Sentences with phrase «limits imposed»

In his book, he explains that the time limit imposed on a deal or a deep discount can affect your ability to think clearly.
The time limit imposed by the statute of limitations can vary.
It attracts creative people and people in non-traditional backgrounds who like the fact there are no caps or ceilings or limits imposed upon them by structure.
Or the daily limit imposed by your card issuer — whichever is the lower amount.
There are no quarterly or annual limits imposed on the number of points cardholders can earn on everyday spending.
Customers are limited to $ 10,000 in bitcoin buys per week, although there's no amount limits imposed for what can be sold.
Many people are indifferent and give up much in order to benefit but should there be legal limits imposed on what can be done with that information?
It's a huge online playground, where the only limits imposed are your imagination and the amount of time the real world asks you to spend away from the game.
The exposure limit imposed by this broker is currently set at 5000 currency units, depending on the trader's preferred currency.
There's the cap: an emissions limit imposed on all participants.
By using the cloud, developers were able to free themselves from limits imposed on development by hardware restrictions.
But dads don't have daily caffeine limits imposed on them by society.
Following a series of small wins, the trio were surprised to find limits imposed on their accounts, restricting how much they could bet to as little as $ 1.25.
And you'll be able to transfer funds and make withdrawals or deposits between investments in worldwide markets, subject to federal limits imposed on money market accounts.
Depending on the upper age limit imposed by the insurance company, almost everyone who applies for this kind of coverage is accepted for it.
The exposure limit imposed by this broker is currently set at 5000 currency units, depending on the trader's preferred currency.
These are limits imposed on the amount of money you can borrow to finance a home purchase.
The court interpreted this provision broadly; it permitted the application to be made outside the seven day time limit imposed in old Rule 39 (27), which is for the most part identical to the new Rule 12 - 6 (5).
The office of the leader of the devolved administrations has no numeric term limit imposed upon it.
5) Self - publishing allows authors to publish more, by removing artificial limits imposed by publishers.
Most short sale contracts contain some sort of an addendum that makes the contract subject to short sale approval, and there is probably a time limit imposed as a condition of the purchase contract.
Noting the strict limits imposed nowadays on appellate briefs and oral arguments, Hughes proposes that appellate lawyers adopt a system of communicating via acronyms in the same way that text messengers use acronyms such as LOL and FWIW.
Heard by the Supreme Court of Canada in late January 2011, the case raised issues of significance for all law societies including whether limits imposed by a code of professional conduct on a lawyer's right to freedom of expression under s. 2 (b) of the Charter are justified, and whether a lawyer is bound at all times, and in all circumstances, by the lawyer's code of ethics.
Under the proposed rule, people could enroll in low - cost plans with skimpier benefits for up to 12 months, an increase from the current three - month limit imposed by the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare.
Good government group Common Cause filed a complaint earlier this year over the mayor's now defunct nonprofit Campaign for One New York, which was set up to advance his priorities at City Hall, but allowed de Blasio to bypass donation limits imposed through the city's campaign finance system on donors who have business before the city.
Flood insurance has certain limits imposed on every building type, residential houses have limit up to $ 250,000 for building coverage and $ 100,000 for personal property coverage.
Reflecting on his leadership style, Eisenhower remarked, «I adopted a policy of circulating through the whole force to the full limit imposed by my physical considerations.
The violations included grants of Retrophin stock to certain recipients in the absence of a shareholder - approved distribution plan, failures to disclose stock grants, and grants of stock above limits imposed by the plan that was eventually put in place, the people said.
When you're considering meta tags to describe your content, images, and video, you'll likely run through the list of accurate descriptors and try to find as many target keywords as possible to include; after all, there's rarely a technical limit imposed on how many meta tags you can assign to a piece of content.
But they remain far short of what the Council called for — not least because of the narrow limits imposed by canon law.
The scholarship limits imposed on USC meant that Carroll's replacement would be fighting an uphill battle.
Mancini will be able to rest many of his starters for that pointless game for them, as they can not qualify, but they will have to travel due to the squad limits imposed on clubs.
Local Labour councils have been hugely delayed by state aid expenditure limits imposed by the EU in providing financial services through credit unions for those on low incomes.
The $ 500,000 given to the Committee to Save New York thus brings the total from the developer that went to support the governor during his first term to $ 1.97 million — about 32 times the campaign contribution limit imposed on donations from most individuals.
For starters, he should try to close the loophole that allows secretive limited liability companies to contribute as much as individuals can to candidates in statewide races, thus evading the much lower limits imposed on corporations.
In a release sent out Wednesday, Tusk questioned whether the Campaign for One New York, the 501 (c)(4) nonprofit de Blasio created shortly after he took office to help advance his policy goals, was a way for the mayor to circumvent limits imposed on political candidates» election spending.
De Blasio has drawn criticism from good government groups for his use of the Campaign for one New York, which allowed donors with business before the city to give in amounts far greater than the small dollar limits imposed by the city's campaign finance system.
Whales do not have to deal with gravity, so they can avoid the structural limits imposed on terrestrial mammals and dinosaurs alike.
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