Sentences with phrase «like women priests»

I think a lot of people expected him to be more liberal than he has been, but he sees his role as keeping the church together when it divides on controversial issues like women priests and gay clergy.

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You will never know what brings each woman to make the decision to terminate a pregnancy, but the simple fact remains: They know the circu.mstances of their lives better than any politician, priest or stranger like you.
And, of course, you are so utterly clueless that you can't see the difference between asking someone to take off their baseball cap which they're wearing simply because they like wearing a baseball cap... and asking a woman to take off her faith - based scarf or an Amish man to shave his faith - based beard or a Sikh (which is * not * a Muslim faith) to take off his turban or a Catholic priest to take off his cross... well, if you can't figure out the difference yet, there's no hope for you.
In former Communists countries, like Poland in some Churches women are not even allowed to read during mass, forget about altar girls I've only seen 1 church that allowed it, and couples who practice contraception, who are divorced, who have children out of wedlock, priests often deny them the Sacraments especially in small towns.
Like Gerlach, Heyward, who is professor of theology at Episcopal Divinity School and one of the first women to become an Episcopal priest, emphasized and modeled the importance of profound honesty in the redemption process.
When someone go to a priest he will tell you something that «when a men sleep with a men like he sleep with a woman it is abomination to God, because he made them men and women, etc» well you see that it is why it is a sin the theory.
What I would like to see is a full exploration into all the reasons why a woman can not be a priest - written by both a woman and a man.
The plaque had been placed in the cathedral in 2008, during the civic celebration of the four hundredth anniversary of the founding of New France, and it read like this (my translation): «The Society for the 400th Anniversary of Québec, through its president, Mr. Jean Leclerc, pays homage to bishops, priests, and religious communities of men and women for their exceptional contributions to the history and the culture of the people of Québec.»
Hi reading that I was just reminding what my parish priest used to say: «Bible is like old women skin you can stretch wherever you want.
In 1999, Byrne starred as a priest asked to investigate the case of a woman (Patricia Arquette) who has developed Christ - like wounds in Stigmata.
The road to revelation involves some of the more tired horror - movie cliches, like a trip to look at archived newspapers, a scene in which a dazed woman sings Hush Little Baby in a faraway voice, and a visit from an exposition - spouting Catholic priest.
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