Sentences with phrase «linking high doses»

There have been studies linking high doses of synthetic vitamin A with birth defects.
Studies have linked high doses of sweeteners to cancer in rats, though similar findings have not been shown in humans.
Studies in experimental animals have linked high doses of food dyes to health problems, among them organ damage, cancer, birth defects, and allergic reactions.

Not exact matches

Acrylamide has been linked to cancer in mice and rats when it's put in their drinking water, but only in very high doses.
Even more troubling, her study found a link between high blood levels of lycopene's chemical cousin, beta - carotene, and an increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer — not enough to justify avoiding carrots and other food sources of beta - carotene but an ominous sign that not all food - derived compounds are necessarily benign when taken at higher doses.
And in tracking human disease patterns, she's established a clear link between such low - dose chronic exposure and increases in high blood pressure and heart disease.
Baby mice exposed in the womb to low doses — but not high doses — of bisphenol A were fatter and had metabolic changes linked to obesity and diabetes, according to a new study
Although researchers have known that nitrites and nitrates at high doses can cause cancer in lab animals, de la Monte's results suggest that long - term, low - dose exposure to the compounds may be linked to chronic diseases in humans.
Two newer epilepsy drugs may not harm the thinking skills or IQs of school - aged children whose mothers took them while pregnant — but an older drug is linked to cognitive problems in children, especially if their mothers took high doses — according to new research from The University of Manchester.
Chernobyl was directly responsible for at least 56 deaths and as many as 4,000 more, according to the World Health Organization, though other estimates vary, and spread radioactive material as far as the U.K. Three Mile Island has never been conclusively linked to any deaths or health effects, though some individuals may have received radiation doses of as high as 100 millirems.
Furthermore, direct injection in this small and immunologically privileged site can potentially overcome limitations linked to systemic injection which would require a very high dose to target the CNS and can be neutralized by anti AAV antibodies or may trigger the activation of CD8 + T cell response.
At the highest dose level, DG031 reduced levels of myeloperoxidase (MPO), higher levels of which have been linked to increased risk of heart attack.
Long - term exposure to higher levels of environmental arsenic has been linked to cancer, heart disease, and other health problems and ingestion of large doses can be lethal.
Long - term and / or high - dose use of a class of medications used for hay fever, depression and other ills has been linked in a new study to a higher risk of dementia.
MONDAY, Jan. 26, 2015 (HealthDay News)-- Long - term and / or high - dose use of a class of medications used for hay fever, depression and other ills has been linked in a new study to a higher risk of dementia.
High doses of inhaled corticosteroids typically made use of in individuals with COPD are linked to an increase in the risk of needing treatment diabetes treatment and of the need to intensify therapy to include insulin.
The study received extensive press coverage in the same publications that had earlier extolled the benefits of vitamin A. «Study Links Excess Vitamin A and Birth Defects» by Jane Brody appeared on the front page of the New York Times on October 7, 1995; on November 24, 1995, the Washington Times reported: «High doses of vitamin A linked to babies» brain defects.»
«Study Links Excess Vitamin A and Birth Defects» by Jane Brody appeared on the front page of the New York Times on October 7, 1995; on November 24, 1995, the Washington Times reported: «High doses of vitamin A linked to babies» brain defects.»
Some have gone so far as to link certain high dose supplments to increased health problems and even early death.
It is important to eat organically grown produce whenever possible, as these are not exposed to the high doses of pesticides that have been linked to hormone imbalances, brain and nervous system toxicity and cancer.
Only very high doses over extended periods or extremely high IV doses have been linked to adverse events like renal failure, and vitamin C studies typically only show prooxidative effects when combined with iron supplementation or in higher doses.
Small doses of cocoa from time to time shouldn't cause much harm but carob powder would be healthier solution since cocoa is high in theobromine which is linked to a higher risk of breast cancer according to some authors.
This study found that high dose vitamin B12 shots were linked to greater accumulation of methylmercury in the brain and hence damage.
Xylitol seems to be a gentler FODMAP than the other polyols, though it has been linked to diarrhoea in high doses.
Butternut squash also contains nearly half of your daily dose of vitamin C, which has been linked to healthier skin: A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examined links between vitamin C and skin aging in 4,025 women aged 40 - 74, and found that higher intakes of the vitamin were linked to a lower likelihood of wrinkles and dryness.
While high - dose supplementation of lithium may impair immune and thyroid function (these doses are prescribed for psychiatric disorders), an optimal lower dose (but higher than what Americans typically take in through food) is linked to longer lifespans and lower rates of mental illness.
Ben: Speaking of sunshine, there is also another really good article that I link to about vitamin D and how there's new research that highlights that vitamin D and specifically high dose vitamin D supplementation which I don't know about you Brock but I think a lot of people especially in the winter time when this podcast is being recorded or doing.....
Most ivermectin based heartworm preventives do not carry a high enough dose of ivermectin to kill whipworms, though at other doses ivermectin could be used (with appropriate cautions - see link).
Start at youtube links above or jump to here and really think about it, and research «neoliberalism» with a high dose of skepticism.
The FDA has announced that long term and high dose use of Reglan is linked to Tardive Dyskinesia, a highly disabling medical condition that creates repeated involuntary muscle movements of the face, tongue, eyes, arms and legs.
Researchers found that fathers who were given a boost of oxytocin via a nasal spray, and then were shown a picture of their 1 - or 2 - year - old sons or daughters, showed higher levels of activity in regions of the brain linked with empathy and reward, compared with fathers who did not receive a dose of oxytocin.
Some people take a higher dose, especially during cold season, but doses higher than 2000 mg per day have been linked to stomach problems and kidney stones.
While the effect of these substances in humans is unclear, high doses are linked to cancer in animals, according to the National Cancer Institute.
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