Sentences with phrase «liquid oceans on»

In our story on possible liquid oceans on Neptune's satellite Triton we...
Data collected by Cassini confirmed the existence of a sub-surface liquid ocean on Enceladus, one of Saturn's enigmatic moons.

Not exact matches

More amazingly, we now know that beneath the crust of Enceladus is a global ocean of liquid saltwater and organic molecules, all being heated by hydrothermal vents on the seafloor.
After 20 - 30 minutes, strain the «ocean veg» brew and allow the liquid to cool to lip temperature before stirring in the remaining ingredients and optional add - ons.
This heating ought to be weak, but some unknown process seems to be amplifying it, possibly enough to melt a deep ocean of liquid water on Enceladus, or maybe only enough to form smaller pools of water within the moon's icy shell.
Studies of hydrogen molecules in the Venusian atmosphere by NASA's Pioneer - Venus probe indicate that the planet once had liquid water on its surface, perhaps even expansive oceans.
They got back what look like surface reflections from lakes or oceans of liquid, like the glint of sun on a lake.
For life as we know it to develop on other planets, those planets would need liquid water, or oceans.
In this putative magma ocean, the mineral lightweights would have floated to the top of the liquid rock like milk foam on cappuccino.
Titan is the only Solar System moon thought to have liquid at its surface, although Lebreton says oceans may lie beneath crusts of ice on Jupiter's moons Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, and even on Saturn's small moon Enceladus.
Astronomers know very little for certain about Ceres, but based on indirect evidence, they speculate that it is a world of clay and ice, and possibly even has a subsurface ocean of liquid water, preserved from the very creation of the solar system.
And so it was, when I reported on January 21 that fish were found living in an isolated corner of the ocean beneath 740 meters of ice in Antarctica: People asked what this might mean for finding life on distant worlds such as Europa, a moon of Jupiter that very likely harbors an ocean of liquid water beneath a crust of ice.
We think it has a thick liquid water ocean which is thousands of time more voluminous than any water on Enceladus.
Either because there's flow through the subsurface between the seas or because the channels between them allow enough liquid to pass through, the oceans on Titan are all at the same elevation.
She was suggesting that Europa's ocean was not its only source of liquid water; the moon also harbored hidden lakes far closer to vital molecules on the surface, perhaps close enough to support miniature habitable ecosystems.
Liquid - like materials with particles in, known as dense suspensions, are found in the food industry (for example molten chocolate) and clay deposits on the bottom of oceans or rivers.
A microbe found on Earth has been shown to survive happily in conditions known to exist on Enceladus, which has a liquid water ocean beneath its icy crust.
Scheduled for launch in May, it will place a seismometer on the surface to probe the interior and perhaps find frozen remnants of that ancient ocean, or even liquid water.
Because the interiors of icy planetary bodies might also be salty, due to interactions between the ice and the surrounding rocks or a liquid ocean, lead author Livia Eleonora Bove of the CNRS & Université Pierre et Marie Curie in France and the Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne in Switzerland and the rest of the team studied the effects of salts on the formation of the ice X from ice VII.
Europa, with its underground ocean of liquid water, has risen to one of the top slots on the list of places to search for potential extraterrestrial life.
The key long - term stabilizing mechanism that keeps Earth's climate in the habitable range (allowing liquid water on its surface) is the carbon cycle: it is the journey of carbon through the atmosphere, the ocean, the rocks, and the volcanoes of our planet.
«We've discovered volcanic plumes at Io, a liquid ocean in Europa, seas and rain and rivers and volcanoes — like it came out of a geomorphic textbook on the Earth — on Titan,» he says.»
Nothing like it has been seen before beyond our own planet: large tides have been found on Saturn's moon Titan that point to a liquid ocean — most likely water — swirling around below the surface.
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (or MARPOL) calls for signatory nations to enforce bans on dumping oil and noxious liquids into the ocean from ships, but the disposal of hazardous substances, sewage, and plastics remains optional.
Thinking more broadly, it is possible to get a pure CO2 runaway on a planet with a liquid CO2 ocean or with massive CO2 glaciers.
«Over the past decade, we've partnered with NOAA scientists on projects ranging from ocean acidification, to measuring Arctic waves to collecting storm intensity data from the surface of the hurricane,» said Gary Gysin, President and CEO of Liquid Robotics.
The liquid ocean scientists are so interested in is likely a result of tidal forces working on the moon as it whips around Jupiter.
What Rhoden's team observed in their study was that during this process, several models predict that Charon's orbit around Pluto could have been highly eccentric, which would have caused severe tides on both celestial bodies, possibly leading to the formation of underground oceans of liquid water, similar to those that probably exist inside Europa.
