Sentences with phrase «limited word count»

Also, use power verbs like «collaborated» instead of «worked» to create an impact with limited word count.
As a source for limited word count pieces and with plans to expand that platform to accepting authors» submissions later this year, Atavist is reviving interest in the previously much - lauded essay format, much like Kindle Singles has encouraged the publication of non-anthologized short stories.
The company specializes in limited word count pieces and with plans to expand that platform to accepting authors» submissions later this year.
When you have to distill that concept, tell an engaging story, show off your brand personality, and deliver a strong takeaway — all in an incredibly limited word count — it's a freaking magic trick.
However, keep mind that the small size of paperback books and Amazon's product pages will limit your word count to a small amount (typically 150 — 250 words.)
The availability of this content on the Smashwords platform has arguably contributed to the rise in popularity of grabbing a quick read and enjoying the full story within the confines of a limited word count.
A sweeping family saga, for example, or an intricate new world of science fiction may be too much for the limited word count of a novella.
But trying to do this and follow a limited word count can present additional challenges.
Because of the limited word count, some of the elements of the narrative may be hinted at, rather than developed, but it is done in such a way that the audience is a left with a sense of completion upon finishing the reading.
Armed with a plethora of great comments from eight industry - leading vendors in the natural products category, but facing a limited word count for the article, I had no choice but to exclude some real gems.
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