Sentences with phrase «lipstick girl»

I am not much of a red lipstick girl, but now I will be!
I so love this post since I'm a nude lipstick girl myself!
I am generally a bright pink lipstick girl.
I don't usually gravitate to actual lipstick tubs, I'm more of a liquid lipstick girl.
The rouged and lipsticked girl - child simpers at the audience and finally kisses the equally rouged boy when the ribbon is awarded.
If you are a lipstick girl, check out this recipe for homemade lipstick.
I gave the bold lip look a try, being a devout red - lipstick girl, it was no stretch for me to play with some of Target's best beauty products.
As I have said before, this is the lipstick that made me a lipstick girl!
My mom and I are lipstick girls — we know that if one of us needs a «pick me up» sometimes saying «just put on a little lipstick» can work wonders.
I've never been a lipstick girl, but I've recently gotten more into it.
I am a lipstick girl for sure!
I'm a lipstick girl who spends a lot of money on prestige brands (now transitioning to all - natural), so I have high expectations.
I plan to stock up on the YSL lipsticks they are sooo silky and literally turned me into a lipstick girl!
I was either a lipstick girl or a chapstick girl but I wanted something that was moisturizing with a tint so I didn't look dead on days I had minimal makeup.
I'm definitely a lipstick girl and I have few bold lipsticks.
Like I've mentioned in past posts, Valentine's Day is the perfect time to treat yourself to luxuries like a new shade of lipstick, a pretty bracelet, a yummy smelling candle, or even a dozen roses... I'm personally not much of a lipstick girl (I prefer this lipgloss in C - Thru) but I am LOVING this nude lipstick kit from MAC.
I was never really a lipstick girl until my move to Chicago a few years back.
Im a lipstick girl too, is beautiful hot pink indeed!
I'm not a lipstick girl and prefer lips glosses so these are totally for me!!
I wish I was more of a lipstick girl.
You know I am a lipstick girl, and I was saving the best for last!
A lipstick girl at heart, a swipe of one in a bold color makes her feel like she can do just about anything.
I'm not a lipstick girl but soft colors like these could possibly change my mind!
I'm a lipstick girl, and love pairing a bright color for a night out or a day of errand running.
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