If the craft were to crash on the surface of a cold moon like Enceladus, the RTGs could easily thaw a path through tens of kilometers of ice, and plop down into the liquid water ocean beneath, though this might take a long time.
If such findings were indeed to be uncovered on Charon, they would provide strong evidence for the existence of past liquid water oceans on the interior of the faraway frigid moon.
Among the probe's major discoveries were Titan's liquid methane seas and a global ocean on Saturn's moon Enceladus that showed evidence of hydrothermal activity.
A world with an iron core, rocky mantle and enough water on the surface to create liquid water oceans that could support life.
For the ocean to be liquid there must be substantial sources of heat — from tidal heating based on the shape of its orbits, or from heat emanating from radioactive decay and entering the ocean through hydrothermal vents.
i was searching for somthing easier than 16 pills everyday on top of that i am taking 2 omegas 1 chaga mushroom, and 1 vitamin D. I discovered the oceans alive marine phytoplankton, the bioavailability in liquid form is much easier, 10 drops daily in water.
The ocean, reflecting the color of the sky, looked like liquid iron, and waves rolled up steadily on the shore.
# 92: See the Ocean on Fire «Liquid Lightning» - that's how Backpacker Magazine's Editor in Chief, Dennis Lewon, describes his moonless night of kayaking off of Baja's Isla Carmen in the Sea of Cortez.
His books and monographs include Kalaupapa: A Portrait (1989), documenting the Leprosy Settlement on the island of Moloka`i; Through a Liquid Mirror (1998), and Other Oceans (2001), Akule (2010), Ili Na Ho'omanaa» o o Kalaupapa 2012, and Flowing 2014.
In Iruka (pigment and acrylic on birch panels with liquid polymer, 2013), for example, the artist manipulates the digital elements so that they take on a configuration and sense of organic power that is strikingly similar to the effect of the ocean waves in Hokusai's seminal print The Great Wave off Kanegawa from the series 36 Views of Mount Fuji.
This is why the deep ocean remains always liquid (any other liquid would turn to solid) and some say it is a necessary (although not sufficient) condition for the development of life on Earth.
«I am struck by the lack of fundamental breakthroughs required for an abundant, clean energy future, whether in electricity generation from wind, coal (IGCC), ocean thermal, ocean wave, ocean tide, solar, nuclear, or liquids from coal - to - liquids, gas - to - liquids, biofuels, bio-engineered fuels, and so on
Thinking more broadly, it is possible to get a pure CO2 runaway on a planet with a liquid CO2 ocean or with massive CO2 glaciers.
You state in the response to # 10, ``... There is no surprise that the CO2 in the atmosphere winds up partially in the oceans, nor that the amount of CO2 going into or coming out of the oceans varies in time and space — that's simple equilibrium chemistry between the liquid (that is, dissolved) and gaseous phases...» Are the buffers a part of simple equilibrium chemistry, and where can I go to read up on this and how it pertains to the Models.
I know that since Venus surface is extremely young, that it would unlikely one could find any evidence of a liquid ocean ever being on Venus.
Coby, if the earth is warming as a result of increased periodic solar activity (or some other more complex reason) as suggested by the long term cycles mentioned above measured before man was on earth or industrialized, is it posssible that the observed increases in CO2 in the atmosphere are simply coming from warmer oceans, since liquids can not hold as much gas at a higher temperature than they can at lower temperature?
The author speculates that since it is liquid the outer core is also affected by gravitational tidal forces, in a similar manner to the oceans, but also it can be assumed that the magnetic field generating would act as a brake on its movement.
Even if ALL the OCEAN ICE around the POLAR REGIONS does «melt», the newly warmed sub-artic regions, verdant with streams and rivers, will take up much of the release to increase the proportion of FRESH LIQUID water available on a now EXTENDED verdant land surface.
Considering that the reason the oceans remain liquid is because they are sitting on top of hot rock (no, it wasn't at absolute zero — that's a GHE fairytale!)
The main difference between H2O and CO2 (apart from the numerical differences of their specific physical properites such as degree of freedom, thermal capacity, physical mass, etc) in terms of their effects on the atmosphere is that water is capable of condensing into liquid to form clouds and readily and rapidly moves between surface and atmosphere, daily, seasonally, annually and on even greater time scales, but CO2 does not liquify in the biosphere and transfers over mostly long time periods between surface (primarily oceans, seas, etc) and the atmosphere.
Hence, the apparent absence of liquid CO2 at ocean floors is worthy of consideration and statements such as «C02 — which is gaseous at any pressure and temperature to be found on Earth» should not be uncontested,.
Recently, rising temperatures have caused much of the frozen water on the planet's glaciers to melt and join the ocean as liquid.
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