Sentences with phrase «like war movies»

The lesson here: People do like war movies.
Then he ventured out as an independent producer of films like war movie «Home of the Brave» and «The Men,» Marlon Brando's feature debut.
It looks like a war movie about life in England during the London Blitz, when air raids by German planes were a daily fact of life.
On the surface, MEGAN LEAVEY looks like a war movie but it really is not.

Not exact matches

He likes to say that Star Wars would not have been such a great movie if the director would have come out at the beginning and said to the audience, «By the way, Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father.»
A few other pieces compared entrepreneurship to the movie making business with titles like «How Starting A Business Is Like The Making Of Star Wars» (which I want to read) and «How Starting a Business is Like Casting a Movie» as well as the slightly esoteric «How Starting A Business Is Like Casting «la Dolce Vita.»&rmovie making business with titles like «How Starting A Business Is Like The Making Of Star Wars» (which I want to read) and «How Starting a Business is Like Casting a Movie» as well as the slightly esoteric «How Starting A Business Is Like Casting «la Dolce Vita.»&ralike «How Starting A Business Is Like The Making Of Star Wars» (which I want to read) and «How Starting a Business is Like Casting a Movie» as well as the slightly esoteric «How Starting A Business Is Like Casting «la Dolce Vita.»&raLike The Making Of Star Wars» (which I want to read) and «How Starting a Business is Like Casting a Movie» as well as the slightly esoteric «How Starting A Business Is Like Casting «la Dolce Vita.»&raLike Casting a Movie» as well as the slightly esoteric «How Starting A Business Is Like Casting «la Dolce Vita.»&rMovie» as well as the slightly esoteric «How Starting A Business Is Like Casting «la Dolce Vita.»&raLike Casting «la Dolce Vita.»»
Their dependence on licensing deals with movies — particularly at Hasbro, which owns «master rights» to Disney (dis) franchises like Star Wars — has become a double - edged lightsaber: When movies are down, so are toys.
One option is Disney, which has blockbuster movie franchises like «Frozen» and «Star Wars» under its belt that resonate with younger generations, he said.
Movies like Star Wars have padded Walt Disney's (DIS) box office receipts this year and the company's stock price is in the black, but that doesn't mean CEO Bob Iger is getting a raise.
In the past few years, Disney has been dominant, with movies like «Beauty and the Beast» and its «Star Wars» and «Marvel» franchises.
«Much like the final films in series like «The Dark Knight,» «Star Wars» and «Harry Potter,» this is billed as the payoff movie that fans have been waiting for,» he added.
Movies like Black Panther and Get Out are celebrated, the new Star Wars made a point to have a diverse cast and a female lead, and cultural products are criticized for being too white and too male.
Catching up on great movies like Schindler's List, Empire of the Sun, and War Horse (basically, movies scored by John Williams)
Of course, that ship has sailed, but if you'd like to be part of a Star Wars movie, good news: you'll have plenty of opportunities to do so...
Movies like Star Wars and books like Game of Thrones have legitimate capacity to empower and inspire people.
And I'll be honest, I like watching war movies!
Going into Infinity War, the big question was whether or not a movie like this was even possible.
Filmmaking skill and solid actors can make these movies fun, but the truth and virtues buried in them is what makes these movies important — much like the original Star Wars movies were for the previous generation.
Alan Kirton described viewing «Life Styles of the Rich and Famous,» a Popeye cartoon, «The Price Is Right,» «The A-Team,» «Miss Marple,» «Miami Vice,» «Crazy Like a Fox,» the Jimmy Swaggart ministry, and a movie, «Charlie Grant's War,» in a small Caribbean community and commented: «We have a Cadillac mentality in a bicycle economy.»
The bad guys would wear black, and their motives wouldn't be any more complicated than «I'm a dick,» just like in every Star Wars movie.
As a matter of fact, what he looks like is the kid in the war movie who thinks maybe he will be shaving soon, though everybody else knows he will get killed in the next - to - last reel.
I watched «The Huntsman: Winter's War (Trailer 2)» and I want to see this movie because I liked the first film and this cast is even better.
You could also argue that Star Wars never went away, but the new movies feel an awful lot like a reboot, and having Rey front and center has really brought my daughter into the SW universe.
