Sentences with phrase «liquid core»

In case of liquid core fibers, this means that the optical density of the liquid inside the core changes significantly with the intensity of the incident light.
We know that the planet has a partly solid, partly liquid core, composed largely of iron, surrounded by a thick, flowing mantle, topped by a thin layer of crust.
Golf balls can be swallowed by some of the larger breeds, and they all contain a poisonous liquid core.
Earth's churning liquid core casts a magnetic field across the planet's surface.
This unique characteristic of the liquid fiber cores reduces fluctuations in the spectral bandwidth of the supercontinuum light source and makes liquid core fibers a more stable alternative to the known broadband light sources based on optical fibers made from special glasses.
Rich chocolate flavor with a gooey liquid core.
In a purely liquid core, the light elements would be evenly distributed throughout the liquid, so there would be no compositional convection.
To explain the shadow zone, scientists reasoned that Earth's presumed liquid core deflected P - waves from their expected trajectories, so they wouldn't be recorded at all seismographic stations.
Earth's solid and liquid cores together generate the magnetic field that keeps the solar wind — a nonstop, 250 - mile - per - second stream of charged particles emitted by the sun — from stripping away our atmosphere.
Without an active liquid core, the moon has no mountain building, no volcanoes, and no magnetic field
Magma produced below the Moon's crossover depth would sink to the Moon's center and form the Moon's small liquid core that was discovered in 2011.72 That core has not had time to cool and solidify.
But it may not make much sense to compare the cost of trading a highly - liquid core ETF tracking a broad - based index like the S&P 500, to a more niche ETF that is exposed to emerging markets and has far less liquidity.
By then the Earth's molten interior had begun to settle into its current layer cake form: a dense, solid inner core surrounded by an outer liquid core — both rich in iron and metals such as gold, platinum, ruthenium and others that tend to form alloys with iron.
Are a fortuitous primordial collision and a moon also necessary, along with a churning liquid core?
In a paper published in 1936, she argued that the anomalous P - waves must have been deflected from some denser structure within the liquid core, sending them on trajectories into the shadow zones.
Analysis of earthquake - triggered seismic waves passing through the Earth, tells us the thickness of the solid and liquid cores, and even how the pressure in the Earth increases with depth.
«The contrast between the solid mantle and the liquid core is greater than the contrast between the ground and the air.
However these waves do not provide information on temperature, which has an important influence on the movement of material within the liquid core and the solid mantle above.
Further study could help geologists understand the turbulent motion of the earth's liquid core, which generates the magnetic field and may initiate its flips.
The solid exterior of the moon rotates as it's tugged along its orbit, but a liquid core, if present, would resist rotation.
In a study published today in Nature, they claim that huge plumes of hot rock are floating upward from the earth's liquid core, profoundly influencing what happens on the surface.
Motion of the earth's liquid core, the so - called geodynamo, generates its magnetic field.
«Also, the magnetic field of the Earth is generated by flow in the liquid core, so the findings of Rowley and co-authors are likely to have implications for our understanding of the existence, character and amplitude of the Earth's magnetic field and its evolution through geological time,» Braun added.
The different types of basalt, says Zellner, confirm suspicions that Vesta, now frozen solid, must once have had a structure much like Earth's, with a crust, mantle, and liquid core.
Researchers at the Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors Equilibre (IRPHE, CNRS / Aix Marseille Université / Centrale Marseille) and the University of Leeds have proposed a new model suggesting that turbulence in the liquid cores is due to tides produced by gravitational interactions between celestial bodies.
Veritable shields against high - energy particles, planets» magnetic fields are produced by iron moving in their liquid core.
Scientists agree that magnetic fields form and remain due to iron flowing in the liquid core.
If the seismic results hold up, he adds, they would be by far the strongest evidence yet for a liquid core.
Garcia and colleagues found a liquid core with a radius of 365 kilometers.
«Broadband light sources with liquid core: Scientists generate supercontinuum light source using liquid core optical fibers and reveal a new type of soliton dynamics.»
«If you could infer the moon had a liquid core in the past, you could infer that it still has a core today — a core doesn't really go anywhere,» he says.
«You might not be able to constrain whether it's liquid or solid, but there are other studies that suggest that the moon presently may have a liquid core
And the researchers say that the rediscovered Russian reflector is particularly useful for studying the moon's liquid core and testing ideas about gravity.
20 Recent evidence suggests that when the solar system formed 4.5 billion years ago, comets had liquid cores.
Much of the mystery surrounding the Earth's dynamics (its magnetic field, plate tecnonics) lies in the nature of the convective patterns within the Earth's liquid core, and in particular in the region called the «Tangent Cylinder».
Based on observations (there are roughly 50 independent observations that support the assertion) plate tectonics is driven by liquid CH4 that is extruded from the liquid core of the planet as it solidifies.
That assertion is consistent with the analysis of wave velocity which shows there must be light elements in the liquid core (roughly 5 %, the liquid is roughly the size of the moon) and theoretical analysis for the liquid core that shows CH4 can «dissolve» in the liquid core and would be extruded when a portion of liquid core solidifies.
The forced movement of the super high - pressure liquid CH4 from the liquid core and drop out of the organic metals at specific pressures explains why there is heavy metal concentration in the crust of in some cases a million times more than the mantel.
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