Sentences with phrase «limits of this human activity»

We need constantly to rethink the goals, effects, overall context and ethical limits of this human activity, which is a form of power involving considerable risks.

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Other social sciences, concentrating on certain limited kinds of human activities, together afford a more detailed picture of man's culture and social organization.
It is not simply the explicit decision to limit the discussion which is important, but also the decision as to what the limits shall be (human activities) and the recognition of the relevant data being excluded (the wider cosmic processes) which are of interest.
But his control over the universe was regarded as quite limited; other gods and goddesses were free to do pretty much as they pleased in the particular realms of nature or human activity over which they held jurisdiction.
The economic aspect of the world limits itself to one aspect of human activity omitting a very great deal.
«Religion is that activity of the human impulse towards self - preservation by means of which Man seeks to carry his essential vital purposes through against the adverse pressure of the world by raising himself freely towards the world's ordering and governing powers when the limits of his own strength are reached.»
- A Game of Hypothesizing, Dean Interpreting Data - Quantitative Analysis of Mixtures, Schwartz Defining Operationally - Biotic Community, Menhusen Cells and Magnification, Menhusen Reading Activity - Formulating Hypothesis, Hebeisen Reading Exercise - Oersted's Experiment, Schwartz Formulating Hypotheses - Levers, Schwartz North by Compass, North by Shadow, Dennis Controlling Variables - Human Heart Rate, Phillips Effect of Practice on Memorization, Forgetting and Relearning, Mayor Learning About Line Graphs I, II and III, Dean Controlling Variables - Chemical Reactions, Livermore Chances Are, Hebeisen Interpreting Data - Animal Behavior, Menhusen Working with Solutions, Dean Defining Operationally - Inertia and Mass Stamp Out Trash, Hebeisen Interpreting Data Module - A Limited Earth: An Unlimited Population?
Plastics freed us from the confines of the natural world, from the material constraints and limited supplies that had long bounded human activity.
The 2009 book The Playful Brain: Venturing to the limits of neuroscience, for example, reviewed many studies showing that playful activity leads to the growth of more connections between neurons, particularly in the frontal lobe — the part of the brain responsible for uniquely human higher mental functions.
Should planetary limits on the alteration of critical environmental systems be used as guidelines for human activity?
The study, led by Dr Julie Jones from the University of Sheffield's Department of Geography, has revealed that limited data on Antarctica's climate is making it difficult for researchers to disentangle changes caused by human activity from natural climate fluctuations.
Some of the recognized challenges are poor engraftment of implanted cells and, in the case of human cardiomyocytes, functional immaturity and lack of electrical integration, leading to limited contribution to the heart's contractile activity and increased arrhythmogenic risks.
Whereas synthetic GABA in oral form has been classically dismissed as of limited benefit due to absorption issues, research has reported value of the oral administration of GABA derived from Lactobacillus hilgardii fermentation in anxiety reduction in human beings, and antidepressant activity via the administration of GABA - rich red yeast rice [145, 146].
During all this time, natural ecosystems have developed in co-evolution, but 250 years ago, with the development and industrialization models imposed by the West on the world, anthropogenic action is causing a major ecological and social footprint, hence the urgency to formulate international policies that circumscribe human economic activities within the biophysical limits of Mother Earth.
Pupils should be taught about the Earth as a source of limited resources and the efficacy of recycling and the production of carbon dioxide by human activity and the impact on climate.
Surely, fairly, respectfully, steadily and carefully we can and we will find reasonable and sensible ways to limit unbridled human overgrowth activities and to enable measured implementation of sustainable development activities that serve the long - term best interests of humanity, life as we know it, and Earth.
If there is a probability that humanity could soon be confronted with a huge challenge, one that takes its astounding shape from overconsumption, overproduction and overpopulation activities of the human species, then would reason and common sense not suggest that the human community could move forward by limiting increases in certain global activities, the ones now overspreading the surface of Earth.
A global warming phenomenon in our spaceship is one of several unintended effects of the unregulated, swift increase of 1) absolute global human population numbers, 2) per capita consumption of limited resources, and 3) large - scale business activities that could be occurring synergistically and approaching a point in history when it will not be possible for the Earth's resource base and frangible ecosystems services to sustain life as we now know it to be.
It is simply this: Earth's body is finite, its resources are limited, and its ecosystem services capable of irreversible degradation by the huge scale and anticipated growth of human over-consumption, overproduction and overpopulation activities, the ones we see rampantly overspreading the surface of our planetary home in our time.
«If the world we inhabit is bounded and finite, with limited resources, how many more years will pass before the colossal scale and global growth of unrestrained consumption, unchecked absolute human population numbers, and large - scale unbridled economic globalization activities by the human species make the Earth unfit for sustaining human habitation?»
You and you alone can «re-center» our national debate on issues like the unsustainability of increasing conspicuous per - human over-consumption of limited resources; the unsustainability of skyrocketing absolute global human population numbers; and the soon to become patently unsustainable, seemingly endless growth of large - scale industrial / corporate activities, now threatening to engulf the surface of the planetary home God has blessed us to inhabit and, I suppose, not to overwhelm.
Are there no limits to the seemingly endless growth activities of the human species?