And like the real sixth Star Wars movie, this film is rather incestious as the family ties emerge and it is hard to see who is on which side?
Seeing the movie Concussion is like seeing the new Star Wars movie, Omalu: The Force Awakens without watching the six previous films.
they must film this scene in the first person, the applause and cheering muffled, like they do in war movies after big explosions.
Saturn's moon Mimas looks for all the world like the Death Star - the planet - destroying space station from the movie Star Wars - in this Cassini image taken in 2005.
I mean we've seen all these movies like Terminator, that someday the machines will become conscious and self - aware and wage war on us.
The giant pit makes Mimas, right, look eerily like the planet - destroying Death Star in the «Star Wars» movies.
Just in time for the release of the movie «Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens,» NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has photographed what looks like a cosmic, double - bladed lightsaber.
And if we're to believe all those George Romero movies, no matter how you slice»em and dice»em, a zombie «World War Z» - like apocalypse is inevitable (unless you can destroy their brains quickly).
After losing 35 pounds for her role in the latest Star Wars movie, she spoke out against society's obsession with physical appearance in saying, «We treat beauty like an accomplishment, and that is insane.»
Sounds like you had a fun holiday weekend... I am not the biggest Star Wars fan either but I love a good movie... maybe I'll have to check it out:) Thanks for hosting and Happy New Year!!!
It's obvious, the Kopykake is not a pretty tool; in fact, as a «cookie» friend, Catherine once mentioned, it looks like it belongs in a Star Wars movie!
There are few times more appropriate to get fun and maybe a little bit weird with your style than when you're starring in a movie like «Star Wars
I've always liked Star Wars, they're definitely interesting movies.
It just seems like a movie, now, that calls back to the past, in order to drive individuals to the movie theater, because it has the name «Star Wars» on it.
The main player for the turn selects three cards from his hand and lays them down, describing his character — for example, for a male character: «war weapons collector, spends his holidays in Kazakhstan, likes movies about gladiators.»
A big nerd so like comics, star wars, a big movie buff, a blazer fan, and listen to music.
Hi im anthony im 23 and live in salem and tired of feeling lonely im a big nerd thats into games, anime, movies like Godzilla, star wars and anything horror i also like going to conventions when i get the time to.
My Interest's are Sy - Fy movies, Like star wars, X-men, and Epic movies like 300, and a whole lot mLike star wars, X-men, and Epic movies like 300, and a whole lot mlike 300, and a whole lot more.
watch movies i like war, historic, action; scifi, pretty much all types of movies.
Recently single, I'm a cosplay, 360 gamer, comic collector, star wars / star treck fanitic, I love horror movies, my favorite food is steak, I also like to be outdoors fishin, muddin or what ever, and I love animals and Ive always been good with kids...
I like movies listening to music riding horses a huge Star Wars fan and love wwe and big Aerosmith fan
Hi My Name is Connor Agrippino I'm a Single 24 yr old Looking for Love I love Kamen Rider Super Sentai I like To watch movies and Sometimes Play Videogames I also Love Star Wars Indiana Jones and the Marvel Movies and sometimes like to Read comic books on the inmovies and Sometimes Play Videogames I also Love Star Wars Indiana Jones and the Marvel Movies and sometimes like to Read comic books on the inMovies and sometimes like to Read comic books on the internet
Like to camp, hunt, fish, cook, drag racing, motorcycle rides, stock car racing, setting by a great lady next to a warm fire, watching a great movie and getting under a war... Read More
Patriarshy Dom Tours, a Russian - American Cultural Center in Moscow, is operating as a full service travel agency, consistently enlarging the number of It sounded like a scene from a Cold War spy movie: Donald Trump Jr. was in a helicopter flying low on the outskirts of Russia's capital city.
The duo, who have reportedly started dating Brad Pitt looks more like his pal, George Clooney, in his upcoming Netflix movie, War Machine.
Avengers: Infinity War feels like a Marvel movie on bath salts.
There's also a contradictory nature; Despite feeling like an old - fashioned, Hollywood style picture it has many riffs and rip - off's of contemporary war movies.
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