Sentences with phrase «like victimization»

«In a way, I see that as like a victimization,» she continued.
She added, «In a way, I see that as like a victimization.
Like the victimization of grace upon which the law incessantly attempts to invade and encroach and replace... often successfully... likewise your community will be ceaselessly tempted to allow just a little purpose, some kind of goal or a vision.

Not exact matches

They still, just like everyone else, lived under a system of rivalry, violence, scapegoating, blame, slander, accusation, and victimization.
Like you I attempt to create relationships with the abused where they feel empowered to talk openly about the abuse they've experienced without fear of further victimization by dismissiveness and / or accusations.
Relational victimization, experienced by boys and girls at similar levels, was related to higher levels of relational aggression and internalizing problems such as symptoms of depression and of anxiety, as well as lower levels of received prosocial behavior like peer support and help (called prosocial support).
Yet her story, and the many others like it that have made headlines recently, are a heartbreaking illustration of the link between victimization and suicide in young people.
Only some of these digressions are funny (like the way Laura Branigan's «Gloria» becomes Stant's personal soundtrack), but Gillespie mostly lands the film's tricky tonal balancing act, hitting nostalgic pleasure points throughout even when he's underlining or undermining the cruelty of Harding's victimization.
Going to Scotland for another speech, he played the victimization card now familiar to IPCC affiliated and Climatic Research Unit (CRU) people, like Director Phil Jones who claimed he considered suicide after the emails were leaked.
The plausible narrative is that you and your colleagues are serious about your work — and that like anyone, you are inclined towards confirmation bias, towards tribalism, towards as sense of victimization.
«There is a spectrum of conduct that would constitute the offence in this case, from the most heinous like the intentional and predatory victimization of vulnerable individuals, to a situation where an 18 - year - old is convicted for arranging a sexual encounter through Craigslist with a 17 - year - old,» she says.
A little manipulation of the child and the child starts refusing to come to therapy with Dr. Childress because he doesn't like Dr. Childress — I'm supposedly not «understanding» enough regarding the child's victimization by his bad mother — and what can the father do?
Relational and physical victimization within friendships: Nobody told me there» d be friends like these.
Her history of physical victimization had been assessed previously (1991 - 1994) in the longitudinal study («When you were a child or teenager... were you ever physically hurt by a parent or someone else — like hit, slapped, beaten, shaken, burned, or anything like that?
Let's take a look at what victimization looks like:
Academic self - efficacy, school climate / supportiveness, school belonging, future goals and ambitions, motivation in school, victimization (bullying), school self - concept, classroom autonomy, school liking, personal power, parental help, parent support
Psychological victimization was assessed with the following 5 clusters of items: a) threatened to hit, leave you, or take the children away; b) monitored your whereabouts or friends; jealous / suspicious; c) ordered you around, treated you like a servant; d) was aggressive towards property or pets; destroyed your property; and e) insulted or sworn at you, put you down, belittled you, would not listen to your point of view, made you feel worthless.
Furthermore, it can be supposed that school support can compensate for a lack of parental support, possibly also protecting against the impacts of risk factors like peer - victimization.
The same is true for psychological variables like depression [32], which may be one of the consequences of victimization, since violence, especially from peers, undermines self - esteem and also makes adolescents feel helpless and depressed [33, 34, 35, 32].
Still, it is interesting that the indirect forms of victimization (including experiences of others speaking ill of you behind your back, spreading untrue or mean rumors about you, ignoring you or treating you «like thin air», and trying to make others dislike you), which could hardly be said to involve more serious forms of abuse than the direct forms of victimization that were asked about, turned out to predict the development of both emotional symptoms and conduct problems.
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