Sentences with phrase «likely than god»

Continuing the pseudostatistical arguments, a god that can exist only within a narrow portion of the spectrum of possible gods is less likely than a god that can exist over a larger portion of the spectrum.
I don't see why this would seem anymore or less likely than god having a son.
This will also prove to be true for the big bang and it is already vastly vastly more likely than the god delusion.

Not exact matches

Even if you don't believe in a religion or God more than likely the morals you identify do come from a religion at some point that then became the norm for society.
While it does not appear to me that bin Laden in any way obeyed the Laws of God, and thereby lived out of love, and therefore, yes, is more than likely facing eternal perdition, I can not know that.
That makes these creatures infinitely more likely to exist than your god, or the Tooth Fairy.
Even Santa Claus is more likely to still be alive than your god ever to have been.
As my good friend Peter Lawler would say,» studies show» that students who believe in a «harsh, punitive, vengeful, and punishing» God are less likely to cheat on a test than are non-believers or students who believe in a «loving, caring, and forgiving» God....
By the time Matthew and Luke are penned (about 15 years later than Mark) we start to see the first hints that he is being elevated to be a god and by John (or at least, soon after the original John was written, when the forged first 8 chapters were likely added) Jesus has been elevated in Judeo - Christian theology to be a part of Ggod and by John (or at least, soon after the original John was written, when the forged first 8 chapters were likely added) Jesus has been elevated in Judeo - Christian theology to be a part of GodGod.
made Since there is only evidence that men made your bible, complete with many, many flaws, it is far more likely that your book is part of the deception of men, than any gods having anything to do with it.
In Revelations, when the sun and moon fail to give their light, it far more likely to mean that prayer and meditation cease to provide a link to God anymore, rather than that the actual sun and moon are darkened.
As people think, they will realize that your god is no more likely to be real than the Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunny.
Their choice to believe in a god, likely has more to do with fear, than an objective and analytic examination of the available information.
Jesus» original disciples likely never thought of him as anything more than a great rabbi, and some might have thought him a good rallying point for a revolt, they could have even whispered that he was anointed by God, but the idea of his being divine only seems to enter into the gospels around the time many Greek educated folks had converted, bringing their own views of what a «son of God» means into the faith.
Not to be a jerk or anything, but if it were the other way around, and a man lost his job running an athiest group, because he found God, Christians would more than likely aid him, and athiests would accuse those helping him, of only doing so for the medias attention.
Statistically, traditionally, historically, and Scripturally, rather than listen to the messengers of God, we are far more likely to reject, despise, slander, condemn, rebuke, persecute, and even kill those whom God has sent to speak His truth to us.
Indeed, given what Christianity teaches about charity, human sinfulness, and God's grace, being a Christian may make Benedict or any other Christian far less likely to be fanatical than the atheist.
Most Likely to Say It Just Right In Less Than 300 Words (Nominated by Ray Hollenbach): Indigenous Worship with «God Is A Poet» «I don't see sermons around the throne, but i do hear songs.
The Christian god is no more likely to exist than unicorns, satyrs, fiery serpents, or talking snakes or Santa.
A school whose concrete identity is that of a church - like community tending to understand God by way of contemplation is likely to include more course work in spirituality, especially ascetical theology, than is a school whose ethos is that of a cadre of clergy tending to understand God by the activist way.
The East African nation, which with 36 million Orthodox Christians make it the world's second - largest Orthodox population are also more likely than Orthodox Christians in Central and Eastern Europe to wear religious symbols (93 per cent vs 64 per cent), to say they believe in God with absolute certainty (89 per cent vs 56 per cent), and to tithe (57 per cent vs 14 per cent).
But there is no method by which verifiable measurable results might demonstrate that one god belief / religion is more likely to be true than any other.
You likely deny evolution and global warming for no other reason than it makes you uncomfortable and hold science to the impossibly high standard of having to explain every conceivable mystery about the natural World before you will accept it, but some moron at a pulpit doing magic hand signals of a Sundaymorning is enough to convince you he is communicating with some sky - god and turning grocery store bread and wine into flesh and blood.
