Sentences with phrase «liquid to gas»

Braden explains this would result in a phase transition, a change similar to how water changes from liquid to gas at its boiling point — only for the entire universe.
Or i could point out that the big bang is the biggest joke ever told... That even the top physicists can't figure out how their own theory could work, not to mention the fact that for it to work they would need for the Universe to break the fundamental laws we understand as true since the beginning i.e. (No matter in the Universe can be created nor destroyed, you can only change it's state (solid to liquid, liquid to gas etc.).
At some point, to extend an earlier metaphor, we may see a phase change — just as water goes from liquid to gas at the boiling point, this explosion of new niche audiences may create a political environment that is so changed that it's clearly a new structure.
Anything that melts or defrosts is showing a change of state, from solid to liquid, and steam from the kettle is liquid to gas and freezing is liquid to solid!
Using a mathematical model known as the Ising model, invented to describe phase transitions in statistical physics, such as how a substance changes from liquid to gas, the Johns Hopkins researchers calculated the probability distribution of methylation along the genome in several different human cell types, including normal and cancerous colon, lung and liver cells, as well as brain, skin, blood and embryonic stem cells.
It's like a shift from a liquid to a gas.
When water evaporates, it changes from a liquid to a gas.
In many ways you can liken it to a phase transition from a liquid to a gas — a dramatic change but one that occurs with only a small increase in temperature.
The boiling point of a substance is the temperature at which it can change its state from a liquid to a gas throughout the bulk of the liquid.
As lava rises from the depths toward the surface, volatiles dissolved within it change phase from liquid to gas, expanding in the process.
Other, more familiar substances change states (from solids to liquids to gases) when we change the temperature, such as freezing water into ice or boiling it away into steam.
The study of the chemical and physical processes that occur in the interface between two phases of matter, such as solid to liquid or liquid to gas.
Any change of state from a liquid to a gas is considered vaporization.
At higher water temperatures in the enclosed shower stall, freechlorine moves from the liquid to the gas state, where it vaporizes and subsequently is inhaled.
Also referred to as «volatile aromatic compounds» (meaning they quickly change state from a liquid to a gas), EOs are highly concentrated molecules that give a plant its aroma and protect it from insects and harsh environmental conditions.
Fuel, like water, has a dramatic (for this blog lets guesstimate it at about a 1000/1) ratio of volume / pressure increase when changed from liquid to gas.
Once this mixture of fuel droplets, and air is inside the cylinder, and a spark occurs do the air molecules gain kinetic energy, then collide into the atomised fuel, and the individual fuel molecules break apart thus turning fuel from a liquid to a gas (vaporisation), then those fuel molecules combines with the air molecule, then combustion occurs?
A large portion of the solar heat at the heat Equator is used for evaporation, changing the water from liquid to gas (water vapor).
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