Sentences with phrase «linked to past climate»

While these natural factors are linked to past climate change, they are also incorporated in the analysis of current climate change.

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In the interest of our future world, scientists must seek to understand the complexities of linked natural events and field observations that are revealed in the geologic record of past warmer climates.
To unravel the link between past climates and animal faunas requires an exceptional fossil record.
More sober scientists distanced themselves from the idea of planetary engineering, but were intrigued by the possibility that natural changes in the supply of iron to the ocean might have been linked to past changes in climate.
When you click on the abstract link for the article, «Response to Comment on Reconstructing Past Climate from Noisy Data» - the side menu has an option for «Full Text» and «Full Text (PDF)».
Studies of the link between orbital parameters and past climate changes include spectral analysis of palaeoclimatic records and the identification of orbital periodicities; precise dating of specific climatic transitions; and modelling of the climate response to orbital forcing, which highlights the role of climatic and biogeochemical feedbacks.
Our framework links innovative approaches for (1) generating high - resolution, probabilistic projection of future climate and sea - level changes and (2) empirically identifying robust statistical relationships characterizing how humans have responded to past climate variability and past climate change, in order to (3) project how humans may respond to uncertain future changes.
The amount of rainfall during the past 24,000 years seems to be linked to the level of exposure of the Sunda Shelf and in particular to the specific topography of the western edge of the region, rather than to changes in deglacial climate boundary conditions alone.
But we'd wager in today's climate that kind of stuff is hard to get off the ground, so no surprise that in the past he was also linked to the comedy «El Presidente» with Tom Cruise and the former Tony Scott project, «Narco Sub.»
Those who saw the pictures and read advertising copy could be assured that Sacramento had all the amenities that made California desirable to potential eastern and Midwestern migrants: a good climate, citrus fruit, robust schools, beautiful public buildings, and a link to California's romantic past.
[Response: And note that the abstract linked says «Although the rarity of the current episode of high average sunspot numbers may indicate that the Sun has contributed to the unusual climate change during the twentieth century, we point out that solar variability is unlikely to have been the dominant cause of the strong warming during the past three decades.»
Another way to study the link is through paleoclimate observations where past climate is reconstructed through natural archives.
Scientists quoted in a past DailyTech article link the cooling to reduced solar activity which they claim is a much larger driver of climate change than man - made greenhouse gases.
He said: «In our study we see very rapid changes in the climate of the North Pacific that we think are linked to past changes in ocean currents in the Atlantic.
While the conditions in the geological past are useful indicators in suggesting climate and atmospheric conditions only vary within a a certain range (for example, that life has existed for over 3 billion years indicates that the oxygen level of the atmosphere has stayed between about 20 and 25 % throughout that time), I also think some skeptics are too quick to suggest the lack of correlation between temperature and CO2 during the last 550 million years falsifies the link between CO2 and warming (too many differences in conditions to allow any such a conclusion to be drawn — for example the Ordovician with high CO2 and an ice age didn't have any terrestrial life).
Already in the U.S. we've seen major hurricanes, floods, drought and wildfires all linked to climate change, and that's just in the past few years.
On NASA's Vital Links blog, Laura Faye Tenenbaum writes about a conversation she had with Director Susan Hassol on how to move past fear and despair over climate change and instead face it with courage, optimism, and integrity.
manacker: If I understood Mike Rossander's calculation as cited by Mike Jonas above, it shows that your poster linking human CO2 emissions to multidecadal climate in the past record does not hold water statistically.
If I understood Mike Rossander's calculation as cited by Mike Jonas above, it shows that your poster linking human CO2 emissions to multidecadal climate in the past record does not hold water statistically.
These same models can be used to simulate climates in the past when CO2 levels were higher, and checked against the fossil record (link to page on past climate).
We have also seen over the past 20 years that the IPCC has directed much of its resources, publications, and findings to establish a link between global temperatures and man - made CO2, attempting to portray it as the culprit in global climate change.Stated more clearly (the UN and its agencies are rarely «clear» on anything), the IPCC statement above contains huge and unproven assumptions.
«A semi-empirical approach to projecting future sea - level rise» «Testing the robustness of semi-empirical sea level projections» «Kinematic constraints on glacier contributions to 21st - century sea - level rise» «Contribution of Antarctica to past and future sea level rise» «Global sea level rise scenarios for the United States National Climate Assessment» «Reconstructing sea level from paleo and projected temperatures 200 to 2100AD» «Global sea level linked to global temperature» «Upper limit for sea level projections by 2100»
(link to What past climates say about CO2 and warming.)
Fluctuations in solar activity, including magnetic field - powered sunspots and solar flares, have been linked to past changes in climate, including, controversially, the Little Ice Age.
In a sharp change from its cautious approach in the past, the National Academy of Sciences on Wednesday called for taxes on carbon emissions, a cap - and - trade program for such emissions or some other strong action to curb runaway global warming.Such actions, which would increase the cost of using coal and petroleum — at least in the immediate future — are necessary because «climate change is occurring, the Earth is warming... concentrations of carbon dioxide are increasing, and there are very clear fingerprints that link [those effects] to humans,» said Pamela A. Matson of Stanford University, who chaired one of five panels organized by the academy at the request of Congress to look at the science of climate change and how the nation should respond.
Even without my work, or that of the entire sub-field of studying past climates, scientists are in broad agreement on the reality of these changes and their near - certain link to human activity.
According to Stone, cases where the link between human - generated greenhouse gas emissions and local warming trends were weak were often due to the fact that the climate observational record was insufficient in those regions to build a clear picture about what has been happening over the past several decades.
In saying that IPCC reports issued over the past 20 years had «created an ever - broader informed consensus about the connection between human activities and global warming,» the Committee linked those reports to potential violent conflict and wars that could result should extreme climate change occur.
Already in the United States we've seen major hurricanes, floods, drought and wildfires all linked to climate change, and that's just in the past few years.
In a «lawful notice», Roberts also demanded scientists and others should then withdraw all of their past claims linking carbon dioxide to climate change.
E.g. Hegerl et al 2000 (linked by the SkS post) use an estimate of the net climate forcing over the past milennium and an estimate of the (northern hemispheric) temperature to arrive at an empirically based estimate fo the climate sensitivity.
I provided links to published accounts from past centuries and earlier BBC videos demonstrating that polar bears throughout the Chukchi Sea commonly hunt walrus on land; a fact that Attenborough distorted into a cinematic illusion misrepresenting a natural behavior as a function of catastrophic climate change.
Over the past year, scientists more confidently linked climate change to devastating weather and climate events and pinpointed more clearly how the planet will change if the carbon emissions don't rapidly approach zero.
Despite these successes in linking variations in greenhouse gas concentrations to climate change in the geologic past, the oxygen isotope palaeotemperature record from 600 Myr ago to the present displays notable intervals for which inferred temperatures and pCO2 levels are not correlated1.
Hence, carbon - cycle feedbacks linked to biological activity appear to have played at least some role in the climate variations of the past thousand years.
A poster on SKS linked to this website which details climate scientists explanations for what they term the warming hiatus of the past decade.
These range from simple averaging of regional data and scaling of the resulting series so that its mean and standard deviation match those of the observed record over some period of overlap (Jones et al., 1998; Crowley and Lowery, 2000), to complex climate field reconstruction, where large - scale modes of spatial climate variability are linked to patterns of variability in the proxy network via a multivariate transfer function that explicitly provides estimates of the spatio - temporal changes in past temperatures, and from which large - scale average temperature changes are derived by averaging the climate estimates across the required region (Mann et al., 1998; Rutherford et al., 2003, 2005).
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