Sentences with phrase «likely feel depressed»

For example, if you listen to a depressing song, you will most likely feel depressed.

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«Those who were victims of cyberbullying were more depressed, they were more irritable and angry, and they were more likely to not feel like themselves than those who were not victims of cyberbullying,» they wrote.
A 2013 study published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies tells me my hunches are right: «Undergraduates with excessively involved parents are more likely than others to be depressed or dissatisfied with life, and a high degree of parental involvement appeared to interfere with the ability of offspring to feel autonomous and competent.»
Just like any adult, a child will need time to adjust to the diagnosis and the physical changes and is likely to feel sad, depressed, angry, afraid, or even to deny that they are sick.
If your unhappiness feels more like depression, though, see a doctor (colic is also more likely to pop up in babies of depressed moms).
It warms my heart to hear other women and their stories, I no longer feel alone, a little depressed at times, especially in knowing that the baby I am pregnant with is likely not to be able to be breastfed either.
If you do, you are likely to feel depressed, anxious and stressed, and your baby is more likely to be born early, small and less prepared for life outside the womb.
It could also be that people who feel bad — be it depressed, stressed, cynical, or otherwise — may also be more likely to smoke or drink alcohol, or less likely to be physically active, all things that can affect your health, of course.
Studies show transgender children are more likely to be anxious and depressed, and whether or not they feel supported in their gender identity may play a role in their well - being.
According to a 2005 study conducted by Cornell University comparing the difference between male and female eating patterns, women are slightly more likely to turn to comfort foods high in fat and sugar when they're feeling lonely, guilty and depressed - whereas men are more likely to pick steaks, pasta and soups when motivated by positive emotions.
When you judge yourself, you'll likely discover that it actually makes you feel anxious, depressed, guilty, or shamed.
If you focus on negativity, you are more likely to feel depressed.
Eating the innocent little piece of cake and ice cream may give you a headache, possibly nausea or indigestion, it could even make you feel anxious, irritable or depressed, or most likely leave you feeling completely wiped out for the rest of the evening.
You're more likely to feel irritable, depressed and tired.
In other words, if your gut or other parts of your body are inflamed, and most of ours are, you're more likely to struggle with feeling depressed.
The study, which combined surveys and follow - up interviews with some students, found that all mixed - race students were more likely to report smoking, drinking, feeling depressed, having access to guns, and engaging in sexual activity.
Guinea pigs in large cages also tend to be less depressed, quiet pets and will be more likely to be talkative, playful and outgoing when they feel happy and healthy.
This considerable size means they're easy to tap away on, but it's the feeling that's likely to be most different if you're used to keys that depress significantly.
In such marriages, one spouse likely feels betrayed, vulnerable, worthless, angry, and possibly depressed; the other spouse may feel guilty about ending the marriage and yet angry about the relentless blame and clinging behavior of his or her spouse.
Women who initially felt that their partner shared their parenting style (meaning they felt they were pretty much on the same page about childcare values, philosophy and practices) were both more satisfied with their relationship and less likely to be depressed at the second assessment than were the other new moms.
Omega: In The Mindful Way Through Depression, you discuss how people who have been seriously depressed in the past are more likely to feel bad about themselves when they notice a dip in mood as opposed to those who have never dealt with depression.
It found that single moms were more likely to feel overwhelmed and depressed combining working outside the home with child - raising, even though they are more likely to receive financial assistance.103 This implies that fathers are an underutilized resource for reducing stress on single moms.
Some explanations for this findings offered by Riso and colleagues included a) the chronicity of the depression leads to alienation and distancing over time in the relationship, b) there are greater interpersonal deficits among the chronically depressed individuals or c) chronically depressed individuals are more likely to remain in distressed marriages and feel helpless to change their marital situation.
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