Sentences with phrase «limited classroom libraries»

Not exact matches

For educators with limited time, the SMA online library provides handouts with information about SM, including suggested accommodations and classroom - based intervention strategies for maximizing learning.
For instance, irregularity of lecture times, tutors and even classrooms rather old fashioned ways of long periods of writing down dictated notes for some of the subjects, highly limited internet library facilities, some grave issues with obtaining supervision for required long paper, definitely the feeling that students, even at that graduate level, are simply expected to take instructions, since suggestions and / or protests about some of the above issues were not condemned or met with threats of victimization.»
Computers are now frequently used in classroom lessons, rather than limited to shared labs or libraries.
While on the iPad using the free version of their app, you're limited to creating 1 free book, in Chrome, a teacher can have a classroom of students with 1 library that contains up to 40 books for free!!
Students have limited exposure to informational text through classroom libraries, instructional - reading programs, teacher read - aloud practices, and teacher - guided instruction.
In this act,» Snails» means Students not actually in law school» law school's facilities» and «premises» pertain to, but are not limited to, the [insert library name] Law Library (henceforth known as «the library»), the Law Classrooms, and the tables around the law faculty.
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