Sentences with phrase «liquid water cloud»

MacFarlane, S.F., K.F. Evans, and A.S. Ackerman, 2002: A Bayesian algorithm for the retrieval of liquid water cloud properties from microwave radiometer and millimeter radar data.
Alexandrov, M.D., B. Cairns, A.P. Wasilewski, A.S. Ackerman, M.J. McGill, J.E. Yorks, J.E. Hlavka, S.E. Platnick, G.T. Arnold, B. van Diedenhoven, J. Chowdhary, M. Ottaviani, and K.D. Knobelspiesse, 2015: Liquid water cloud properties during the Polarimeter Definition Experiment (PODEX).

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The kids then use pipettes to drip liquid water color onto the clouds until it eventually works it's way through and begins to «rain» on the underside in fabulous rainbow - y swirls.
Supercooled water droplets in a cloud can remain liquid at temperatures far below freezing, their surface tension preventing solid crystals from forming.
Newly formed ice crystals fall earthward, and the energy released in their transition from liquid to solid evaporates nearby water drops, leaving a hole in the cloud.
Glories occur at a point in the sky opposite the sun when light scatters off tiny liquid particles, usually water in our clouds, refracting into rings.
The extremely low temperatures and rapid freezing were crucial to forming cubic ice, Wyslouzil said: «Since liquid water drops in high - altitude clouds are typically supercooled, there is a good chance for cubic ice to form there.»
Yet despite being 62 degrees below the freezing point of water, the cloud droplets remain stubbornly liquid.
The holes form because the clouds are supercooled, meaning their water is liquid despite being below 0 °C.
These particular clouds were only made up of liquid water and the size of those drops is a key part of cloud formation and mixing.
«When carbon dioxide concentrations and temperatures rise, then mixed - phase clouds will increase their liquid water content,» said Ivy Tan, a PhD candidate at Yale University who led the research, which investigated common clouds that contain both ice and water.
Methane on Titan plays the role of water on Earth, complete with liquid surface reservoirs, clouds and rain — a full - fledged methalogical cycle.
«Probability density function,» a statistical representation of the likelihood of something occurring at any point in time, was used to examine cloud properties, including vertical motion, liquid and ice water content, and the conditions of cloud particle growth, including how ice crystals grow at the expense of liquid droplets.
Because air motions in these clouds are driven primarily by processes tied to the presence of liquid, when water droplets competing for water vapor lose to ice crystals, an ensuing chain of events drives the cloud toward collapse.
Del Genio, A.D., and A.B. Wolf, 2000: The temperature dependence of the liquid water path of low clouds in the southern great plains.
Greenwald, T.J., G.L. Stephens, S.A. Christopher, and T.H.V. Haar, 1995: Observations of the global characteristics and regional radiative effects of marine cloud liquid water.
This cycle includes water beneath the Earth's surface and in rocks (lithosphere), the water in plants and animals (biosphere), the water covering the surface of the planet in liquid and solid forms, and the water in the atmosphere in the form of water vapor, clouds, and precipitation.
This orbits places the planet near the inner edge of its host star's habitable zone, where liquid water could exist in liquid form under favorable conditions such as an albedo of 0.52 with an orbital eccentricity of 0.11 and more than 52 percent cloud cover under a sufficiently dense atmosphere of water, carbon dioxide, and molecular nitrogen like Earth's (ESO science release; Pepe et al, 2011; and Kaltenegger et al, 2011 — more below).
Four and a half billion years after its birth, the shrouded planet is much too hot to support the presence of liquid water on its surface because of its dense carbon dioxide atmosphere and sulfuric acid clouds, which retain too much radiative heat from the Sun through a runaway greenhouse effect.
When the relative humidity reaches 100 %, the water vapor condenses into liquid water droplets and the clouds begin to form.
The cloud whales have the ability to absorb different liquids or small objects, such as water, oil, or nuts, which can then be dropped or shot at objects.
For instance, it's only recently that separate diagnostics for cloud liquid water and cloud ice have become available.
Similarly, we have not been able to tell how much of the aerosol is capable of interacting with liquid or ice clouds (which depends on the different aerosols» affinity for water), and that impacts our assessment of the aerosol indirect effect.
But the more general statement that I used, «increasing the endurance of cloud liquid water», does not always translate into longer cloud lifetimes, particularly in the widespread areas of nearly overcast marine stratocumulus which dominate considerable areas of the globe.
[9] The fundamental dispute is about water in the atmosphere, either in the form of water vapour (a gas) or clouds (water in liquid form).
