Sentences with phrase «lipoprotein particles»

Lipoprotein particles are tiny structures found in our bodies that carry cholesterol and fats through our bloodstream. They act like little shuttles, delivering nutrients to different cells and organs. These particles come in different types, like LDL and HDL, and they play a crucial role in our overall health. Full definition
Cardiovascular inflammation markers (apo A-1 and apo B), LDL / HDL lipoprotein particle size and concentration were measured.
Men are also reported to have smaller low - density lipoprotein particles than women, whereas men and postmenopausal women have higher levels of serum cholesterol and triglyceride sub-classes compared with premenopausal women.
These ApoB containing lipoprotein particles are the most damaging to your arteries and include not only LDL cholesterol but also chylomicrons, VLDL and IDL.
«Effect of a moderate fat diet with and without avocados on lipoprotein particle number, size and subclasses in overweight and obese adults: a randomized, controlled trial.»
, Effect of a Moderate Fat Diet With and Without Avocados on Lipoprotein Particle Number, Size and Subclasses in Overweight and Obese Adults: A Randomized, Controlled Trial.
Sometimes the term nascent chylomicron is used to describe the first lipoproteins particle manufactured by the intestinal cells.
Left: EPR spectra of NpSRII / NpHtrII reconstituted into nano - lipoprotein particles with spin labels bound to position 78 at the water - lipid interface of TM2 (top), and to position 351 in the signaling tip of the transducer (bottom).
Instead, the brain makes its own supply of lipoprotein particles using some of the same protein components, including apoE.
These turned out to be deposits of lipoprotein X, an abnormal lipoprotein particle that was accumulating because her liver was unable to correctly process cholesterol.
When the research team used pharmaceuticals to inhibit one function of the endoplasmic reticulum (the building of so - called lipoprotein particles that will export fats out of the cell), the gene activation process was inhibited for many key genes and nuclear ruffling was also altered.
Daniela Panakova (Eaton, MPG)-- «Lipoprotein particles associate with lipid - linked proteins and are required for long - range wingless and hedgehog signaling» (2005)
Instead, it's carried in lipoprotein particles, which contain special proteins called apoproteins, triglycerides, fat - soluble vitamins and other compounds in addition to cholesterol.
* Lipoprotein Particle ProfileTM The most advanced, accurate and comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular risk for better determination of treatment guidance.
This presentation will explain what chemists have been trying to tell us for years about the role of various fatty acids in initiating oxidation in LDL and other lipoprotein particles.
Once in the bloodstream, lipoprotein particles circulate within the body, delivering lipids to various organs for subsequent oxidation, metabolism, or storage in adipose tissue [4,5].
Fructose - induced insulin resistant states are commonly characterized by a profound metabolic dyslipidemia, which appears to result from hepatic and intestinal overproduction of atherogenic lipoprotein particles.
The small intestinal cells manufacture the very first lipoprotein particles that newly ingested fats will circulate within, called chylomicrons.
Most conventional lipid panels never measure Lp (a) levels but more sophisticated tests such as the Vertical AutoProfile (VAP) and the Lipoprotein Particle Profile include Lp (a).
LDL is the lipoprotein particle that mostly connected to atherosclerosis, however LDL particles exist in different sizes.
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