Sentences with phrase «limitations of human nature»

This didacticism is redeemed from arid or smug judgmentalism by empathy, even for the destructive crusaders: «the historian as he gazes back across the centuries at their gallant story must find his admiration overcast by sorrow at the witness that it bears to the limitations of human nature
When progress is achieved, it is through prudent recognition of the limitations of human nature.

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The idea that these grand concepts can not be scaled up cheaply or quickly due to physics or other severe limitations of Nature is anathema to a faith in the unconquerable power of human ingenuity and open markets.
We must recognise the historical and cultural limitations of the human aspects, and also the absolute and unchangeable nature of the divine aspects.
Out of this movement, a vision of the cosmos is emerging that is at once more purposeful, more respectful of the mysteries of nature, and more cognizant of the limitations of the human mind in attempting to comprehend it.
In physics, for example, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle or principle of indeterminacy has been interpreted in three ways: 1) that the «laws of nature» are deterministic, and that any uncertainty is due to human ignorance, which in due time will be resolved by science (Einstein), 2) uncertainty can be always explained by present experimental limitations (Neils Bohr), and 3) indeterminacy is an objective characteristic of reality Werner Heisenberg).
He renounced his godliness, took the nature of a common man, entered fully and without reservation into our human life, sharing its limitations — all its limitations — from birth to bitter death at the hands of blind and brutal men.
On the one hand, if nature is understood as created only to serve human beings, then it may justify exploitation of nature without any limitation.
In the process, Kugel also asserts that the existence of religion is best understood through the limitations of human existence rather than through the order in nature that points toward a Creator.
Niebuhr's realism required «recognizing that the imperfections of the world stemmed from fallen human nature, that the social implications of human selfishness had to be reckoned with, that to improve the world it would be necessary to work with human limitations and not dream of obliterating them.
An interesting study of christological models has been written by John McIntyre.4 The «two - natures model» (which he takes as a single complex model involving both divine and human natures) has dominated Christian thought, but it has a number of limitations; it is tied to the Aristotelian categories of substance and attribute, and it tends to view the incarnation as the assumption of an abstract human nature rather than the personal individuality of a particular man.
They understand logical limits as arising out of the limitations of human understanding rather than being based upon the nature of existence (Griffin, «Response» 257).
If that opportunity be conceived as complete subordination to the limitations of one community, human nature is dwarfed.
To the extent that traditional conceptions of morality require a recognition of some salutary dependence upon nature, or of insuperable limitations on human self - transformation, science must be understood as an outright rejection of them.
The real question is, will human evolution continue to be limited by the ponderous rate of nature or will we overcome even this limitation with our brains?
In previous bodies of work, such as her Cyborg (1997 - 2011) and Anagram (1999 - 2006) series, Lee Bul similarly explored the inseparable nature of biotechnology and the augmented human body, as well as the human desire to transcend intellectual, physical, and spiritual limitations.
«This package is without doubt a tragic mistake, a misunderstanding of nature and an unnecessary limitation of human activity,» the outspoken Eurosceptic leader added.
As we discussed in our recent piece «Robot, Esq.: Four Reasons Lawyers Shouldn't Fear AI and Automation Legal Tech», there are critical limitations on the ability of existing, non-general AI to replace human beings in legal practice — including the truly bespoke nature of certain tasks, the lack of sufficiently relevant and tailored data sets to train algorithms to handle even semi-bespoke tasks (given the complex cocktail of idiosyncratic considerations that good legal counsel comprises), and the non-empirical or data - driven aspects of the practice of law — involving emotional intelligence, communication, and persuasion — which I believe are core to providing effective legal services.
Knowing that this is the nature of being an imperfect human, with faults, irritations, and limitations in a relationship with another imperfect human enables a little more empathy + kindness.
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