It all depends on how much, and a t what altitudes, latitudes and times of day that water is in the form of a gas (vapour) or a liquid (clouds).
The heat from this radiative forcing then goes back down, through the atmospheric CO2 and water vapor, through the clouds, and down to the surface where it has sex with liquid water.
While there are some similarities between the approaches, an important difference is that the slab - ocean approach allows surface and MBL temperatures to adjust to the energetic perturbation: positive energetic forcing of the surface leads to warming, weakens the inversion, and reduces low - cloud cover and liquid water path (LWP).
Less well appreciated is that clouds (made of ice particles and / or liquid water droplets) also absorb infrared radiation and contribute to the greenhouse effect, too.
I am fairly certain that the variable is «cloud liquid water» not «cloud water content», but I would need to see your output to be sure of what you are accessing.
The globe is indeed a water world and water is not featured in the climate models, either in vapour form in clouds nor in liquid form through the movement of currents.
@PMD: water is not featured in the climate models, either in vapour form in clouds nor in liquid form through the movement of currents
Within the gray volume, there is cloud liquid water, simulated with the PyCLES code developed by Kyle Pressel et al..
Modelling assumptions controlling the cloud water phase (liquid, ice or mixed) are known to be critical for the prediction of climate sensitivity.
It originates in clouds when temperatures are below the freezing point (0 degrees Celsius, or 32 degrees Fahrenheit), when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses directly into ice without going through the liquid stage.
The main difference between H2O and CO2 (apart from the numerical differences of their specific physical properites such as degree of freedom, thermal capacity, physical mass, etc) in terms of their effects on the atmosphere is that water is capable of condensing into liquid to form clouds and readily and rapidly moves between surface and atmosphere, daily, seasonally, annually and on even greater time scales, but CO2 does not liquify in the biosphere and transfers over mostly long time periods between surface (primarily oceans, seas, etc) and the atmosphere.
These include the vertical motions of clouds, all the radiative - energy - transport characterizations of the non-vaporous (gaseous) phases of water in the clouds, the vertical locations of the cloud tops, the distributions of the non-vaporous phases of water within the clouds, and all aspects of precipitation of liquid - and solid - phase water from the clouds.
The 12 - and 11 - µm ΔBT helps to distinguish between high, thick clouds and high, thin clouds by delineating cloud phase (ice or liquid water) and cloud particle size (small or large).
The evolution of clouds that follows the formation of liquid cloud droplets or ice crystals depends on which phase of water occurs.
In such a cloud, the growth of a liquid water droplet to a raindrop begins with condensation, as additional water vapour condenses in a supersaturated atmosphere.
The temperature lapse rate of the troposphere g / (Cp + Ch) is related to the gravitation (g = 9.81 m / s ²) and to the heating Ch of the top of the air by condensation of water vapor and by absorption of the solar infrared by water vapor and by liquid water (if any in clouds...).
The changes in liquid water content (related to the cloud optical depth) and the high - cloud feedback.
The amount of liquid water in air is always very small, typically around 0.1 % of mass inside a cloud.
As a liquid water forms clouds, which send solar radiation back into space during the day and hold heat in at night.
Precipitation is the general term for rainfall, snowfall and other forms of frozen or liquid water falling from clouds.
Czekala, H., S. Crewell, C. Simmer, and A. Thiele, 2001: Discrimination of cloud and rain liquid water path by groundbased polarized microwave radiometry.
As a result of changes in rainfall production, the amount of liquid water in the cloud may be modified, changing the amount of energy available for release as latent heat during freezing (Rosenfeld et al. 2008); these changes may potentially lead to significant alterations in storm vorticity strength (Tinsley et al. 2012).
Han, Q., W.B. Rossow, J. Zeng, and R. Welch, 2002: Three different behaviors of liquid water path of water clouds in aerosol - cloud interactions.
J.R.N. designed the study, provided ERBS, CERES, and ISCCP data, did the main analysis, and wrote the paper; R.J.A. provided standard model cloud output for CMIP5 simulations and analysed CMIP5 meteorological output; A.T.E. provided corrected PATMOS - x data; M.D.Z. provided CMIP5 COSP cloud output; C.W.O. provided MAC - LWP liquid water path data; and S.A.K. provided background information and ideas.
Once in the atmosphere, water vapor can be transported horizontally and vertically by the three - dimensional circulation of the atmosphere and may condense to form liquid water or ice crystals in clouds.
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