Sentences with phrase «limbic system area»

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Trimble discusses research findings that show our brain's emotionally driven limbic system is deeply connected with other areas of the nervous system, such as the sensory cortex, which helps us process our surroundings.
Although there is a good deal of evidence for some level of dissociation between multiple systems that approximate controlled and automatic processing respectively, with parts of the brain such as areas of frontal cortex (controlled) and limbic regions (automatic) implicated in these processes, it seems highly unlikely that there are dedicated, independent, sub-systems at the neural level that are specific to these modes of processing.
Professor Suckling added: «The sex differences in the limbic system include areas often implicated in psychiatric conditions with biased sex ratios such as autism, schizophrenia, and depression.
limbic system A group of brain structures surrounding the central area of the brain.
The result showed activation in the awake state was greater than under anesthetic in the somatosensory area, the limbic system and basal ganglia.
Whereas Zhang et al. [25] found more activation in almost all brain areas from deep needling and Wu et al. [52] found more activation from superficial needling in the somatosensory area, motor area and language areas (Broca and Wernicke areas), and from deep needling more deactivation in the limbic system.
From a descriptive perspective, multiple studies reported that acupuncture modulates activity within specific brain areas, including somatosensory cortices, limbic system, basal ganglia, brain stem, and cerebellum.
Four studies [42], [71]--[73] found more activation in the somatosensory areas, limbic system, visual, language areas or higher cognitive areas in response to stimulation compared to no stimulation.
Chronic stress, and the depression that often follows it, have been found to decrease the functioning and number of cells in the hippocampus, an area of the limbic system, the emotional brain, involved in memory.
The limbic system is a complex area that controls emotions (including fear and anger), motivation, memory, and feelings of pleasure.
This seahorse - shaped area is buried inside the temple on each side of the brain and is part of the limbic system, a set of inner structures associated with emotion and memory.
Around the time of birth in most mammals, changes to the hormonal milieu including fluctuating levels of estrogen, 19,20 progesterone19, 20, prolactin21 and oxytocin22 trigger a cascade of neurological adaptations that result in typical maternal behaviour.23 Numan, and colleagues,24 - 29 have demonstrated that the neurobiology of mothering in rodents relies heavily on projections from the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, as well as fibres from surrounding sensory, limbic and cortical systems.
Neural mechanisms of empathy in humans: A relay from neural systems for imitation to limbic areas
Parkinson and Wheatley (2014) found that greater levels of empathic concern were associated with greater FA in association fiber tracts linking areas involved in visual and affective processing (ILF and IFOF), and areas of the limbic system (UF and anterior thalamic radiation).
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