Sentences with phrase «likely areas of conflict»

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Hedge funds are likely to encounter conflicts of interest in a number of areas.
When a patient's problems are related to religious or moral conflict, the staff clergyman would be the most likely person for the patient to see because of his authority in this area and because he may be perceived by the patient to be the most appropriate person to deal with these problems.
In future work, the researchers hope to examine individual species to determine which ones are most likely to struggle with the changing climate, and which areas of the country are likely to be most impacted by conflicts between humans and relocating animals.
That order of sea level rise would result in the loss of hundreds of historical coastal cities worldwide with incalculable economic consequences, create hundreds of millions of global warming refugees from highly - populated low - lying areas, and thus likely cause major international conflicts.
If you're interested in fasting, you may not know where to start or even if it's the right choice for you, and since it's a blossoming area of study, it's likely that you'll encounter some conflicting advice.
The funding is in recognition that globally, over 130 million girls are not in school, and in conflict areas girls are over twice as likely to be out of school.
The intersection of biological and abiotic resources of interest is likely to guide identification of any «last refuge», and without at least considering those potential areas of conflict, such an effort seems fraught with difficulty.
That order of sea level rise would result in the loss of hundreds of historical coastal cities worldwide with incalculable economic consequences, create hundreds of millions of global warming refugees from highly - populated low - lying areas, and thus likely cause major international conflicts.
The IPCC has already concluded that it is «virtually certain that human influence has warmed the global climate system» and that it is «extremely likely that more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010» is anthropogenic.1 Its new report outlines the future threats of further global warming: increased scarcity of food and fresh water; extreme weather events; rise in sea level; loss of biodiversity; areas becoming uninhabitable; and mass human migration, conflict and violence.
2.4 GHz band Wi - Fi is very congested and if you live in a fairly dense urban area it's quite possible (and outright likely) that your Wi - Fi channel is conflicting with one or more of your neighbors» routers.
Couples counseling can help intimate partners address concerns that arise in the course of their relationship, but premarital counseling can help partners identify areas likely to cause conflict later on — finances, child - rearing methods, career goals, and family dynamics, among others — and either work through these issues in the early stages of the relationship, if possible, or develop a plan to address them in the years to come.
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