A central dispute was over how scientists can best discuss risks and responses related to inherent, and dangerous, extremes of climate in a world increasingly fixated on how to limit global warming caused by human activity.
Gore's call to «make peace with the planet» requires an integrated awareness and action against both global warming and global warring, simultaneously — Gore describes the problem as huge, but in limiting it to civilian activities, not including military madness and mayhem, it is not huge enough — if a patient has both diabetes and severe trauma, both conditions must be treated now — militization trumps civilization in the headlines of today and tomorrow — if the truth is that both global warming everywhere and global warring anywhere are linked in the human biosphere, and if that truth is inconvenient to Mr Gore and the civilian scope of his campaign against global warming, lethal consequences for both humans and other species will continue — in cinematic terms, the great «An Inconvenient Truth» must be blended and coordinated with the great «Why We Fight»
If per human overconsumption of scarce resources; unbridled economic globalization overspreading the surface of our planetary home; and the skyrocketing increase of absolute global human population numbers could be occurring synergistically in our time and could have something to do with the distinctly human - driven predicament which looms ominously before humanity, does it make sense to consider, just for a moment, what might to done to set limits on these overgrown human activities?
Asserting that anthropogenic climate change poses an existential threat to our nations, our cultures and to our way of life, and thereby undermines the internationally protected human rights of our people — including the right to sustainable development, right to life, the right to self - determination and the right of a people not to be deprived of its own means of subsistence, as well as principles of international law that oblige all states to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other states or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction;
IPCC AR5 summarizes the scientific literature and estimates that cumulative carbon dioxide emissions related to human activities need to be limited to 1 trillion tonnes C (1000 PgC) since the beginning of the industrial revolution if we are to have a likely chance of limiting warming to 2 °C.
These include views about climate change, where older adults are less likely to see human activity as a main reason behind global warming, and people's level of support for stricter emission limits for power plants to address climate change.
Most of us would not be here if it were not for the use of fossil fuels because all human activity is enabled by energy supply and limited by material science.
Most responses to today's environmental woes aim to limit the impact of human activity by minimizing pollution and waste.
In a keynote address to the conference, Mr Jarraud reiterated the urgency of action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from human activities, and sounded a warning note about using geoengineering to try to limit climate change.
The concept of sustainable development does imply limits — not absolute limits but limitations imposed by the present state of technology and social organization on environmental resources and by the ability of the biosphere to absorb the effects of human activities.
E.g., although only 15 % of «conservative Republicans» say they believe that the «earth is warming mostly due to human activity,» almost double that percentage agree that «restrictions on power plant carbon emissions» (29 %) and «international agreements to limit carbon emissions» (27 %) would «make a big difference» in «address [ing] climate change»!
To understand the policy implications of a carbon budget it is helpful to see the atmosphere as like a bathtub to the extent that it has limited volume and has been filling up with ghg so that atmospheric concentrations of CO2 have been rising in proportion to human activities which release ghgs.
«This limits our ability to untangle the extent to which human activities versus the natural background have altered the impacts of particles on the global radiation budget and climate, and thus hampers assessments of future climate change,» researchers wrote.
The Planetary Boundaries framework proposes quantitative limits for human perturbation of critical Earth system processes, and a «safe operating space» within which human activity should attempt to stay in order to avert the risk of large - scale, possibly abrupt or irreversible environmental change.
Paul Norton: the concept of ecological or biophysical limits to the scale of human economic activity, who are uncritical optimists about technology
Considering the apparent importance of the Gulf of Boothia and Lancaster Sound as summer feeding areas for the eastern Canada - west Greenland bowhead whale population, as indicated by recent IPY results, every effort should be made to maintain the integrity of these ecosystems by limiting additional environmental alterations and human activities within their critical habitat.
Weighing the social and economic benefits of fossil fuel consumption and other human activities against some of the environmental consequences, he asked «[i] s it now necessary, for the long - term future of our planet, to limit such development?»
In addition, from an impacts standpoint, droughts have a much broader range of impacts on human activities today than in the past because of today's greater demands on limited water resources.
A study led by Dr Julie Jones, from the department of geography at the University of Sheffield, UK, says limited data on Antarctica's climate is making it difficult for researchers to disentangle changes caused by human activity from natural climate fluctuations.
The statement comes on the heels of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), which found that emissions related to human activities must not exceed 1 trillion tonnes C (1000 PgC) if we are to have a likely chance of limiting warming to 2 °C.
Perhaps the most important issue in all this is, as the Royal Society pointed out in their assessment of geoengineering, the first and foremost thing we have to do to stop climate change is radically limit greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activity — stopping burning fossil fuels and stopping deforestation are at the top of list for how to do that.
The idea of organising human activity principally within the confines of a state and at the public level has reached its limits.
The fundamental rules of the DAO are collectively agreed upon in accordance with the goals and purposes of that organization and encoded in software, thereby limiting the necessity for human managerial activity.
Professional Standard of Excellence Award (Service to field of sexuality by a professional) This award is presented to a member or non-member of AASECT who has worked extensively to represent or advance the field of human sexuality through activities including, but not limited to, clinical programs or other original clinical contributions; the development and implementation of sexuality education curriculum; scientific research; and art, print, radio, television or internet media contributions.
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