Sentences with phrase «likes handholding»

No one likes handholding in puzzle games after all and there's nothing worse than an item or area that stands out like a sore thumb because it doesn't match the rest of the game's aesthetics.

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Much like an elliptical, it gives you pedals to stand on and handholds to grip.
«But as opposed to drop - in - and - play games like Team Fortress 2 or Battlefront, there's no room here for handholding with solo players» they then warned.
The main one involves large, spinning wheels with handholds: it's not explained to you anywhere, but shooting these big mill - like wheels with any arrow from your bow will cause it to stop and turn the other way, which at one point is essential for you to progress.
The handholding feels constrictive — despite appearing like an open world, Skyward Sword funnels you through stifling linear segments.
Sometimes simply climbing up walls without handholds by attacking them is key to getting secret treasure like extra health or lives.
I don't know an attorney that wouldn't like somebody to do a little extra handholding for their clients.
Nonsexual touching like hugging or handholding is just as important as sex itself in keeping your relationship healthy.
I feel more like a Concierge:) service because it takes so much handholding to help people new to the USA to get a soc sec #, find a place to live here, turn on power, water, internet, set up a bank account, get furniture, dishes, pots and pans!
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