If we make foolish decisions based on some improper understanding of the Sovereignty of God, He is very likely to step back and let us experience the consequences of our foolish decisions rather than step in and help us out of the predicament we got ourselves into.
How about a study, that religious Americans are more likely to support a war or blame all troubles on God, rather than themselves... You believe or don't all you want, but please stop misleading people, with worthless studies and instead put more energy and resources to help those in need...
This god of the bible is not someone I would want to worship and if I am wrong Satan most likely is running hell and has higher yelp reviews than god.
I think all gods are just inept, have low self esteem or more than likely were made up by men and only exist in the tomes and stories man made up about them.
It's just as likely, after all, to find yourself facing some other god than YHWH upon death, so why obsess about just him?
Also, what if next week, we're visited by aliens (which is more likely than being visited by Jesus, BTW): does that mean god created them?
If this universe was kikstarted by some god, then so be it, can't disprove that, but the existence of that god prior to the expansion even is no more likely than the materials of our universe existing in a compressed energy state.
Even today, he remarked, Jewish faith seems to be less focused on what is likely to happen to us than upon what God is doing in the world.
But this is the same as saying he «just happened» and God is even less likely than a 747 or a simple cell is to have «just happened.»
Young men and women today feel themselves challenged to identify themselves with the community and institution devoted to the service of God rather than with an ideal; the human need of which they are made aware is one that only the community can minister to; the words through which they hear the Word of God addressed to them are likely to be the words of the Church.
His remark that a «big bang singularity» (p. 8) would be more likely as a first cause for the universe than God suggests that he is thinking of a cause that is first in time.
But this is the same as saying he «just happened» and God is even less likely than a simple cell is to have «just happened.»
It is far more likely that aliens did everything, than god had any part to play.
Adherents of the new Christian sects, of which there were many competing ones, e.g., Ebonites, Gnostics, etc., would have been familiar with the Serapis and likely would not have wanted their godman to seem any less impressive than the gods of the Serapis and other religions of the time, so there would have been a need for a miraculous birth story and other miracle stories for their godman, as well.
The affirmation in Mark 14:61 in answer to Pilate's question is less likely to have been spoken by Jesus than the replies given in Matthew 27:11 and Luke 22:70, for if he had said that he was the Son of God, the Jews could have put him to death for blasphemy.
If it is removed from the social fabric the coming of God is likely to be interpreted in a purely historical rather than sacramental manner, frustrating the reach of God into our human, social world, undermining the human hope that God can answer our deepest yearning.
Today's Skimpole is more likely to be a feminist than a Nazi, but both are indeed missing something — and not just a balanced picture of God.
God's measure of time from the center of the universe is likely very different than how we see it here at the edge.
Might it be that those who picture God as living are less likely to try to impose moral choices by law and to leave moral judgment to heaven rather than the courts?
There is absolutely nothing, NOTHING, that distinguishes the Abrahamic God as more credible, or more likely to be real than any of the other Gods that almost all people agree were invented by man.
Those are likely the SAME scholars that claim that God said «forever» rather than «NOT forever» about killing people working on the Sabbath.
example, are certainly more likely to employ figures of kingship and lordship in metaphoric ways when they try to speak about God than societies organized in different ways.
They were more than twice as likely 63 percent to 30 percent to say that the Bible should be taken literally as the word of God.
They are not excluded from affirmations about God, but they are much more likely to concern themselves with images of God or language about God than with God.
It was more than likely a method of safely butchering meat which got out of hand and then somewhere along the line, someone on a power trip claimed God demanded it.
The nonpacifist is more likely than the pacifist to believe that God participates in human conflict, using stern measures and even if necessary the awful destructiveness of war, to protect a State against its enemies and to enable a State to protect the helpless against aggression.
Most Likely to Totally Nail It in Less Than 600 Words: Mason Slater at Deeper Story with «Gender and the Gospel» «So then part of faithfully proclaiming that Gospel is proclaiming to the people of God that gender, social class, and ethnicity do not define who God can use and how he can use them... So yes, I think the neo-Reformed movement is right, gender roles have everything to do with the Gospel.
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