: For every Michael Bay Transformers movie (if you can tell who anyone aside from Bumblebee is during a robo - fight, please, work for NASA or something) there is a project like Valerian, Ready Player One, or Interstellar that exemplifies how these projects can burst through the screen in the right hands.
The latest Star Wars epic is likely to earn less than movies like Valerian (remember Valerian?)
If you do hit that second wind and need to come down, you can lower your cortisol levels and get your mind in sleep mode with mediation, prayer, peaceful music, adaptogen herbs like Rhodiola, Ashwaganda and Siberian Ginseng as well as calming herbs and minerals like Valerian Root and Magnesium.
It acts kind of like valerian, but it doesn't smell nearly as bad, and it's less intense.
You know I have, like, an herbal one — like valerian, stuff like that, which is calming.
For mild insomnia, herbs like valerian and chamomile can be effective.

Not exact matches

We tried various supplements like melatonin and valerian.
Plus, these nighttime beverages come packed with serious health benefits: The turmeric in golden milk heightens memory and brain function, and calming teas like lavender and valerian regulate the nervous system and stress response.
(We like bergamot, Roman chamomile, valerian and, of course, lavender.)
There are so many sleep supplements out there, containing things that are completely science - backed, like melatonin, passionflower, valerian and magnesium.
For breakfast every day I had a «Zen smoothie,» which included ingredients like coconut milk, kefir, hemp protein powder, organic blueberries, lavender buds, and valerian extract.
Cyclin - GF contains ZMA, 5 - HTP, valerian root and alpha - GPC, all of which promote deep REM sleep — the time when your body produces anabolic hormones like GH and IGF - 1 and when the maturation of muscle precursor cells for increased growth takes place.
Like passionflower, valerian increases the chemical GABA which has anti-anxiety properties.
In addition, Valerian is sometimes paired with other relaxing herbs, like hops and St. John's wort.
You can also combine it with other herbs like chamomile and valerian to help to reduce anxiety, promote feelings of well - being and get a good night's sleep.
I've been totally into my Kneipp Zen10 Bath Collection lately, with blends like lavender, eucalyptus, pure bliss, rosemary, melissa, warm embrace, valerian & hops, arnica joint & muscle rescue, juniper, and sensual seduction, how could you ever go wrong.
Valerian can cause sedation, so care should be taken when used with other sedating medications like muscle relaxers, pain medications, antidepressants, etc...
For these patients, I recommend a calming pre-bed ritual like deep breathing or gentle yoga along with a natural sleep aid like melatonin or an herbal formula that contains valerian and passionflower to unwind and lower stress hormones.
Meanwhile, Rihanna's «Valerian» co-star Cara Delevingne opted for sandals that practically looked like jewelry for the red carpet premiere.
Valerian's box - office failure might stymie development on any other $ 200 - million indies like this one, but at least we've got this wonderful, overstuffed, ridiculous feast of a movie - a movie that had me guffawing and applauding throughout its gloriously bloated runtime.
As a massive fan of The Fifth Element (as well as some of his other films), I'd love to see him making movies like this more often, so here's hoping Valerian will prove to be as successful for Besson as Lucy was.
She didn't like storms or fireworks and valerian root worked best at calming her.
As a natural product, Pet Remedy contains Valerian, a perennial herb known for its calming qualities, along with other botanical extracts, like vetiver and essential oils.
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