Sentences with phrase «likely than a classmate»

Fourth graders who showed signs of depression were more likely than their classmates to be victimized as fifth graders, and kids who were picked on in fifth grade tended to be less accepted by their peers in sixth grade.
A child who comes to school malnourished, from a poor household, having a mother with less than a high school education, or a parent whose primary language is not English is much more likely than a classmate without those factors to have academic and behavioral problems later on.

Not exact matches

He has one of the three highest academic averages in the history of Mansfield High — he received a B for one marking period in seventh - grade English but nothing lower than an A since — and will certainly become the fourth member of his family named most likely to succeed by his classmates at graduation.
These staggeringly figures are especially disconcerting, because these students are likely to need remediation in college — and far less likely to complete a degree — than classmates who enter with higher levels of skill.
The paper also cites PISA data from 2012 showing girls studying physics «had lower confidence than their male classmates, despite tests revealing no difference in academic performance; and that students confidence in their maths abilities were more likely to embark on STEM careers».
Across the United States, black and Latino students are far more likely than their white classmates to be removed from school as punishment.
Black students are more likely to be suspended than their white classmates, according to the report cards.
Women and minorities are far less likely than their white, male classmates to major and pursue a career in STEM.
Nationwide, black students are suspended at three times the rates of their white classmates, and students with disabilities are two times more likely to be suspended and expelled than general education students.
Readers who attended normally bad K - 12 schools and then went to selective colleges are likely to understand why: Your classmates who had gone to Phillips Exeter had taken much better courses than your school offered, and you may have envied their good luck, but you had read a lot on your own, you weren't that far behind, and you caught up quickly.
«We need to get existing grammars moving in the right direction before we consider expanding their number «We can also see that those from families who the Prime Minister is concerned about are «just - about - managing» are also much less likely to gain a place than their better - off classmates
The Survey also stated that female law students are more likely to be motivated by the fear of failing than their male classmates.
At 58, Debbie McDonald had reservations about going back to school, especially knowing she would be older than her classmates and likely even older than her instructors.
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