Sentences with phrase «liquid form allows»

Also, buying in liquid form allows you to split doses easily and get an accurate measurement of how much you are taking.
And for many of my professional athlete clients with hectic schedules, consuming their produce in liquid form allows them to get the amount they need per day.

Not exact matches

In fact, it is their special type of fiber that allows the seeds to form a bead of gel on their exterior when exposed to liquid.
It would allow those who are 21 and older to have up to 1 ounce of marijuana, 16 ounces of marijuana - infused products in solids, 72 ounces in liquid form, 7 grams of concentrate and up to six immature plants.
They also have to be at the right distance from this small cool star to allow water to be in liquid form.
If a future orbiter could collect some material from a plume, that would allow us to sample the seas without the difficult task of landing and drilling into the ice, says Phillips: «If there are life forms, they would be in the liquid layer.
In the early 1980s, Dubochet succeeded in vitrifying water — he cooled water so rapidly that it solidified in its liquid form around a biological sample, allowing the biomolecules to retain their natural shape even in a vacuum.
The shape of the omniphobic toadstools makes it possible for even that weak surface tension to hold a droplet together, allowing liquids like pentane to form a sphere without collapsing, Cohen told New Scientist.
Based on humankind's admittedly limited experience, habitability seems to mean a small world — a terrestrial planet rather than a gas giant like Jupiter or Saturn — orbiting its star at a comfortable «Goldilocks» distance that allows water to persist in liquid form.
This approach allows shapes to be imprinted onto parallel flowing streams of liquid monomers — chemical building blocks that can form longer chains called polymers.
The students had worked with 3 - D printers and thought they could be the key to producing a better bioreactor, one that would fit over commonly used 12 - well laboratory plates and spin the liquid and cells inside at just the right speed to allow the cells to form brains.
Allow to sit for 5 to 10 minutes to allow the chia seeds to absorb some of the liquid and form aAllow to sit for 5 to 10 minutes to allow the chia seeds to absorb some of the liquid and form aallow the chia seeds to absorb some of the liquid and form a gel.
Keep in fridge for 15 minutes to allow the chia seed to expand, soften and absorb the liquid to form a pudding - like consistency.
Savings accounts are the most liquid form of investment allowing you to withdraw your cash at any time.
The liquid geologic processes that formed the quartz vein at Seixo Branco are replicated in the single drip of paint precisely poured and allowed to run across the surface of the canvas.
Sears sold a cast - iron machine called the Wizard, which builders used to make their own hollow - core forms by pouring a liquid mixture into the mold, allowing it to dry, slipping them out, and making more.
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