Sentences with phrase «like wheezing»

If cats do show signs, they are usually non-specific symptoms like wheezing or coughing.
Patch is a pit / boxer mix and he started out just coughing a little and I wasn't all that concerned because he had done that before but now he is breathing heavy with like a wheezing / snorting sound and he will stick his nose in the air as if trying to get air, also holding his mouth open when trying to breath more than usual.
For example, 6 and 7 year old children who lived with a bird during their first year of life were more likely to have respiratory symptoms like wheezing compared to children who did not have a bird in the home as an infant.15 Likewise, researchers say that the timing of when a pet is in the family is also important.
A French study suggests eating four or more portions of processed (cured) meats a week may worsen symptoms like wheezing — but this does not amount to an asthma attack.
Unlike a food allergy, which leads to immediate and obvious symptoms like wheezing and anaphylaxis, food sensitivities occur due to a delayed immune reaction.
On studying the symptoms and immune reactions of the mice, the scientists observed that the properly - vaccinated group were protected against a range of symptoms, from the mild itching and irritated eyes, right up to the more severe, like wheezing and shock.
With prolonged exposure came the asthma - like wheezing and shortness of breath.
Some children have more serious symptoms, like wheezing.

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The venerable, hoary «back link strategy» for search engine optimization is wheezing like a dying animal.
Symptoms to watch for include inconsolable crying, wheezing, cold - like symptoms, rashes, constipation, diarrhea, or blood in her poop.
Parents of children with asthma who begin wheezing usually know to give a bronchodilator, reliever, or quick relief medication, like albuterol or Xopenex.
If your child has never had asthma before and is wheezing, then it could be the first sign of asthma, or he may have a viral infection, like RSV / bronchiolitis.
Sometimes he creaked like a door or wheezed like someone letting the air out of a balloon.
On Thursday I was awake from 4 a.m. with Charlie wheezing through the monitor like a mini Darth Vader; by six o'clock he was struggling so badly that I drove him to the hospital.
You know, they often get... they have less wheezing, less asthma, things like that, because again, their bodies are fighting off these things in the environment.
First, make note of this: if your baby has a violent, acute, or dangerous reaction to a food (like a sudden wheezing or shortness of breath), seek medical help immediately.
That's like saying that our immune systems need to be challenged in life, or they figure they can go and retire in Florida and play shuffleboard and leave us coughing and wheezing away.
Babies fed soy formula, like that of cow's milk, can develop a rash, runny nose, wheezing, diarrhea, or vomiting from allergy to the soy protein.
He has pneumonia, and when he breathes he wheezes like a steam train.
Also, we would like to study what percentage of the association between respiratory tract infections and asthma can be explained by changes in lung function, and whether the associations change when we take early - life wheezing into account,» she will conclude.
I get a little extra wheezing and coughing, and sometimes it hangs on longer than I'd like, but I'm happy to report that I haven't taken an antibiotic or a steroid since 2012.
In recent years, allergists have begun reporting cases of patients experiencing allergy - like reactions — including nasal congestion, itchy eyes, wheezing, and coughing — from smoking marijuana.
Years later, when the children were around 8 years old, they evaluated them for things like doctor - diagnosed asthma, wheezing, hay fever, eczema, atopy (also known as the genetic tendency to develop allergic diseases), serum total IgE (a common way to test for allergic disease), and lung function.
Acid reflux may present in a variety of ways including a burning pain in your chest or throat (heartburn), sour or bitter acid back up in your throat or mouth, bloating, nausea, chronic hiccups, burping, bloody vomit or stool, feeling like food is stuck in your throat, and wheezing or prolonged sore throat.
Or a specialized workout for people like me who start wheezing and breathing hard after five minutes of working out?
Symptoms of intolerance raspy voice, skin irritations, bowel changes like loose stools or constipation, headaches, wheezing, or other immune reactions.
Made it to three, i think im starting to get work out induced asthma, i start wheezing like ive never worked out before (however i do all the time)
A flaccid superhero satire fashioned with stunning animation, the picture feels like a runaway farce that barely wheezes out of the starting gate.
Now Disney is in the middle of a Pixar makeover, and «Shrek» is the wheezing franchise, under the same debilitating pressure to give fans what they want (something new, like the original) within the crushing framework of the brand they already know.
The movie is a turgid, swollen, wheezing old contraption, a crashing bore of special effects in which the most exciting moment gives us two ships sitting in water sending cannon balls at each other for what seems like hours on end.
Stroll along the streets of Diagon Alley and stop inside well - known shops like Weasleys» Wizard Wheezes, Magical Menagerie and Quality Quidditch Supplies
Watch for the way that outer space (visited more often here than in the previous films combined) dissolves into the glow stars that still cling to Clark's childhood ceiling; the way that baseball is resuscitated America's central pastime; or the way that Singer cuts every cornball moment with a little humour at the expense of our childish hunger for it (like Lois sliding down a plastic slide, or a little boy's asthmatic wheeze off - camera).
Case in point: He has an assistant named Twatt (Jack Davenport), which allows Branagh to wheeze: «I like you, Twatt.»
Surrounded by hissing, wheezing, flatulent, last - century technology, the roadster from the future stands out like a vegan food stand at a Texas barbecue.
It sounded perfectly balanced during the bulk of our drives but thrust down on the gas and prepares to hear the CVT wheeze like a chain - smoking asthmatic attempting a marathon.
The Sorento doesn't buzz or wheeze like a Rio; in fact, it's fairly quiet on the road, and it doesn't want for power despite a 4,300 - pound curb weight.
By the time he said, «All right, my turn,» my muscles were on fire and I was wheezing like an engine full of old gas.
I saw something like that the other day, the new dividend dummy wheeze is to add yield + CAGR for each stock, and invest in the stocks with the highest totals!
Birds can react badly to secondhand smoke and may develop eye problems, as well as other respiratory problems like coughing and wheezing.
While dogs and cats don't typically suffer runny noses and watery eyes like humans, they are likely to exhibit signs such as sneezing, wheezing, itching and scratching.
She sounds so stopped up and wheezing, sounds like she can't breathe.
During the lengthy search for a «hypoallergenic» dog for the Obama family, the spotlight fell on the wheezes and sneezes some pet owners, like the president's asthma - prone daughter, may experience.
Veterinarians either typically treat airway disease with corticosteroids and bronchodilators while a cat is expressing clinical signs like coughing and wheezing, but once the symptoms disappear — so do the meds.
Similar to what we look like when we have a cold, redness, wetness, sneezing and sometimes wheezing or some additional effort needed to breath.
My cats had various issues; 3 of 4 are longhaired, and they were shedding like mad, wheezing and coughing on occasion (especially when the heat came on in the fall), throwing up hairballs, and itching / scratching far too much (no fleas!).
vomiting, hacking up foamy loogies, wheezing, breathing heavy, cant run like she used to without having to stop and cough or catch her breath.
By the time your dog or cat shows the classic signs of heart disease like lethargy, wheezing, croupy coughing (a liquid - sounding cough, as though there's fluid in the lungs) or exercise intolerance, it's very often too late to save your beloved pet.
This reaction involves inflammation of the lungs and results in asthma - like symptoms including wheezing, coughing, periodic vomiting and inappetence.
It reads like something fresh off a buggy, wheezing translation machine, and it suits Bangai - O perfectly.
Like my colleague Andrew Russeth noted in his Gal / erist NY review, my initial reaction when I heard about the one - floor - per - curator wheeze was dread, while on opening day my fear had subsided into mere disappointment, perhaps because the biennial's scale and wildly divergent quality made it seem pointless to have any strong view at all.
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