Sentences with phrase «liquid form at»

Relationship between decadal variations in temperatures in the Pacific and the tropopause identified From the HELMHOLTZ CENTRE FOR OCEAN RESEARCH KIEL (GEOMAR) Water plays a major role for our planet not only in its liquid form at the surface.
You can also supplement your pooch's diet with fish oil, which are readily available in capsule or liquid form at pet stores.
Under fractional reserve banking, commercial banks only hold a limited amount of their total funds in a liquid form at any given time.
This keeps the water in liquid form at a slightly higher temperature than normal which improves the speed at which the heat transfer through the food occurs via water molecules.
This coconut oil from Majestic is the first on our list that remains in liquid form at all temperatures.
Room temperature at my house is in the upper 70s in September, and coconut butter is in liquid form at this temperature.
Under fractional reserve banking, commercial banks only hold a limited amount of their total funds in a liquid form at any given time.

Not exact matches

The liquid oxygen tank is probably the hardest piece of this whole vehicle because it's got ta handle propellant at the coldest level, and the tanks themselves actually form the airframe.
Although there are potentially many different definitions of market liquidity, in its simplest form we think of a liquid market as one in which trades can be executed with some immediacy at low transaction costs.
A fine spray of medicine in liquid form then shoots out the front of the Biojector 2000 at 520 miles per hour.
It is desirable that super funds don't hold all their assets in highly liquid form for the fear that all of its members may withdraw their funds all at once, just as banks don't put all their assets in liquid form for the fear that a bank run might occur.
Accepted at monetary exchanges, coin dealers, and banks around the world, the bullion we offer is among the most liquid forms of precious metal on earth.
This gives Canadian banks stability and liquid funds at a lower cost, meaning the savings are passed down to borrowers in the form of lower rates.
At present 5,900 tons of high - level waste (HLW) in the form of spent fuel assemblies are sitting in pools next to operating reactors, together with 75 million gallons of radioactive liquid waste, plus 27 million cubic feet of trans - uranic waste (TRU).
Therefore I had to increase the baking time to 1 hr (at 375 F) with a little liquid in the baking form.
At this point put them and the water into a liquidizer until a runny liquid forms.
Mix well adding a little more liquid at a time until you have formed a ball of dough.
Coconut Oil has a melting point at 76 °F and may ship to you in solid or liquid form.
Unlike other meals and food options that at least have a certain thickness and texture to them, soup comes in the form of liquid, which means the people who eat it probably wont get to experience that satisfying chewing process that other foods require.
Because FoodSwing's single, 225,000 - square - foot processing facility based in Cambridge, Md., can package fresh fruits and vegetables in liquid form, at harvest time the seconds and thirds of produce such as potatoes, tomatoes, garlic and onions are processed into harvest soups or sauces, packaged aseptically and sent to the food banks, where they can be used for months.
Gradually add the liquid to form a stiff dough, stirring with a spoon at first, and then working together with your hands.
If you're using the meringue without the xanthan gum, please be prepared that liquid may form at the bottom of the pie after taking your first slice.
Let the tomatoes cook until most of the liquid has evaporated and bubbles form at the edges of the tomato paste mixture.
I'm not much of a drinker at all, and whiskey in particular I find totally unpalatable in liquid form.
If the sourdough starter separates and liquid starts to form at the top of the starter, pour out the liquid and some of the starter and continue feeding it.
At a minimum, all you need to make bread pudding is some form of day - old bread (of course), eggs, sweetener of your choice, and a liquid for soaking the bread, typically, milk or cream.
Supercooled water droplets in a cloud can remain liquid at temperatures far below freezing, their surface tension preventing solid crystals from forming.
TRAPPIST - 1's planets are so wet that most of the water probably isn't even liquid, but ice formed under high pressure, says Cayman Unterborn, an exogeologist at Arizona State University in Tempe.
Deep eutectic solvents are made by mixing two compatible components together to form a resulting liquid product at room temperature.
They also have to be at the right distance from this small cool star to allow water to be in liquid form.
