Sentences with phrase «like walking zombies»

What's unfortunate about this is that most of the character models lack any sort of life, and thus at times look like walking zombies.
A company that has been distributing its wealth year after year for such a long time might look like a walking zombie surfing on old principles.
The next day, I'd repeat the process all over again, not realizing that my diet and other lifestyle choices were the real reason I felt like a walking zombie.
A company that has been distributing its wealth year after year for such a long time might look like a walking zombie surfing on old principles.

Not exact matches

This Android app has been designed to stop you from mindlessly strolling into oncoming traffic while walking like a zombie with a smartphone in your hand.
He called «The Walking Dead» a «soap opera» and said big - budget films like «World War Z» made modest zombie films impossible.
Their mesmerised inhabitants simply walked out of them, like so many zombies, once they realised there was no longer any social bar to doing so.
And I need make the coffee and all meals the day before or he will walk out like a zombie.
«I was getting up four or five times a night,» he says, «so I was walking around like a zombie
kelsey i love transfer rumours, they are the reason i walk around in a zombie like trance for 4 months of the year!
Of course you are both tired and walking around like zombies, but it gives you know excuse to make these comments.
At the moment, I'm just walking around like a zombie all the time.
Of course, I am the mother of an 18 - month - old who still wakes three times a night to nurse, and I spend a good percentage of the week walking around like a zombie.
We deserve more than to walk around like zombies, dragging our butts out of bed and searching for the first hit of caffeine.
Although it might not feel like it when you're walking around in a sleep - deprived, zombie - like state or attempting to calm them with your millionth «shh, shh, shh» of the day, the newborn days go very quickly.
Every couple feels like a pair of walking zombies during their first month at home with baby (and often for much longer than that).
You can't put her down after she's done because she wakes, and you're walking around like a zombie all day long.
It felt horrible, I walked around like a zombie all day because I wasn't getting any sleep, and I basically was a psycho bitch to my husband & virtually anyone else I met.
Very often, clinicians would prescribe exercise classes, physiotherapy, walking and cycling programmes as part of the treatment, but who would like to engage in these activities when they feel like a zombie?
Movies by George A. Romero and TV series like The Walking Dead give us a good idea of what the zombie apocalypse will actually be like so we are forewarned if not forearmed but what are your chances of surviving an attack of the un-dead?
Looking back, I was walking around like a zombie half of the month, plus I was having constant digestive distress, UTI's, I rarely had energy or stamina to exercise, and I secretly wanted to sleep my early 20's away!
It's easy to see why so many kids and adults alike are walking around like zombies.
You do not have to walk slowly or look like a zombie.
my coworker ran the marathon and she was just telling me about 20 minutes ago how she felt like zombie walking through the city at a death slow pace wearing the blue hoodie!
I hope that you enjoy and like my new tutorial which has a bit less humor in it, but I promise that the other, the walking dead zombie makeup tutorial Halloween 2013 will be funnier.
My children call graveyards «zombie homes» and we like to visit them frequently to walk through.
Honestly, it was one of the best movies I'd ever seen — mainly because it made me realize most of us walk round like zombies all our love lives.
You just walk past her like a zombie, not knowing what to do or say.
It was like walking around a big city after a zombie apocalypse.
First off, you can't go into The Walking Dead expecting wall - to - wall action like in most zombie games today.
Play it because you like Telltale, play it because you love zombies, play it because you love point and click adventure games, play it because you love substantial choice in games, play it because it's cheap, play it because you're sick of Halo, the bottom line remains the same: DO NOT MISS THE WALKING DEAD.
I highly recommend this show to any zombie lovers (I am starting to like it more than the walking dead).
The once - terrifying creatures have now become as stale a horror sub-genre as zombies, with numerous films and television shows being churned out one after another, meaning it takes something truly phenomenal like The Walking Dead to emerge from the growing puddle of tedium.
Where World War Z has clearly learned from some of the better zombie pics of the past like 28 Days Later, is in its realization that plodding, walking zombies aren't all the terrifying or thrilling even when they number in the thousands.
Since the film's release, zombies have become infinitely more popular with films like World War Z and Warm Bodies, and the wildly successful TV series The Walking Dead.
Now four and a half decades on, with successful TV dramas like The Walking Dead, and the titular balls - out British zombie comedy; Shaun of the Dead, begs the question; are there any fresh angles left in the already over-saturated zombie market worth exploring, or indeed, your time?
This dramatic and introspective Canadian movie about a Civil War vet making his way through a zombie apocalypse plays like a 19th century feature film version of The Walking Dead.
I was into zombies long before most people jumped on the zombie «bandwagon,» thanks to shows like The Walking Dead.
2015 TRIBECA FILM FESTIVAL: Zombies have been all the craze for quite sometime with shows like «The Walking Dead» and films like «World War Z» dominating the box office.
It's too smart for its own good, presenting a superhero origin story without allowing any of its characters to ever once even whisper the word (a lot like «The Walking Dead» making everyone look like assholes by avoiding the term «zombie») and spending too much time letting its teen titans drop names like Schopenhauer before making it clear that the character who most embraces the philosopher's theories of aesthetics and self - abnegation ultimately takes up the mantle of one of Schopenhauer's offshoots, Nietzsche.
If the makers of The Walking Deceased just went for a funny zombie movie, like Zombieland was, they might have stood a chance.
Shortly thereafter, Garland teamed with Boyle again to greater effect; producing what was to become one of the greatest zombie features of all time in 28 Days Later..., a film that really set the stage for the success of a cultural phenomenon like The Walking Dead.
This way we will never have roads full of amateurs driving like zombies, on an automatic mode never being able to react to a challenging situation, we would never have to drive behind people that can barely walk and they drive on motorways.
Hyundai will be releasing «The Walking Dead» Edition Tucson soon, but it's not going to have any additions to the exterior for keeping zombies out like metal bars or mesh wire.
Ya know that beautifully drawn zombie comic you and your friends created that's like, so much better than The Walking Dead, but failed to sell a single issue at the local comic book shop?
Just because someone has a Border Collie or German Shepherd that will walk beside him / her like a zombie is no proof that they can help you with your Beardie, Terrier or Jack Russell which chases the postman or barks at next door's cat.
The downside of warmer temperatures, however, is that parasites are once again seeking a meal like zombies from The Walking Dead.
Shambling corpses make up the majority of the zombie army, of course, and come with plenty of neat little decorations like a knife stuck in the skull and such, but other variants exist including very speedy suicide zombies and walking skeletons.
The first episode of Telltale's The Walking Dead made its debut on Sony's PSN last night, as anyone within earshot of my house can verify after hearing my gleeful exclamations as I bashed in the head of a zombie babysitter with a hammer this very morning, but it seems like XBLA'ers will...
Like last year's The Walking Dead, The Last of Us is a zombie game where killing zombies is the least interesting thing going on.
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