Sentences with phrase «limit human exposure»

«With mounting evidence for adverse health effects, individuals and policymakers alike may want to take steps to limit human exposure to the degree possible.»
«Arctic mammals can metabolize some pesticides, limits human exposure

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Risks for the baby include exposure to infectious diseases, including HIV, to chemical contaminants, such as some illegal drugs, and to a limited number of prescription drugs that might be in the human milk, if the donor has not been adequately screened.
Based on the amounts being found in people and what is known about the metabolism of bisphenol A from animal experiments, it also appears that human exposures are above the current U.S. safety limit, according to the assessment.
And space physicians still need to find ways to limit other hazards of human spaceflight that don't have anything to do with weightlessness, such as disturbed sleep and exposure to cosmic radiation.
Those data are used to set the exposure limits for humans, both adults and children.
In Europe laws that limit the use of agricultural chemicals and the exposure of human workers to such chemicals have already made lettuce - weeding robots competitive with human labor.
«However, human studies linking BPA exposure to heightened cancer risk are limited,» she continues.
The study found that the «vast majority of CFLs are nonhazardous» and that it would take weeks or even months for the mercury vapor released in a room to exceed the safe human exposure limit.
«We have animal literature, which shows direct links between exposure and adverse health outcomes, the limited human studies, and the fact that 90 to 100 percent of the population has measurable levels of these compounds in their bodies,» said John Meeker, an assistant professor of environmental health sciences at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and a lead author.
However, «It might be prudent to limit exposure to these nanoparticles [even though] there is no evidence right now to show they pose any threat to human health.»
In small studies of humans, exposure to this compound was associated with an increased risk of the blood cancer non-Hodgkin lymphoma, but the HHS said it considered the evidence too limited to call pentachlorophenol a known carcinogen.
Because PFOA can build up in the human body over time, the Environmental Protection Agency's recommended exposure limit is low — just 0.07 parts per billion in drinking water.
The big question was whether these strains were capable of spreading only in a limited, sporadic way from birds to humans — many of the cases were linked to poultry exposure — or if they had truly «jumped the species barrier.»
However, people with higher levels before exposure had smaller increases, suggesting there could be a limit that humans can achieve naturally.
He said Hunt's study is of «limited relevance to human health» and that the doses used were much higher than actual human exposure.
This shift, coupled with limited ozone monitoring in most developing nations, has left a number of fundamental outstanding questions: Which regions of the world have the greatest human and plant exposure to ozone pollution?
They said there's an urgent need to learn precisely how the chemicals interact in the human body and in the environment, and what can be done to limit further exposure.
Limited data are available about the ecology of SARS - CoV, but bats are thought to be the animal reservoir for the virus which may be transmitted to small mammals with exposure to these small animals as the source of human infections [10].
Protect your ovaries while youre at it, by limiting exposure to perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)-- often in the coatings of nonstick pans and many other items like clothing, furniture, and packaged - food containers — which may double the risk of infertility, according to a study in Human Reproduction.
Our data here, combined with over a dozen physiological and behavioral human studies that begin to point to the prenatal period as a BPA window of vulnerability, suggest that pregnant mothers limit exposure to plastics and receipts.
Human health in the 21st century and beyond will be based around our ability to limit exposure, adapt to the environmental stressors, detoxify and heal.
The EPA has put in place a 3mG (milligauss) safety limit for EMF levels for human exposure.
«Students need to read more, and not just for pleasure, but also for exposure to the human condition,» notes Pauline Hawkins, who believes people «can not be critical thinkers when they have limited knowledge and limited experiences.»
«Students need to read more, and not just for pleasure, but also for exposure to the human condition,» writes Pauline Hawkins (@PaulineDHawkins), who believes people «can not be critical thinkers when they have limited knowledge and limited experiences.»
In the event that an infectious disease outbreak occurs, an established plan that includes protocols and procedures can limit the risk of exposure of horses and humans, and the potential spread outside of the show grounds or farm.
Countless other authorities including the American Medical Association confirm the hazards of CO gas to humans even from limited exposure.
IPCC Working Group II Contribution to AR5 The Working Group II contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report considers the vulnerability and exposure of human and natural systems, the observed impacts and future risks of climate change, and the potential for and limits to adaptation.
Many of the compounds detected have not been evaluated for exposure risk by federal scientists or do not have an exposure limit assigned to them, making it difficult to know whether they present a risk to human health.
Occupational Diseases, including but not limited to Disease (s) related to asbestos exposure, and the complications thereof, including asbestosis and mesothelioma related to asbestos exposure; Treatment for human organ or tissue transplants and their related treatment;
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