Government vs Brazilian Blowout The FDA sent a violation letter to GIB about Brazilian Blowout's Acai Professional Smoothing Solution in 2011 after it found methylene glycol, the liquid form of formaldehyde, in samples at concentrations ranging from 8.7 to 10.4 percent.
Otte: «In its current form the memory can operate only in very clean vacuum conditions and at liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K), so the actual storage of data on an atomic scale is still some way off.
Because the nickel particle that is causing the spinning is resting at the bottom of the liquid droplet that is a barrier, and the bacterial disk is rotating adjacent to the droplet surface, a stagnation zone forms.
«What we do know is that Hypatia was formed in a cold environment, probably at temperatures below that of liquid nitrogen on Earth -LRB--196 Celsius).
Now, a group of researchers has observed another strange property of water: a strikingly dense form that may confirm a theory that water has two liquid phases at low temperatures, in addition to the liquid phase that comes out of your kitchen tap.
At the point where this powerful jet strikes the bubble wall, it «fractures» the liquid, releasing energy in the form of light, says Andrea Prosperetti, an internationally respected expert on the mechanical properties of bubbles.
The twin Mars Exploration rovers have encountered minerals at two widely separated locations that could have formed only in the presence of liquid water.
In a new study published in Nature Catalysis, a team at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory reports a breakthrough in understanding the chemistry of the microscopically thin layer that forms at the interface between the liquid electrolyte and solid electrode.
It is widely accepted that the Earth's inner core formed about a billion years ago when a solid, super-hot iron nugget spontaneously began to crystallize inside a 4,200 - mile - wide ball of liquid metal at the planet's center.
To the investigators» surprise, strains that lacked a functional ArsS gene formed a thick biofilm - like ring on the growth flask at the liquid - air interface, and formed large clumps of bacteria in the liquid media, said Merrell.
Based on humankind's admittedly limited experience, habitability seems to mean a small world — a terrestrial planet rather than a gas giant like Jupiter or Saturn — orbiting its star at a comfortable «Goldilocks» distance that allows water to persist in liquid form.
In addition to ordinary water and water vapor, or steam, there are at least 17 forms of water ice, and two proposed forms of super-cooled liquid water.
In particular, Xi points to recent numerical simulations at Newcastle University where another superfluid, liquid helium, formed waves of turbulence as it flowed over the rough surface of a wire.
During the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) Meeting, Nov. 23 - 25, 2014, in San Francisco, Calif., Thomas Seon and Elisabeth Ghabache, researchers working for CNRS & UPMC at the Institute d' Alembert, in France, and their colleagues will describe the intricate roles of bubble shape, capillary waves, gravity and liquid properties in bubble - bursting jet dynamics, which form the prelude to aerosols — including unexpected results which should help pave the road to the control of bubble - bursting aerosols and may even find more novel applications such as the fine - tuning of aroma diffusion in champagne or wine.
As ice crystals form at a bubble's base, the change from liquid to solid releases heat.
Researchers spotted the signature of tetraneutrons at RIKEN in Wako, Japan, after firing a beam of neutron - rich helium nuclei (two protons, six neutrons) at a liquid composed of the most common form of helium (two protons, two neutrons).
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Researchers at the University of Arkansas have identified that water, when chilled to a very low temperature, transforms into a new form of liquid.
The students had worked with 3 - D printers and thought they could be the key to producing a better bioreactor, one that would fit over commonly used 12 - well laboratory plates and spin the liquid and cells inside at just the right speed to allow the cells to form brains.
Another separate study, detailed in the May 21 issue of the journal Nature, looked at the question of how liquid water might have formed on early Mars.
Paige Kelley, a postdoctoral researcher with a joint appointment at the University of Tennessee and the Department of Energy's (DOE's) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), is using neutrons to study specific crystal properties that could lead to the realization of a quantum spin liquid, a novel state of matter that may form the basis of future quantum computing technologies.
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