Sentences with phrase «limited number of practice areas»

The independent firms that succeed are generally those that specialise and excel in a limited number of practice areas.

Not exact matches

Limiting the number of animals allowed in an area adds to practices which insure proper care and feeding of animals.
The areas identified are based on high cattle - to - veterinarian ratios, demographics indicating that many of the current food animal veterinarians are older and have limited their practice, or are retired, and the number of practices which have a significant food animal focus but only one veterinarian, despite recruitment attempts.
The areas identified are based on high cattle - to - veterinarian ratios, demographics indicating that many of the current food animal veterinarians are older and have limited their practice or are retired and the number of practices that have a significant food animal focus but only one veterinarian despite recruitment attempts.
In fact, its a great idea in general to limit the number of words that appear in images, especially your «areas of practice» links.
The agreement should limit the number of competing law firms with regard to practice area and geographic territory that the marketer will take on as clients.
When conducting this study, we found several companies that do not limit their number of SEO clients; they work with an unlimited number of law firms competing in the same city with the same practice areas.
If a firm is approved for excess insurance with LAWPRO, factors which may affect the firm's premium include, for example, the number of lawyers in or working with the firm, the practice areas, the claims history of the firm lawyers, years in practice, size of practice and the limits of liability being sought.
If a shared office space only has a limited number of offices, an attorney would want to make sure the some of the other attorneys practice in complementary areas of the law that will have the most potential for referral exchange.
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