Sentences with phrase «likely answer»

We are learning more and more each and every day, and better instruments in the future will most likely answer many more of our questions.
The more likely answer is that it's some kind of strange secondary scoring system... Maybe.
Although this is likely the answer for them, they have waited so long to plan for bankruptcy that they will miss many opportunities to save valuable assets for their future use and support.
If you look down at your veins, you'll most likely answer blue to this question.
Ask any successful trader what their «secret» is and they will likely answer there is no magical formula to guarantee a profit.
There is a word art image with likely answers.
The most likely answer: dialogue yes, reunion no.
Ignoring taxes and transactions costs, this is the same decision framed in two different ways, yet most people would likely answer yes to the first and no to the second.
On Wednesday, Zuckerberg has another appointment with a House committee, where he will likely answer many of the same questions.
The only slightly challenging question was about the First Great Awakening (Jonathan Edwards - if I had to write the name from memory, I would have likely answered wrong as I always want to say George Edwards... and Jonathan Whitefield).
It's uncertain whether Kate's decision to largely forgo royal headpieces has to do with representing the monarchy as more modern and in touch (which she often does by wearing affordable fashion and repeating outfits), or about distinguishing herself from Princess Diana, who had a penchant for tiaras (a less likely answer as Kate often channels her late mother - in - law's style)-- or perhaps she just wants each time she breaks out the bling to be extra-special.
However, there are limitations to nonmed policies and they are not likely the answer unless you are under the age of 60 and in extremely good health.
very likely the answer has a curious double aspect.
If you haven't been able to make your credit card payments in over 180 days, if your credit card or student loan is in default and / or you are being sued by your lender — then most likely the answer is yes.
When told a fantastical tale, human misperceptions is a far more likely answer than anything like the above being real.
My answer is yes, but it is not likely the answer that a natural medicine or holistically minded person may expect.
In a strict legal sense, the likely answer is no.
The likely answer is no, they have not.
The most likely answer is a combination of the three.»
Romania is the likeliest answer.
The likely answer?
Low interest rates is likely the answer, and I don't expect them to persist indefinitely.
Until his death at age ninety in 2011, the most likely answer was John Stott, the longtime preaching and publishing powerhouse.
So, shy of certainty, the most likely answer is supernatural (i.e. non-natural if the first time is giving you a problem).
I juggle statistical theory, probability theory, logic, reason, and common sense to guess at the most likely answer to the question of how life arises and has risen on this particular planet.
The most likely answer is yes.
they will most likely answer, «Brown sugar.»
But now that Wenger has made a complete mess of defensive cover, Bellerin seems the most ready and most likely answer.
There are two likely answers: 1.
These days, 70 percent of mothers with children under 18 work outside the home for pay, so it's likely your answer is yes.
Moist heat is most likely your answer (but not for thrush).
The most likely answer is that he isn't getting adequate milk when he nurses.
The likely answer is that for the first time the administration is really worried about where corruption investigations might lead...
The likely answer is herd immunity, says epidemiologist Albert Ko of the Yale School of Public Health.
Ask postdoc office administrators what they need and most likely the answer (after «money») will be guidelines and best practices: Who is doing what, and how can we implement that program at our institution?
Solar physicists here at the semiannual meeting of the American Astronomical Society this week offered a number of mechanisms to shed light on what has been happening on the sun of late, but conceded that the final answer — or more likely answers — remains opaque.
The likely answer is no one.
Miller: The likely answer is, «both.»
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