Sentences with phrase «limited moves»

But scheduling time out - of - the - office for self - care in the form of a bike ride or trip to the gym is a career limiting move in most organizations.
There are no guarantees as there can be gaps or limit moves which will increase your losses.
We'll update his status if we get word on a firm minutes limit moving forward.
With the multi-staged battles Furi gives itself plenty of room to stretch a rather limited move set which is does, for the most part, incredibly well.
How do you maintain specific team members» health while also taking the fight to the enemy (especially during scenarios with limited moves)?
It is never a perfect hedge, however, because rising volatility during an extreme limit move of the futures could hurt both sides, and a non-neutral gamma will change the delta factors.
There may have been some very limited moves towards increasing accountability and expanding political freedoms, but any opportunity for major reform was firmly put on hold with the ascension of Sheikh Hamad.
Not only do you have to limit moving around but there's armpit pain.
We will also be working with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure that any increase in the conforming loan limit moves through their rigorous new product approval process quickly and has appropriate risk management policies and capital in place.»
From 18 - wheelers to littler 10 - foot limit moving vans, trucks are novel to -LSB-...]
The match was well - constructed to keep her on the sideline to build suspense and prevent exposing a surely still - limited move set, but she surprised by breaking out a hurricanrana on Triple H, showing she'll get to use her full athleticism, rather than just be cast as the scary grappler who breaks people's arms.
This game takes all of the fun, arcade aspects of gaming and condenses the genre of tactics game into a single character with limited moves, equipment, and skills, providing none of the huge, time consuming preparation pieces that tactics games are generally known for, while simultaneously asking you to make intelligent decisions in a fast and orderly manner, when your main character has the ability to rewind time whenever you make a mistake.
Related: Career Management: Top 10 Career Limiting Moves.
Nik concludes by talking about the internal challenges at businesses that have to be confronted in this new environment, including risk aversion and the fear of making career limiting moves, which may prevent leaders from dealing with unthinkable events.
The thing about the big mess, she says, is that what appears a career - limiting move has disproportionate pay - off potential.
Some analysts had argued that the limited moves to start its own service signaled that Comcast (cmcsa) was lining up to buy one of the major carriers instead.
If a market reached its daily price fluctuation limit, a «limit move», it may be impossible to execute a stop loss order.
These, however, were limited moves.
Most likely, atheists would be under - represented as it can be a «career limiting move» to let others know you disagree with the generally accepted, but incorrect, belief in sky daddies.
The players you want, Landry coming off a down year, limited moves.
The banking sector desperately tried to limit any move to tax their liabilities or assets in the run - up to the Budget.
«This moment of pushing back may seem like a career - limiting move, but it might actually open things up,» Trunk says.
It helps keep the combat refreshing since the limited move set might get repetitive after multiple battles.
If it weren't bogged down by dull dungeon design, a limited move - set, and tedious gameplay, this action title could have stood out.
A more affordable LX version is offered, and the Limited moves farther upmarket with more comprehensive content.
The different hexagon shapes do make for interesting gameplay in how it limits your moves.
However in volatile times there can be limit moves and huge gaps in prices which can cause loses.
As with any trading plan, there are hazards to scale trading: limit moves, contract rollovers, non-oscillating markets, or under - funded accounts can be roadblocks to a successful scale.
The call premium and the dividend provide some protection for a limited move, but not for a bigger decline.
However there is no way to avoid gaps or limit moves.
If you were trading, for example, equity sector ETFs where the risk of large gaps were reduced and limit moves were not a concern, would you moderate your approach to position sizing?
There is always a chance the price action could trail down further using the line as support, however this usually signals a limited move.
You have to accept the fact that the trade does not have to work and you can follow your plan exactly and lose this amount of money you risked (actually can even be greater due to gaps and limit moves).
He reports on how young professors who considered publishing research supporting Arnott's investing beliefs were taken aside by colleagues and warned that doing so would be a career - limiting move.
The Commission notes that the recent amendments in the Acts regulating these bodies and especially the Belize City Council have made some limited moves in this direction.
Limited move set my ass.
The player has limited moves and additional elements are added to increase the difficulty as the player progresses.
Sound effects lack sufficient impact, which is disappointing given the limited move sets — unquestionably some satisfying crunch when smacking an enemy could've led to more interesting combat.
You might find yourself getting better at combat with the limited move - set you have.
If it weren't bogged down by dull dungeon design, a limited move - set, and tedious gameplay, this action title could have stood out.
With the limited moves set on offer this is the games biggest let down.
Using the environment and limited move - set to wipe out waves of enemies without the sword's help is where City of Brass shines.
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