Sentences with phrase «liked numerous aspects»

Personally I liked numerous aspects and thought the first hour was very strong, but felt it lost its way in the latter two thirds.

Not exact matches

Additionally, there's a peptide called glucagon - like peptide 2 (GLP - 2) which affects numerous aspects of carbohydrate digestion; it controls intestinal permeability, nutrient absorption, and mucosal growth in the intestines.
To paraphrase what Buffett once said, banking is a business with numerous commodity like aspects (they all sell the same basic service), but yet it also is a business where certain banks can develop a moat (a durable advantage over their competition).
If you played the first Disney Infinity release you are familiar with the Toy Box aspect of the game, and for newcomers this is mainly where you get the tools to create whatever you can imagine with everything in the game, of course there is numerous things and items you need to unlock by playing and exploring the main game but once you get some items you are free to use them how you please to create games for your friends, family or whoever, or maybe you just like to create something challenging for yourself, the toybox is truly where the only thing holding you back is your imagination.
These images varied widely and, like a dream, spanned numerous geographies, but empathetically included aspects of the political and economic neglect evident in the landscapes through which we passed.
In addition to numerous aspects relating to sculpture's material and surface, aesthetic intermediate zones like transparency and semi-transparency as well as conceptually combinatorial approaches have become very important in his work.
And like working collaboratively with parents, utilising KidsMatter principles, that sort of aspect, I know from working with you know sometimes challenging behaviour, I've always found it very useful when we can offer references from KidsMatter files or readings or the Framework around risk factors, protective factors, just to give them a bit more help and support and confidence sometimes in their role as parent, so yeah there's been numeral times numerous times sorry where you've sat alongside your parents and tried to collaborate strategies towards helping their child and the KidsMatter program has helped in a lot of aspects for me, when I've dealt with situations like this.
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